ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Community Novel Project (anyone's welcome!)

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3,517 posts

Welcome ladies and gentleman, to the first annual community art project. You may be asking, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING GANTIC'S BEEN MAKING TONS OF PROJECTS LATELY.

You are right, but here's the thing. The projects here involve individual work. Here, is teamwork and teamwork only.

Our goal: To make a community novel requiring loads of helping hands.

Here are the jobs you can choose from

-Writer- This job requires you to write at least one chapter at a time for the book. You may choose this and another job from the list below.
-Illustrator- Drawing some scenes related to the chapter. They must be GOOD. Show us some of your work before signing up for this one.
-Plot Directors- These people will be the main people who plot out the main events in the story. Everyone will be able to suggest, but these people will have the last say and will contact the writers with their ideas.
-Specialist- This person will be the creator for any miscellaneous items needed in the story. Ex1: There's a band story, you write the songs. Ex2: Two pen pals write letters. You write the letters. Note: You may not get as much jobs as you want, maybe even none, so you may choose this, Writer, and another job
-Editor- Reads over the chapters for spelling and grammar, makes minor changes for misunderstandings.


1. Writer's write one chapter at a time. You must state when you are writing. Simply say which chapter you call so nobody ends up writing it too.
2. Writer's may not write until the plot directors have a clear plot for you. You may make only minor changes and add anything you like, but stick the bare plot points.
3. Illustrators can either write black and white or color. Each drawing will be approved by a majority vote by every participant
4. Read the whole story before starting a new chapter. This is not a random make a story thread. It's a serious project

That's all.

So, let's start off by asking for who will participate and maybe get some suggestions for the beginning of our book.

  • 140 Replies
3,517 posts

Okay, so this is what I got. What do you think:

In the land of ______ is Castle _______(whatever it'll be called), home to some of the best warriors in all of _______. Each warrior is superior in its ranks.

So, that's just the introduction. What I was thinking was that each person in this castle is a warrior who fights for the land. Each rank will represent what kind of crime you take care of (Surf: Bounty Hunting. King: Dragon Slaying). Do you guys like this idea? I think it would be a great start to great plot.

Speaking of plot, once we have this whole setting thing down, we get down to characters and plot.

3,517 posts

I'd like to be a Specialist!
Yes, that's right up my allyway!!

Thanks Murasaki! Would you like to be a writer too? :3
4,220 posts

Oreo, this is just a way to start getting the people going, yo

I know, but somebody needs to ask the questions so we get some thoroughly thought through ideas. All group things need a devil's advocate, if only for the sake of generating other ideas that are potentially better.

Do you guys like this idea?

No. Too static. I think it would be best to create a character with their own profession, rather than just using ranks to determine it.

home to some of the best warriors in all of _______.

How about a big city? I mean, great warriors are only great in comparison to lesser warriors and peasants.

In my personal opinion, I think a setup similar to feudal Europe (obviously not Europe though, lol) would be a great place to start.
3,517 posts

No. Too static. I think it would be best to create a character with their own profession, rather than just using ranks to determine it.

Okay then. That actually does sound better.

How about a big city? I mean, great warriors are only great in comparison to lesser warriors and peasants.

Sounds good. The greatest warriors are somewhat richer, so they can live here? Right?

Maybe they moved into the castle from the big city.

Or the castle can BE the big city. Wealthier people reside from here, as well as King/Queen of the hold.

Can I join in on this endeavor? I'm horrible at pretty much everything, so wherever you put me I can do some damage.

Your choice. You choose.
1,434 posts

I just need a cemented setting and I'll put together a 1k opening for us to work with. I'll take care of our opening character.


4,220 posts

I'll take care of our opening character.

How about we discuss that first, hmm?
3,386 posts

^ @ Oreo. If you were to write it, anyways, you'd have to have all of the other writers approval.

A setting....

We could be an extremely advanced medieval thingie, and we are moving to space! Like space being the AG3 frontier, ya know?

3,371 posts

We could be an extremely advanced medieval thingie, and we are moving to space! Like space being the AG3 frontier, ya know?

So you mean like advanced people and technology, but with a feudalism style government? And maybe the reason we're moving could be because of certain problems on earth (glitches in the forum).
3,517 posts

So you mean like advanced people and technology, but with a feudalism style government? And maybe the reason we're moving could be because of certain problems on earth (glitches in the forum).

Seems like a very big, and, unrealistic jump from medieval to space. Space? How about everyone moves to a different country or island. The glitches in the forums can be dragon attacks, economic or governmental issues.

As for a main character, I'm thinking a low class pheasant in the village. Plot directors/Chillz, do you think we can work with that or do we need to further discuss it?
4,220 posts

Like space being the AG3 frontier, ya know?

Space? Space is cool, I like space.

I'm thinking a low class pheasant in the village

A bird for our main character? That is strange, I must say.

So you mean like advanced people and technology, but with a feudalism style government?

That would be awesome, not going to lie. Space is never explored enough around here, and would be a refreshing break from the norm.
3,386 posts

Well Acmed, this whole thing with fantasy is unrealistic, lol.

I vote further discussion, because I'd like to have a Game of Thrones approach to this, where in the beginning you start out with multiple characters in their own settings, and then it all comes together. That could then suffice for any main character, such as a low class peasant, to a soldier, to a prince. *shrug*

3,517 posts

A bird for our main character? That is strange, I must say.


Well Acmed, this whole thing with fantasy is unrealistic, lol.

I guess you're right. But we do need a clean movement from village to space. They're not going to have rocket ships in their low technology?

I vote further discussion, because I'd like to have a Game of Thrones approach to this, where in the beginning you start out with multiple characters in their own settings, and then it all comes together. That could then suffice for any main character, such as a low class peasant, to a soldier, to a prince. *shrug*

We could do that. They all relate to eachother some how. I think that's a great start to the beginning.

Let's drop the space thing for right now and focus mainly on the beginning. Do we have the setting down for the castle/village?
1,434 posts

Let's drop the space thing for right now and focus mainly on the beginning. Do we have the setting down for the castle/village?

It's a Medieval city with a big 'ol castle right in the middle (think the Forbidden City). We'll call it... something. I'm thinking "Axehelm".

3,517 posts

I'm thinking "Axehelm"

Axehelm. That's sounds great! We're not gonna fuss too much about the names of the cities. I like this one.

How about that big old castle in the middle: Castle Greenrich (or Greenrich by itself). Catchy and medieval enough I guess.

I like the idea of having many characters join together in the story. So, can a plot director give us an idea of who will be the main characters? Peasants? Kings? Farmers?
4,220 posts

Castle Greenrich (or Greenrich by itself). Catchy and medieval enough I guess.


No. This is the kind of castle with a bunch of bamf warriors in it, right? Let's call it Valholl (old norse for Valhalla)! All they'll end up being is a lot of dead men walking, after all.
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