The title is to be changed indefinitely. Or when I think of something creative.
So, I've decided, well, I didn't really decide, it was more of a suggestion from Moon, but, nevertheless. Er, what was I talking about again?
Oh, right! This idiot took a suggestion from someone to make a thread in the AMW forum! Wait a second. Didn't I kind of suggest this in my Pickle thread? So... I'm taking my own advice? Well, I sound cocky now. Good job me.
I'll add some garbage that happened to spew out of my stomach when I get the chance. Be sure to visit frequently!
Umm... I think this an update. I'm not sure on what you mean.
Anyway, here is the, er, "update."
Haiku 1 My marvelous steed He is who helps do good deeds He shall make me free
Haiku 2 Traverse the desert Absorb the flames coming from The great evil train
Haiku 3 Lost in wilderness Soft mist penetrates my skin Over hydrated
Haiku Cuatro Tengo más hambre Yo voy a morir pronto Te termino hoy
Actually, haiku 4, as told in Spanish, would translate nearly to a perfect English haiku if not for the 2nd line, which only has 6 syllabus. My Spanish isn't amazing, so I don't think I could change it to make it work in both languages.
Haiku 5 Trapped under the Blanket of water; Oh god! Tell my wife I'm dead
Lol, haiku 5 was more of a joke than anything.
So, what do you think? Those were just some I could scrounge together.
I hate laptops. Apparently enter is a synonym with post on this thing. Please excuse any furter errors in spelling or general forum fails because this thing is truly a piece of garbage.
Haiku Security's death Bandana bearing evil Malevolent thief
Nubby haiku This is a haiku This line is in the middle This haiku is joke
Food haiku I like Doritos I really enjoy waffles My favorite foods!
For some reason I'm just in a silly mood. Meant to be laughed at.
This one intrests me the most. It's almost like a riddle. Is there a title to it? I'd really like to figure out what it's about.
I don't really have a title, yet I'll hint it has something to do with miss-communication.
I have more hunger I need to die quick I end now
Pretty close, but not quite.
Line 1 is correct. Line 2 would be, "I am going to die soon," because Subject + Ir + Infinitive = going to infinitive, and pronto basically means now or soon. Line 3 is tricky. It can only be translated into Spain's Spanish, not Central America's Spanish. Te means to you, termino means I finish, and hoy means today. This would be "we kill us today." It's kind of rough, but that's as best I can translate that line. About a thousand different rules come into play when dealing with it.
Fractals aren't bad and I'm sure you totally did all the numbery stuff yourself and didn't just manipulate a bunch of parameters in apo or whatever program you're using (what program is that, actually? It looks nice), amirite? :P anyway the fractals are nice, and I'd like to see some more of those. As far as the haikus go... the brevity of the haiku is supposed to be an advantage, not a disadvantage. You seem to have a basic understanding of how to use the format to create meaning and further impact the reader, but it ends up falling short and turning into ambiguity rather than poignance. As far as the most recent poem goes, it needs more punctuation. And by more, I mean any. Us readers have no idea how you want us to read your poem if it's like that--and when you're just using quatrains with end-stop line breaks, you want to guide us a little bit. The balance of the quatrain and the lack of interest in the line breaks themselves makes it pretty much impossible to get a truly disjointed feel out of omitting punctuation. I can't really comment on anything else about the poem now because I don't know how I'm supposed to read it, so I'll get back to you I guess