ForumsNews and FeedbackWhat Games Do You Want To See On ArmorGames?

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859 posts

Hi Guys! I'm Tass. I'm sure many of you already know who I am. A few months ago I started working for Armor. One of my duties is acquiring new games for the site.

If you know of any flash games that are not currently on Armor that you think would be a good fit for the site, please list them in this thread along with a link to the game on another site (preferably Kongregate, if it's there).

They can be "standard" flash games, like the thousands we have. Or they can be MMOs, like you've started to see on the site in the past few months.



  • 661 Replies
62 posts

Definately StickFigure Badminton And StickFigure Badminton 2

578 posts

So, this is going to be sorta off topic, but I used to play 'Platform Racing 2' on here, by Jiggmin? Yet for the last months it's done nothing but stay on a black screen once your past the loading screen.

Oh! And can we get Platform Racing 3 from Jiggmin, too?

And the reason I ask about PR2 is because it works fine on Kongregate.

14,745 posts

I was wondering... I'm currently trashing my touch phone with playing the game "Major Mayhem" for android phone games, but is this game by AdultSwimGames also available in Flash Games?

Because if it is, I'd REALLY like to see it uploaded/hosted here on ArmorGames as it is an awesome shooting game to play for hours and hours!! =D

I googled a bit and it's NOT this game called Major Mayhem, but another one I'm talking about...

For comparison, the android phone game can be found here @ the Google PlayStore
(I'm not advertising for this game, but simlpy offering the link to compare it...)

1 posts

Earn to die please

48 posts

Here's a game I'd played in the past, but never beaten. This time, I finally did. It's pretty fun, so I'd like to recommend it.

Dragon Runner

The only bad/glitchy thing about the game is that, at the end, the text is a bit weirdly worded and such...And it says you're rescuing a princess in the description, but you never see her. I even went to the Site that seems to have designed the game, and its description is the same. Bizarre.

So, there it is.
God bless,

14,745 posts

Why does it seem as if I'm currently the only one posting in this thread?! (o.O)

Come on people! There's a TON of games out there that are great and should be hosted here on ArmorGames!! =D

Here's my latest request... there's a new game out called "Trafficator 2" and the first version was never uploaded here! Why? Let us have the fun of playing the first version too! =)

48 posts

Got another one...

Ninja Quest

Pretty solid game.

Rescue Mission

This game is alright. Not astounding, but not bad, either.
God bless,

14,745 posts

I gave "Rescue Mision" a try and thought it had potential, but it needs some tweaking for uploading here... there's only 1 option for controls (keyboard + mouse) which is a little thin and this will surely have impact on the game's rating!
Plus... there's a bug tht prevented me from shooting at all! I tried to shoot the enemies, but it wouldn't budge, so I ended up running acrosse the first playing field which looked decent!

I liked the basic fighting game "Ninja Quest" a lot! It is kept pretty simple and has a smooth running game engine, which made fighting very enjoyable without any hickups! The fact that the game screen goes to high at times, which makes it impossible for you to see the ground enemies is something I take for granted... it shouldn't keep me from playing it!

Same problem with the ground going 'off-screen', occured when I was playing The Primitive, but that game was also decent enough to have uploaded here! ArcadeBomb has some good stuff!

48 posts

I gave "Rescue Mision" a try and thought it had potential, but it needs some tweaking for uploading here... there's only 1 option for controls (keyboard + mouse) which is a little thin and this will surely have impact on the game's rating!

I was under the impression that a lot of games here only had one option for controls...I could be wrong, though. :-)
Plus... there's a bug tht prevented me from shooting at all! I tried to shoot the enemies, but it wouldn't budge, so I ended up running acrosse the first playing field which looked decent!

Ouch. :-/ I can't remember if I've run into that or not...That's a pretty major bug. Sorry it happened to you.
I liked the basic fighting game "Ninja Quest" a lot! It is kept pretty simple and has a smooth running game engine, which made fighting very enjoyable without any hickups! The fact that the game screen goes to high at times, which makes it impossible for you to see the ground enemies is something I take for granted... it shouldn't keep me from playing it!

Yes, that gave me trouble, as well.
Same problem with the ground going 'off-screen', occured when I was playing The Primitive, but that game was also decent enough to have uploaded here! ArcadeBomb has some good stuff!

Indeed, they do. "The Savior", a game I mentioned earlier in this topic, was also from there. :-)

I'll hopefully have some more games to suggest here soon.
God bless,
3,426 posts

-MMO: League of Legends

Yeah, because AG can link up to the most popular gaming company currently out, especially since it's a MOBA not a mmo.

I was wondering if you can add a Yu-Gi-Oh MMO. That will really popular here since there are many fans of that game!

Considering the only good one doesn't have the same engines to run on AG, no. And it would be filled with people who grab random cards and not know how to duel, cause Dueling Network also has no instructions.
1 posts


14,745 posts

I was under the impression that a lot of games here only had one option for controls...I could be wrong, though. :-)

True, a lot of games have only one option for controls and a lot of them that are shooting games that need updating in that as it is more difficult to play this game when using a laptop without a mouse...

Ouch. :-/ I can't remember if I've run into that or not...That's a pretty major bug. Sorry it happened to you.

You're not the person who developed it, so there's no need for you to go apologising for it! It's the developer's task to have a look at it, or Tass won't even try to get it on here, right Tass? =)

"Ninja Quest", "The Primitive", "The Savior" : Yes, that gave me trouble, as well.

Maybe the developer never gave it any thought when making his games and when he made the first one (which ever one that was), then simply copied the engine and basic templates, and subsequently changed some artwork, et voila... he had a new game! With the already exsisting flaws in them all... =/


Yu-Gi-Oh MMO : Considering the only good one doesn't have the same engines to run on AG, no. And it would be filled with people who grab random cards and not know how to duel, cause Dueling Network also has no instructions.

You know, people could learn how to play a card trading game, same as they do with all the other flash games out there?! And if there are no clear instructions on how to duel, the AG users can make a thread about it and become self-thought! Have a little faith in the community!



You should actually suggest certain named games here yoseph01, not simply a genre of Flash Games... try thinking of a particular strategy game you like that hasn't been uploaded to ArmorGames yet and suggest that! =)
3,087 posts

The Helicopter game

also,are any of the heli attack games here, if so which ones.

572 posts

i wanna see some more survival games, etc. what i dont want to see are the 10000000000 of &quotokemon" games at MMO

14,745 posts

@ Jacen96 : There are actually quite a few helicopter shooting games on ArmorGames already! Here's a short list of the best ones:


Helistorm 2


Sky Chopper


Hope you like them! Enjoy!

@ kevin8ye : If it exsists and they can get it on here, the one I suggested - Major Mayhem - is a great shooter/survival game! I really hope they can find/get that one! =D

Showing 61-75 of 661