As always, there are a few rules that needs to be followed for proper judging, viewing and general fairness.
Competition Rules - All major parts of the entry must be original material, unless otherwise stated. Heavy references, sources and other visible influences should be credited as per normal forum courtesy. - Submissions must follow the current theme to be judged, and must be drawn for that theme specifically. You cannot submit something you drew prior to the theme being announced - Please do not post entries larger than 670 pixels in width. If your art is larger, post a thumbnail and link to the larger version. - Artists cannot win in subsequent rounds, but are allowed to enter said rounds. - Entries can be drawn in any medium available.
let Killersup see if he can't sketch somthing up really fast.
Wow! Killersup, you sketched that up really fast! I'm very proud that you could create that treasure chest with such little time. What are Cen's Painties? Continue inspiring!
This was a hard one to judge... I loved all of your designs this round, so don't think otherwise!
Salvidian The coloring is interesting, but I'm not entirely sure what the image is supposed to be of! I'd actually like it better if that text wasn't there, but I guess it wouldn't really make sense without it! I like your design but unfortunately I don't see how it fits the theme if you were to eliminate the text!
kegaumongo I love the detail! My only complaint is that there's so much text in the image... I would have liked it better, and it may very well have been the winner, had it been free of actual words. Scribbles in place of words would not have been as funny as it is now, but it would have given the piece a more artistic feel!
Bronze This image is fairly simplistic and cartoonish, but it does a great job getting the message across! The thick black marking covering the suit was kind of distracting, but my main issue with this piece was, like Sal's, that it wouldn't make sense without the text... as humorous as it is, if you have to explain your design using words within the image, the artwork doesn't speak for itself!
thepunisher93 Lol, I think one question mark would have gotten the point across just fine... the 3D effect is alright but the rest of the image is a bit plain. The color scheme isn't very interesting and there's way too much empty space... at least an inch on both the top and on the bottom could be cropped off, and it's not centered. It's really just a couple boxes and 5 different colors, if you count black... very basic design.
killersup10 Considering that you drew this and uploaded it in 36 minutes, it isn't that bad... however, it's full of text! If I were to remove all the words in there, as funny as they are, it would just be a poorly drawn treasure chest.
And now, the winner...
Hectichermit You were the ONLY contestant this round who did not use text in some form, and you captured the idea amazingly without it! I thought the dark hooded figure captured the essence of the theme the best out of any of the entries this round... my one and only problem with it was that it looked like a hand had been colored in the lower middle area of the robe, but maybe I'm just seeing more than I should!
The new theme shall be Paranoia and the deadline will be Friday, October 19. Salvidian will be the judge this round.
Congratulations to Hectichermit, and great job to the rest of y'all too!
my one and only problem with it was that it looked like a hand had been colored in the lower middle area of the robe, but maybe I'm just seeing more than I should!
that is a hand its suppose to be beckoning the viewer closer, and I digitally painted the hooded figure out including the hand then i edited the other things in there and applied applied some effects in gimp to get the grainy/misty texture.
I'm officially devastated now that I know I could've had a chance of winning if I hadn't written anything xD I decided to add his name because I thought people couldn't guess who he was.
I need some clarification. Cenere said on the OP that the entries must be drawn for the theme specifically and we can't submit something we drew prior to the theme being announced. Hectichermit said he made a few changes to an old drawing. My question is: am I allowed to submit something I previously drew if I make some changes to it?
Cenere said on the OP that the entries must be drawn for the theme specifically and we can't submit something we drew prior to the theme being announced. Hectichermit said he made a few changes to an old drawing. My question is: am I allowed to submit something I previously drew if I make some changes to it?
We only have about 4 or 5 regulars to the ASC, as compared to when it was originally posted. We're willing to bend a rule or two for some more possible participants. As long as it's something that can be accomplished within the 1-2 week time period, it's acceptable. Of course, if you send in something that would take months to do, we aren't going to allow it. Besides, it's easy to submit something and say you recently made it even if you made it years ago; we would never know. By now, we're aware of your art skill and can tell if it's something extremely elaborate.