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- Armor Games
The TavernAll topics and conversation without a proper category welcome13149
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Support ForumNeed help with the site? Want to help others with problems? Post here.13385
News and FeedbackNews and discussions on existing and future site features.1853
- Gaming
GamesDicussion about any and all types of games.21923
QuestsDiscuss earning Quests on the site.Does Armorgames intend to make new quests, discontinue old quests, or emulate the games with quests?328
Forum GamesPlay forum games with other Armor Games users!7919
Game WalkthroughsGaming master? Write up a game tutorial and teach others your secrets.2907
- The Courtyard
WEPRWorld Events, Politics, and Religion. Only topics related to world events, politics and religion (things going on in the real world) are welcome here. Forum rules still apply -- keep debates friendly and clean!5040
Popular MediaMovies, Music, and Art. Share your opinions on popular media here!5832
- The Forge
Programming ForumDiscuss anything related to programming.1915
Art, Music, and WritingPost your original Art, Music, and Writing here. No obscene material allowed.3308