ForumsGame WalkthroughsLegend of the Void 2

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The sequel finally arrived! Write here what you think about this game, for example if it's better than the first.
I'll write something about this new chapter:
you wake up in the cave where you killed Gazzen, but your friend Rogan isn't with you. You are found by Alyss, an explorer, and start the battle against darkness. The Void ritual was completed and now demons can go to Calderia where they kill humans. So you will fight both humans and demons. The final battle takes place in th Void
There's a new scenery: the Void. Yes, you enter it several times.
A new interesting thing: teleports! You can go in each part of the map you visited where there's another teleport.
Now you can explore the entire Calderia.
There are new attacks and a very important change: you van use an ancient tome in battle. There are four tomes in the game.
During the adventure you find other people who will fight with you; you have to fight Rogan too. Defeat him and he will follow you.
New enemies: Witches (who use dark magical attacks), Behemoths (giants with a big life and powerful attacks), Plague Beasts (do you remember them? Now they are bigger and stronger), Demons (they are VERY powerful and can use swords, staffs and bows), Oculusses (you can understand what they are, right?) and Hexopi (they are strange insects who, depending on their type, can freeze, burn, stun or poison you)
There's a particular area: the Endless Forest. You know it has no end: you will find tonnes of enemies and new weapons, but if you don't want to continue, just travel south and you will come back to the start.
PREMIUM CONTENT: NOT NECESSARY TO FINISH THE GAME! Buying it you can do a paricular quest, but it's not necessary to complete the game
Demonic Invasion: you can have it by purchasing the premium content. I didn't do so, and I can't know how it is, but I believe you use demons instead of humans, so you can unleash your fury.
Items are divided in: normal, magic, rare and legendary. Obviously legendary items are the best.
You can start the game with one of these: Warrior, Mage and Rogue. Rogues can use both daggers and bows.
I think this chapter is much better than the first, for the graphics, durability, new enemies, attacks and the introduction of tomes. But i didn't like the new graphic of the fireball: in the first chapter it was a real ball made of fire, with flames around it. Now it's a simple red - orange ball. Anyway, this chapter is fantastic!

  • 3 Replies
767 posts

Ghostofelements, there is another thread right next to this one.

99 posts

I know, but I didn't see it before I made this one

572 posts
Nomad's still next to it after a day

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