ForumsGame WalkthroughsSFH Medals...

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Ok, so there is the walkthrough for Strike force heros, but what I want to know is how does one go about gaining the the medals? I have beaten all the other stuff, but not the medals...

  • 2 Replies
199 posts

If you Have Completed The Campaign and All challenges then you should already have "The End?" and "Strike Force Hero" Medals. The next Four you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out either . For "Maxed" you must get a character to level fifty as it says. For the "Guns and Ammo" Medal purchase all the main or primary weapons for one of your characters. For "Streaking" buy all of the kill streaks for any one character. For "Skilled" buy all the skills for any one of your characters. For the medal "Human Plug" go on to the "Cavern" map and go to the Bottom-Middle of the map . There you will find some water sspewing into the air. Crouch right on top of it for a few second then the little medal will pop up in the right corner of the screen. For the Medal "Embarrassing" you must go on to the "Foundry" map. To get the medal you must die by falling lava with your Kill streak activated , this one can take a while to get right . For the medal "WaterWings" you must be on the map "Village" . Then you have to go to the bottom of the map infront of the billboard and Crouch under the water until you die from the water. For the medal "Detective" you must go on the Campaign mission "Siege Under" . At the start of the mission when you get dropped of the helicopter , instead of going left and going down the shoot go right. You will come to a big black wall. Crouch then walk through it while crouching . You then fall into a room . In there you will get the medal. (: Hope this helped.

98 posts

This has, thank you very much indeed!

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