Alright, I had a thread here, which I didn't maintain because school and other things like sports stole all my inspiration to write. But, I'm back again! With more poems! I'm gonna post them here, and I'd like constructive feedback on them. Be warned, most of my poems are emotional (and somewhat) depressing, and offer an insight to my mind when I am at my worst.
Thanks for listening to that little tirade above, and let us begin!
Choo Choo by ~zakyman
Writing Words Communication Talking Issues Magazine Sports Winning Olympics Gold Valuable Expensive Money Green Paint Messy Chili Winter Skiing Wipeout Surfing USA Patriotic
What happens when you go on the thought train?
This one I wrote when I was trying to just stream-of-consciousness write. Any thoughts? More to be uploaded tomorrow.
and this kids, is why we should be more careful before posting online. before all the comments start flowing in, yes, i know that this is in the wrong section. i am getting it moved asap.