ForumsSupport Forum[Necro] Links redirecting to shock site

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15,595 posts

Going to Freakenstein's page and page 70 in Tacky's thread in the AMW is redirecting me to a shock site. I asked several people and it's happening to them as well. On Firefox it prevents you from being redirected, but if you're using other browsers they may not prevent it.

What's going on?

  • 87 Replies
4,170 posts

People are you fking listening? Problem is solved! Just disable your comments and than enable it again!!

They come back. >.>

Its not Pissums or whatever. It's drunkonluck4.

Possum was banned for tampering with his Armatar, I think. In other words, his account is gone. He obviously (Well, if Moon is right) changed his IP and made a new account.
66 posts

Toemas u do have to press update profile when u choose disable and enable...

3,087 posts

just hit stop after it completely loads but before it redirects.

13,657 posts

Hmm, let me rewrite...
@Clausse: It does not seem like it would logically work, since the redirect is linked to a comment. If the comment is there, then the redirect will as well. If you delete the comment, you don't have to disable/enable your comments to update the cache, you just have to go press update in your control panel.
Also, kindly do shut up about the "This is easily fixed" thing, it doesn't matter considering this is an ongoing problem with morons, not the site.

For the topic of "little kids will be scarred for life!": Little kids should not be on AG without adult supervision, if at all, anyway. Kindly also shut up.

As for the rest of this topic: It would have been a good idea, if it hadn't been pornography. It could have highlighted issues with the site and the html, and it could have made the staff aware of the site's needs and why it is a good idea to communicate with the users. Instead, it has become this, and the staff most likely will see no reason to communicate with a user group so immature, that they had to abuse a new feature...

1,649 posts

As for the rest of this topic: It would have been a good idea, if it hadn't been pornography. It could have highlighted issues with the site and the html, and it could have made the staff aware of the site's needs and why it is a good idea to communicate with the users. Instead, it has become this, and the staff most likely will see no reason to communicate with a user group so immature, that they had to abuse a new feature...

Sorry, what?
15,595 posts

It isn't "users". It's a user, and it's one we all love to hate.

Probably since this was poorly executed. He could've done so much more damage with some planning.
He obviously (Well, if Moon is right) changed his IP and made a new account.

Not the first time.
Sorry, what?

I think he meant the redirect would've been better if it took you to a place where it showed all the issues of the site. Basically sum up all the complaining and ideas in that tavern thread.
4,170 posts

Not the first time.

How could he have returned to AG after an IP ban without changing his IP?

As for the rest of this topic: It would have been a good idea, if it hadn't been pornography. It could have highlighted issues with the site and the html, and it could have made the staff aware of the site's needs and why it is a good idea to communicate with the users.

I think he meant the redirect would've been better if it took you to a place where it showed all the issues of the site. Basically sum up all the complaining and ideas in that tavern thread.

*Sneaks away; begins to scheme*

Lol, just kidding of course.
15,595 posts

How could he have returned to AG after an IP ban without changing his IP?

Proxies. He's had several accounts on here since his original account was banned.
4,170 posts

Proxies. He's had several accounts on here since his original account was banned.

Oh, duh. I gotcha now. I'm not too familiar with proxies, which is something I suppose I should get to know.
787 posts

As for the rest of this topic: It would have been a good idea, if it hadn't been pornography. It could have highlighted issues with the site and the html, and it could have made the staff aware of the site's needs and why it is a good idea to communicate with the users. Instead, it has become this, and the staff most likely will see no reason to communicate with a user group so immature, that they had to abuse a new feature...

A great chance wasted. If this did become enough of a problem, then HTML could be affected. More likely, what you said will likely be the consequence.
3,386 posts

I don't see why it would be that drunken dude's account or whatever... The people with the shock redirect were pretty much all people from CT and such. But whateves. As long as it's gone, I don't care.

1,356 posts

It is not gone. Go to John's profile.

15,595 posts

I don't see why it would be that drunken dude's account or whatever...

Because he posted blank messages on several profiles and it would redirect to the shock site.
13,657 posts

Sorry, what?

If the redirect had none directly and horribly broken the TaC, but instead redirected to something annoying, but harmless, we could have used the problem with the redirect to highlight some of the decisions, or lack of decisions, the staff has made.
If it had gone to a RickRoll or Friday or something else, it would not have been a serious offense as such, and we could have made an email to the staff going "You see what can happen when you don't think things through? Would you guys please cancel your next rock climbing session and come listen?" and then would go "lol, oops." and possibly actually have found a way to make an open debate.
With the porn-direct, we can still make that comment, but there will also be people going "OMG PORN!!" and "THIS RUINS MY KID!!" and "I WILL SUE YOUR BUTTS!!" on their emails, and they will be busy trying to apologise and find a new halfbutted solution like the captcha, and their response to our comment would probably sound like this: "If this is your way to demonstrate, we might as well remove any ability to do so." which could go horribly, with the removal of the community or any ability to communicate with each other.
Worst case scenario, anyway.

Either way, if this had been annoying, but benign, we could have made a point of it.
Now it's malicious, and we have no proper way to make this an example or a foundation for improving.
1,649 posts


Thanks for explaining that. Thaboss agrees, it could have turned out better.

And really, the only solution thaboss can see for all the problems of AG is AG3 coming out. Sure, it may seem like thaboss is hoping for a 'God Cure,' something that sounds amazing when described, but fails in practice. But. It could definitely help.

Perhaps the staff has realized that releasing AG3 is the only way to fix things, and instead of devoting their time to a lost cause, they have put all their efforts into getting AG3 done as soon as possible. Unfortunately, they lose either way, and a lot of the userbase, especially old users who remember how much better it was, leave.

Oh well.

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