So, some of you might remember that I animated a while ago. Well, I'm into it again, and now have purchased flash.
DeviantArt Gallery I post pretty much all of my finished animations on Deviant Art
As you can tell, right now I am still working with stickmen. They are easy and a fun hobby. I have done some fullbody tests, but they weren't very much (walk cycles, run cycles, etc.), so I didn't post them on Deviant Art. I am planning on making some semi-bodied stuff and some full-bodies stuff in the future. For now enjoy
I will update this thread when I make new animations.
How much is flash? sounds like a cool program... :L
The newer versions of Flash are somewhere around $600. I have flash 8, but I'm not sure if it is still sold.
Would love to see ya do a lip sync can even do stickmen if you want :P
I have a feeling you would like this. The guy who made it took the voices from a Whitest Kids You Know skit, and then animated to it. I've wanted to do something like this for a while now. It's really funny.
Hey Jdogg, not sure if you remember me... but do you remember the pivot thread you had a while back. I think somewhere around 10 people made a thread like that after you.
Regardless, nice to see you've moved to something that is more professional. (My old pivots look so bad now...)
Also, I think that if you study animation at school you can get flash for about $300 (Not sure exact price). That's how a friend of mine got it but prices are obviously different in the U.S.
Loving the animations though! At the moment my favourite one is definitely the rebellion tryout. Was really entertaining. I'd never think I'd be so entertained by stick figures fighting.
I honestly couldn't tell you. My dad is a software and website designer so that's how I got it.
Hey Jdogg, not sure if you remember me... but do you remember the pivot thread you had a while back. I think somewhere around 10 people made a thread like that after you.
Awf course I 'member u!
Regardless, nice to see you've moved to something that is more professional. (My old pivots look so bad now...)
Also, I think that if you study animation at school you can get flash for about $300 (Not sure exact price). That's how a friend of mine got it but prices are obviously different in the U.S.
I'm pretty sure this is true. You can get student discounts.
Loving the animations though! At the moment my favourite one is definitely the rebellion tryout. Was really entertaining. I'd never think I'd be so entertained by stick figures fighting.
Thanks! I'm working on a big project right now. I'll show you a screenshot soon.
The basic jist of it is this: Death and War (Two of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse) are coming down to kill everyone. They are going to successfully kill people until 2 super soldiers come (They will have epic weapons of epicosity), and I think I will leave it as a cliffhanger. Dunno though, if it's too short by the time I get to the super soldiers I will just make them fight the Horsemen.
Two new anims, was messing around with weird weapons. I really like this one. I might continue someday This one was a spoof on Chinese yoyos. Except I used nunchuks for handles and a weird double dagger thing for the yoyo. This one isn't the best, but it was fun to make.
And, a short preview of my project, APOC
Also, since my weapons collection didn't appear last time, I'll repost it: WARNING: GIANT IMAGE
I think this is really good! I saw the stick people and thought it was going to be terrible. I was wrong, I actually think they are really cool. I think that you have a lot of potential (I am not a professional so I do not want to say you could make it when, I am not sure)