11,891 posts
Posted July 26, '12 9:40pm UTC
- Where is the Project Proteus letterhead? - We don't have any, sir. - Well, then, what are the project managers doing? - We don't have any of those either, sir. - Are we working on Project Eris now? Who is in charge? - No, sir. You are, sir. - Oh, uh, well, we'd better get something started. - Yes, sir. - We'll need that letterhead. - I'll get right on it, sir. - No, we'll have the Project Proteus team do it. - Very unorthodox first project, sir. - Are you questioning my methods? - No, sir, not at all. - The header will be 670 px x 150 px. - Taking notes, sir. - GantiCorp cannot appear in any Project Proteus material. - May I ask why not, sir? - It'll be clear later. Moving on. - Yes, sir. - It must contain the words Project Proteus. Got that? - Yes, sir. Is that all? - Anyone may have their hand in this. - And the project deadline, sir? - Friday, August 17th. - Got it, sir. - Have potential project managers submit their reports by the end of August. - Okay, sir. - In a two page memo using the letterhead they choose. - Two page memo, letterhead of choice. Got it down, sir. - With clear reasons why the chose that over others. - Is that all, sir? - Yes, send out the memo. - On what and to whom, sir? - ... - Sir? - Stop calling me Sir!