As always, there are a few rules that needs to be followed for proper judging, viewing and general fairness.
Competition Rules - All major parts of the entry must be original material, unless otherwise stated. Heavy references, sources and other visible influences should be credited as per normal forum courtesy. - Submissions must follow the current theme to be judged, and must be drawn for that theme specifically. You cannot submit something you drew prior to the theme being announced - Please do not post entries larger than 670 pixels in width. If your art is larger, post a thumbnail and link to the larger version. - Artists cannot win in subsequent rounds, but are allowed to enter said rounds. - Entries can be drawn in any medium available.
Thoad, I changed the thread title but I don't know what day you want the deadline to be. You may have mentioned something about a regular day but it might help if you specified the date regardless.
Thoad, I changed the thread title but I don't know what day you want the deadline to be. You may have mentioned something about a regular day but it might help if you specified the date regardless.
Oh, sure. I planned for the regular date to be every Tuesday, so the date would be March 12th for the next one.
I'll be stuck at home all day tomorrow and I should probably be able to get around to doing something. I'm also confident that you can count on a submission this time around. :P
Well, four entries have certainly been had! So here goes the judgy mudging:
A Winrar is You! hectic was the only one who I think really captured the idea of a lost civilization. It's a crumbling castle with overgrowing plains, which is about as lost civilization as you can get. The only thing I would have done to make it better would be to have vines and such inside the cobbles of the castle, but otherwise it looks pretty fine and dandy.
Running Up Even though I'm not super keen on fanart, you did a good job with the bleeding (likely due to the high humidity of a beach) letters and the beach itself. The keyblade is a little awkward in the sand, but I think it works pretty well anyway. The reason why this didn't get first was because it didn't really give me thoughts on any lost civilization- I'd reckon it's because I haven't played any of the Kingdom Hearts games.
Simplicity Award This almost beat hectic, if but the castle isn't near crumbly enough or devastated enough to be considered a lost part of a civilization. Even so, it has a certain charm of simplicity that only basic shapes can provide.
Sin City I have a weak point for cityscapes, because they make my brain and heart get all thumpy and flustered. Sadly though, the theme was a Lost kingdom, and less an already found kingdom. Even so, charming as always.
The new theme!
I like fire. A lot. Some people would tell me that I'm immature because of it, others would associate with me and say "Yeah, I like fire a lot too". Even more, people would call me a lunatic with the amount of myself I see in the dancing flames and would tell me that I need to see a mental doctor as soon as was physically possible. I set those people on fire.
So the new theme will be water. Just kidding, it's fire. Just kidding again! It's both. You can do either Fire, Water, or if you want BONUS points when judging comes around, Fire & Water.
I think I'll give this two weeks, but if I have the minimum 4 entries by the end of next Tuesday, I'll do the judging then. Happy Tuesday everyone, let's see some good stuff!
The reason why this didn't get first was because it didn't really give me thoughts on any lost civilization- I'd reckon it's because I haven't played any of the Kingdom Hearts games.
Well, I suppose that my post is sort of a pun "Lost Kingdoms",Kingdom Hearts", "Lost Kingdom Hearts". I'm hoping my reference to Roanoke Colony wasn't lost.
His men could not find any trace of the 90 men, 17 women, and 11 children, nor was there any sign of a struggle or battle.[3]:130â"33 The only clue was the word "Croatoan" carved into a post of the fort and "Cro" carved into a nearby tree. All the houses and fortifications had been dismantled, which meant their departure had not been hurried.
They are still not exactly sure what has happened to the colony to this day. I suppose, on top of that, the colony will never become what it could have been if it prospered and in a sense a forever lost kingdom.
However, since I don't really have a solid idea how Sora fits in (it started as the pun with no real deeper meaning). Maybe he visits the colony in some alternate-fan-fiction universe, in which he becomes lost with the colonists, leaving only his keyblade and the wood with the words Croatoan on them. The keyblade is supposed to look muddy and rusty, as if it has been there for sometime.