ForumsForum GamesOne Word Story!

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57 posts

A couple months ago, I made this same thread, but stupidly didn't make any rules for it except that you had to each use one word and make a story. If you look in the past, you'll see that the story got a bit out of hand. It still was a forum success though, and I'll try to bring it back.
Okay here are the rules.
1. Each person can only submit 1 word at a time.
2. If you get Ninja'd, and there are two posts or more, go off the first post.
3. No swearing or inappropiate words. I can't tell you how much I got of those last time.
4. Try not to post twice in a row

  • 1,934 Replies
6,737 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkruterdelikatessenfrhstckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin

8,231 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkruterdelikatessenfrhstckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw

71 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkruterdelikatessenfrhstckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds

5,291 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkruterdelikatessenfrhstckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and

8,231 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkruterdelikatessenfrhstckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper

147 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkruterdelikatessenfrhstckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums

8,231 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkruterdelikatessenfrhstckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so

17,384 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik

5,291 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik On-fire

147 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik On-fire, ran

8,231 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik On-fire ran away.

whoops, bolded the wrong thing.

147 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik On-fire ran away. Then,

1,088 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik On-fire ran away. Then, Liir

8,231 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik On-fire ran away. Then, Liir donned

147 posts

Murlocs devoured a flash game inside his tower. Farts let him cover the tower outside the city Fortorhore. After finding potatoes and carrots, he jumped fabulously out, crying, "Save my precious girlfriend Sarah!" So the choking guy made pizza pie with no arms. Help that would only act as a distraction for his archnemisis, the great Merlin Smith. Who was fat and ate cats with ketchup. Soon police arrived and licked crack off the octopus toe that mutated. Finally God allowed blk2890 to kidnap combustible kittens. Panda decided that red303 was insanely splattered on his head and that preserved his AWESOMENESS for future life. King Koala destroyed cabbage monster saving princess toadstool, which revolutionized technology by creating mushrooms that could empower computers. The dogs mauled John's grandfathers hotdog hatefully with amusing crowns stupidly allowed pooping. He sucked popsicles made out of great sugars. Napoleon danced to war-torn France, who dramatically increased fatness among outrageous Munchkins which causes a war of England versus aliens which stupidly died. Later, the loyal died due to deadness of many stupid orcs. Although he was totally unaware, he ate my favorite, fuzzy, pink beanbag alive. Unfortunately, my nose has A.D.D., causing it to combust. "Sasquadjakl!" the strange, five-eyed sasquatch exclaimed. It had fierce bazooka arms, crusty from Martian goo from the orcs from epic "Snowball thrower". Frozen poo flingers from the land of Ice and fire. With great power and size he destroyed the evil raccoon, thus preserving its rutabaga stockpile completely. George the Curious arrived in 73.5 hours of an edit in the post, wishing he brought spontaneous sidekicks that consumed many purple Skittles. Crocodiles fear to snort giant flying apples after springing souls free from inside its inner chamber. After eating his omelet, Zenophinizianalopo decided that blk2860 was mad, so he threw him down the sewer. Meanwhile, Freakenstein was massaging a porcupine sneezing ginormous blobs of paint. During the night, a hideous tree dweller sneaked inside Canterbury's famous pie supreme factory to eat Monkeys made entirely of infected souls. The next morning, Hindenburg decided Ferret was dead. Afterwards, from cancer, Hideous Harry