Hi Guys! I'm Tass. I'm sure many of you already know who I am. A few months ago I started working for Armor. One of my duties is acquiring new games for the site.
If you know of any flash games that are not currently on Armor that you think would be a good fit for the site, please list them in this thread along with a link to the game on another site (preferably Kongregate, if it's there).
They can be "standard" flash games, like the thousands we have. Or they can be MMOs, like you've started to see on the site in the past few months.
Not sure how that probably work but, Maybe adding the other submachine games, it's stop on the 5th here and I think there are lot more like the last surely be the 10th or 11th, it can be a great addition in my opinion !
It's a great Escape series ^.^. Maybe adding more escape games too, and some quest into it, it was really cool to play like the don't escape ones, or deep sleep series theses ones having quest ^^ !
Thanks by advance Hahaha I've haste to play them here !
Hey @BalkanRenegades Thanks for the list! MiniClip games aren't going to be ones that we'll be able to get onto Armor... very complicated stuff there, unfortunately.
In positive news, we do have:
Engage: http:/play/12145/engage
Demonrift TD: http:/play/12440/demonrift-td
on Armor already!
Probably won't be able to get the other 2 at this time. Cheers!
How about Hex Empire? They recently created a second game on steam but there is still a cool flash one at http://www.kongregate.com/games/uunxx/hex-empire
I dont exactly want a new game on the site, but what i realy would like is a new page among the other pages on the home page of armorgames, clicking this page would show you all the newest games added to the site, sorted by date, because right now, theres only room for like 8 or 10 games on the front page or so, once more come, the old ones vanish and become only findable trough the search bar. I personaly have missed quite alot of released games and would like to catch up and see if i missed anything i would enjoy trying out, this page i think would be nice since theres no numbers like here bellow where you can scroll trough the pages, i just wish there was something like that for new games, kinda like a tag for tower defence, platformer, zombies, etc.