ForumsGame WalkthroughsThey took our candy tips XD

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Hi guys XD

Haloween is coming soon and as u can see for urself, the atmosphere in AG is changed greatly to fit the Haloween atmosphere- many ppl changed their Armatar into a Halloween pic XD (FYI, u can get ALL Halloween/ Seasonal Armatar at 1AP and 5AP, and if u think the Haloween Armatar is nice and wanna keep it forever- U MUST NOT CHANGE UR HALOWEEN PIC TO OTHERS COZ AG LL REMOVE THESE PICS AFTER HALLOWEEN.....)

Come back with the title topic, I have played the game They took our candy and i think this game made me feel the Haloween atmosphere more clear lah XD

So u should check it out this game also to experience the Haloween atmosphere out there XD

For those who have played it, I ll give ya some tips about this game:

1. Use the 4 Ninja Formation, bcoz they r the only ones who can spread their atk and this thing is very very useful in this game. Moreover, their skill is Flurry- throwing stars in EVERY DIRECTION, so u can also atk the aliens which come from behind lah
And if u have some skill and reflex, u can even defeat this game without lv up to any rank (I DID finish all lv when I was in the Kiddo rank with 4 Ninja lah XD)

2. Another formation is also nice is 3 Ninja + 1 Knight, bcoz Knight can reduce the dam taken by 75%, but not stack so we only need 1 Knight rite? XD

3. The stats which should be increased 1st is ATK AND CANDY, the reason is u dun need to increase others lah XD

4. Here is the explanation for my opinion above:

Magnet is only needed to increase 1 or 2 rank to collect money easier, but no more than that coz u ll move through the screen to avoid and shoot aliens and u ll collect them on ur way lah XD
Special is no need to increase coz u can always save them to deal in the tight situation- such as enemies come from behind or many enemies which can shoot u appear at once, other than that, even the bosses is no need to use special to kill when u have STRONG NORMAL ATK ALR XD
Health and Speed is needed to increase 2 or 3 rank, but no more coz u can easily kill all the aliens as soon as they appear with ur strong atk lah
As u see, all the explanation above told u how important the atk is rite? and for the Candy, it s as important as atk coz it ll increase the money u can collect so u can upgrade more lah XD (actually i tried to play a game when I increase atk 1st, then health and special, but NO UPGRADE FOR CANDY, and then when i finished the game i only get around 2/3 of the upgrade coz i dun have enough money/candy to upgrade more lah, but if u upgrade candy stat soon u ll see the large difference lah XD)

5. So basically, a team of 4 Ninjas or 3 Ninjas + 1 Knight with atk and candy upgraded is one of the best way to win this funny game XD

Any other strategies in this game is welcome, as well as any comments and corrections for my tips XD

  • 6 Replies
518 posts

Knight + 3 Fairies - can survive everything
2 ninjas + 2 pirates - better spread than with full ninja squad
4 cats - press spacebar for unstoppable stream of death
2-3 ninjas+2-1 cat - very solid damage,
Witches - weaker than cats in attack speed boost, but add movement speed and have lesser cd on special.

9,323 posts

I agree, I love the four ninja tactic. I've also done the 2 ninjas, 2 pirates which was strong!

393 posts

@Ferret: glad u luv mah tactic dude XD
@Gremlion: i still stick with my 4 ninjas coz i luv their spread atk and their skill which can atk every enemies in the screen- so basically with max ATK stat u can kill all the enemies in the screen at once lah XD
4 cats is strong, but only to the enemies in front of them +_+
2 pirates will make the special skill bcome weaker to the enemies behind u, i think only 4 ninjas's skill can kill all the enemies come from behind u
i hate fairies coz they r useless when i can avoid almost every atk lah XD
witches- i dun even think about using them coz i still think atk and candy is more important than special- u can always save skill for strong enemies so the recharging time is not important for me XD

317 posts

4-cat is by far the most powerful strat.

The special attack is nearly filled by the time the attack is over.

Upgrade Candy drops first. Macro your econ.
From there its user preference. I found equaling out the stats to work. Story mode isn't a whole lot different than the Survival.

That's what I can bring to the table. Always max out the Candy first so you can upgrade faster when the levels get harder.

393 posts

@PauseBreak: i cant help but agree with that 4 cats is the strongest combination, but it is only for the frontal enemies lah XD
4 ninjas r still gud for the enemies which come form behind lah XD

Btw, i only get Captain rank- which increase all stats 60 pts
Is any1 know which is the highest rank? XD

393 posts

If any1 reach the maximum lv, plz inform me about which lv is max and how many more stat it gave (i was just reach captain which +60 lah +_+) and which new classes u ll got (I just got pincess who has stun ability lah +_+)


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