questioned divine wisdom because he witnessed someone stealing holy water and Greece. Definitively, eggs murdered King Derpington, when lots of painful flowers bought derps many octopi. If raving could achieve saddening, then trolling would become outlawed. So ladybugs became the next Volkswagens, driving into mysterious weather and out from Mars craters. If ever unfortunate circumstances became impossibly macabre, spikeabc could kill himself. Invisible creatures prefer fondue instead of expensive chicken wings. Murlocs devoured a flash game outside her not corporeal zucchini. Farts extinguish terrifying flames that killed numerous innocent chinchillas but couldn't defeat Henry. Ominous theaters smell like rutabaga trees and apples, so they decided on magenta colored pancakes to defend peace destruction. Dummy! Now, Beelzebub Ignatius horrifyingly calculated reasonable ideas for finding the answer to the secret of poop MCBoogerBalls that couldn't enjoy the Turkish meatballs or destroy another slimy Taliban toenail ever. Broccoli sometimes melts obsidian rodents down. Then David awoke to discover toilets watching babies destroying potato eating wizards in pink beer panties. Blinded, Gregory strangled a puppy inside a barrel of cyanide, and Princess Leia smelled porcupines that needed to vomit out electronic eels who forced llamas into slavery because Eric is a boss. Aerobics shot the last Airbender into dead space and destroyed their only Xbox because sasquatch made cookies that glistened as they were removed from the damp catacombs. Now, if the time comes to destroy Texas, we must launch strawberries or tangelos to save Nelly. Unfortunately, we squashed our General. Fortunately, there existed a new toilet that worshiped my cousin which whispered profanities about priests' cousins' goldfishes. However, Albert preferred having hot Princess Air spaceships to transport monkeys wearing plastic clothing and insanely bright squashed bananas to strawberry your polka-dot covered pajamas to masticate algae sandwiches. Last Thursday, Geronimo Braginskaya sneezed giant marbles into funnels of polyester and blue bags of gold. However, the duke of Stormwind decided Spirit should cough up zirconium so Tupac, the gangsta monsters won asphalt trophies that combusted into slugabeds. Oddly, some Noob didn't Obey the Laws, so physics imploded The planet into Blackhole, but when Russia Died, nukes Destroyed its desserts and colorful deaths. Now, germs threw bombs into portable toilets that sing showtunes that penetrate phantoms. Rocks can survive rainbowitis without having seizures, but candles can fart without tacos because evil toast likes brains and Oberammergaueralpenkrauterdelikatessenfruhstuckskase. James the rhinoceros died instantly. Who knows that? I Bucky, the vampire Kim-jong-il, arose to find Minecraft players and miscellaneous swimwear with assorted colours vastly grotesque and shriveled. Spiders died in funny accidents , that killed Mr. Pibb, and took chickens away to hell. Inevitably, Obama coughed wasting tomatoes and feared that Romney would pay a substantial toffee something coming. Paper Mario invaded the world of shrooms that inflicted pain on clowns when they farted methane. Nobody noticed that I sharted corn onto Mississippi, because terrorists were munching on ravioli outside in Narnia. When violins make Spiderman jump, Mickey Mouse and Goofey the funny burrito murderously murdered SuperStarSilver with violence and sine because Minnie kicked George and suddenly he fell on the ground and backpedaled. Grum, the electronic disco pogo breaker, scrambled to worship Siddartha in jello while Gordon yelled "hey dude you make GTA laugh" so Spiderman punched a purple camel. AIDS smells funny, like your toilet when I use Mr Potato as a very high vegetable curry. La hamburguesa y perro caliente unfortunately didn't appreciate Super Karoshi, so if he found Jesus Christ licking baby unicorns underneath the toxic umbrella, Garfield would never eat lasagna again. Tacos lurk inconspicuously -BANZAI! Nobody loves Mercury because Fiat is too overweight to survive a nuclear bomb. The Big Kahuna ran around a yellow block of lies after billions of DEMENTED sunflowers stole trillions of bananas from Tel'Abim. Supernovas tend to absolutely destroy every sayajin in our garden! Supernovas are funny when Nosferatu decides stupendously to obliterate evil ****roaches, while SpammitySpamSpambobtheSpam deleted my awesome sock puppets. Inevitably they found sexy women and nachos lathered monstrously with extraordinary Chinese gooseberries doused with Gersberms and ice cubes that sang creepy tales about wood. Where the Funyuns once thrived, Shakespeare frolics gleefully among the meadows. Christmas imploded after the wrath of awesome Steve and China flooded with acid, while crazy girls ate little Pedobear. Despite further awesomeness, the king of Yugoslavia surrendered. Then icicles withheld evidence of living unicorn eating bacteria while Kensington, from Candyland climbed over cheesy, colorful corn plumbers plummeted into oblivion. Finally, Jericho took apart your fragile radiator so that the fat gorilla could dance headless, while stalking a eucatastrophical Terrorist. Cowboy pang lassoed Gumby bear traps while sombreros twirled pants-on-a-stick dripping with saliva. It made sucks appropriate for Lithuanian Latvians who enjoy fiestas of flying platypus snakes dazzlingly engulfing many Satans through invisible tornadoes. Mario began vomiting up chunky feces and stumbled onto a Peach vodka with mochi coins of destiny, dreams, rainbows, wassermelonen, and beer dragons that ended the apocalypse. Today Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mixed rice cakes with fiery blizzards after the apocalypse version of Romania. Meanwhile, Chestnut, the Duskbear had salaciously killed bikini-wearing penguins that crooned sadly then, suddenly, a purposeful cart of salty poker chips thundered towards an oblivious goldmine sandwich. Doctor Clocklol veered toward presidential suites while chewing on a rabbit sandwich. The cat barfed all over wflag10 while he ate noodles unsupremely. He was extremely unaware that the eggs were blue because someone decided that it smelled funny. Afterwards SectoidMedic raped a cheesecake and twenty penguins inside a Beethoven issued harpsichord. Meanwhile Dumbledore excreted blue iPhones that wanted female lamps from the abyss. When Richard the III boiled his son's tricentennial yellow soul into an explosive bathtub. He forgot that his arm was feeding from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Nobody knows 9/11 was actually a weird pelvis man that liked yoga because he devoured a person that frabjously danced in green propaganda while Fergus O'Hara stepped on Sebastian's ugly blue toe. George, the frail and forgetful, wanted his favorite pen because it reminded him of Slenderman. Once upon no man's land a tyrant wanted to fight Chuck because he died after church on the banks of the Mississippi River. Periods make America have doubts that lobsters rape censored words because they fidget around too compulsively at sundown on the roof. xXxDAPRO89xXx swallowed marbles of paint before King Kong destroyed communism quickly. Burritos escalated furiously again through some Canadian province. Never eat raspberries while the pope marinates his sheep flavored sheep in soy lecithin, because everyone knows Edgar Allan Potato is diabetic and will always fart kittens after arguing with a gorilla. When the moon hits your nose pragmatically, nobody cares. One deadly snake slapped my tiny snake with eight fried horses legs are very green and will probably feel angry about masticating when those spicy sheep eat a pie that had a rampant hemorrhage. xXxDAPRO89xXx was paddling through Clancy's moat when George threw a pineapple at Clancy's other moat. Then Gamer's Gate had a baby while pooping out cereal covered thighs into magnificent boiling can openers, but Clancy was taking his regular pooping session pleasurably. Suddenly Gerard was vibrating with tasty oranges that tasted like oranges. Chaz and rotating saw diluvialists eating a big hamburger spiked sandwich. Soon I found a thromdimbulator that spanked eighty explosive cats. So immediately Elmo runs upside-down under Clancy's Bed's vibrating mechanical sucked to make money because all hell was let loose. I couldn't wake up hearing the screams Beldemore screamed. Instead, I failed to quack my mouth into proverbs that ruptured a sack of gold. Instead, several pisces screeched at my brain to dissolve many well-furnished mansions while ugly martians disentavaporated my scrotum. Rigby killed everybody. Cats languished in feces. Chinese fruits WERE being squashed by ostentatious, raging walruses. Seashark001 died because StormWalker poisoned Evilsweetblock and a slightly wounded robot who baked MURDER cookies. China, oppressed, built furious beavers to annihilate Justin Bieber. Justin threw almonds and temper tantrums, so Erik On-fire ran away. Then, Liir donned a

Showing 1576-1590 of 1934