ForumsGame WalkthroughsStrategies for a great game which has a unique PvP system- Pocket Creature PvP XD

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393 posts

Have u guys play this cool and addictive Pocket Creatures PvP before?

My ID in Pocket Creature PvP is "70_70_71" now, actually is was "70_70_70" but somehow i deleted the save files, so have to start the game again, but i won easily- in 59 days with this guide

So just search the name 70_70_71 to fight me XD
and plz tell me ur ID so that we can fight each other lah XD

FYI ,I won the no.1 person in the leaderboard (112255) many times ---> so like i said, this game is all about how u make an effective combination to create a great team, not lv up them lah XD

Actually i found a general tactic in this game, but b4 that u should know that the decisive factors that can decide the result of the battle is the Str, Atk Rate, Total HP, Health Regen, Push Back, Range, Penetration, Spd...... so when u have some factors at the high stat u can win other factors at the hish stat, for example:

1. The team which has high Spd and Str or Penetration at a high Range (the range > 500 can considered large, so charka or devourer cannot be considered have high Range, just Medium Range then) can win against the team which has high Push Back (plz understand that when i said OR, i mean u can have either of them but not both of them at the same time, and when I said AND I mean vice versa)

2. The team which has high Total HP and Health Regen can win against the team which has high str or atk rate

3. The team which has high Push Back and high Range can win the team has high high Str but low Range and Spd, bcoz regardless of how many Str u have, there is nothing u can do when u r pushed back to the edge of the screen lah XD
An Epic example for this is the team of 5 Devourer or 5 Fire Dragon or 5 Frostspirit will lose to the team of Soul Seekers and Shadow Dragons

4. The team has high Str and Atk Spd can win against the team has high Str but LOW Atk Spd, 5 Devourers is the typical example here coz this kind of team will lose most of the time just bcoz of their low atk spd lah XD

5. Gems also can make the whole different to the result of the fight
For example in point 3 above, if I equip the best Spd gems to a Devourer, then it can penetrate the Push Back skill of the enemies lah XD
When talking about gems, imo the best gems to take is Health and Str (actually it is the Atk gem-the red one in the game)

6. And also note that Push Back will NOT work anymore in case there is only 1 creature each team alive
For example, when a Soul Seeker of team A survive and a Devourer of team B survive, u may think team A will win coz Soul Seeker has the Push Back ability, which is advantageous against the Devourer which has low range and spd, but Team B will actually win, coz as i said, in the case 1 vs 1, the Push Back ability ll be ignored XD

7. Any other strategies or corrections for my strategies above is welcomed here lah XD

  • 12 Replies
317 posts

Great strategies 70_70_70
But do you have any tips to getting the creature Azreal, because I have been trying for 2 hours and haven't gotten any luck.

393 posts

@MachineofLight: the only way to get the Queen's Guard is to open the treasure box, which is got by winning Endless fight
So the chance of having Azreal is totally about luck and I can do nothing to increase the chance lah XD

But my advice is PATIENT, and u ll get Azreal someday lah XD

317 posts

My team consists of: #5 and #4 with Ultimas both with 4120 Health, 286 Damage, 270 Speed, and 270 ELA.
#3 is a Romeo with 3360 Health, 310 Damage, 350 Speed, and 188 ELA.
#2 is a FrostSpirit with 2940 Health, 260 Damage, 210 Speed, and 119 ELA.
And my #1 is a EntropyAlien with 1820 Health, 155 Damage, 0 Speed xD, and 154 ELA.

With strategies....
Have at least one EntropyAlien in the front...... don't look at me like that.

And @70_70_70 again
As for the team you had that I beat..... you changed it xD so I can't tell.

393 posts

ah and when i think more carefully, i think we still need luck in PC PvP:

1. In endless mode, ur team may not have any members with lucky factor like 30% for 2 atk or 50% for crit but THE ENEMIES MAY HAVE THOSE FACTORS +_+
So if Lady Luck smile with u, the enemies may have lesser chance of deal more dam, and therefore u ll survive more, plus the enemies spawn for each waves are purely depends on luck lah +_+

2. For PvP, u can only get points when u fight random battles (it is fair and reasonable bcoz if u can get points just by challenging friends, u may just defeat the same person again and again for points lah XD )
Thus, the thing is RANDOM means that ur chance of winning a battle depends 100% on luck +_+
FYI, dunno y but there was a time when I lose a guy named A (dun remember his name so A just an example lah XD), then when i click the random to choose opponent again, I still fight that A guy and of course I lost him, let s say 3-4 times in a row lah @_@

317 posts

Do you think my class is good? I could use some tips from a pro like you xD
When I get on my laptop again, I will make another class

393 posts

@MoL: actually i m not a pro man coz my rating in PvP still low lah XD (i believe the max is 10k but i m only lower than 1500 now XD) but tks so much for ur compliment anw XD

btw about ur class, do u mean this set:

"My team consists of: #5 and #4 with Ultimas both with 4120 Health, 286 Damage, 270 Speed, and 270 ELA.
#3 is a Romeo with 3360 Health, 310 Damage, 350 Speed, and 188 ELA.
#2 is a FrostSpirit with 2940 Health, 260 Damage, 210 Speed, and 119 ELA.
And my #1 is a EntropyAlien with 1820 Health, 155 Damage, 0 Speed xD, and 154 ELA.

With strategies....
Have at least one EntropyAlien in the front...... don't look at me like that."

My opinion:

1. First and foremost, i dun see any reason to put E.Alien in front coz its main function is healing, and when it is pushed back to the edge of the screen, IT DO NOT MOVE FORWARD, so u should put him at the back lah

2. Personally i dun like the ones with the lucky factor, so i cant tell much about F.Spirit

3. About Romeo, he is strong and useful, but he has one fatal weakness, like Queen and many others is THERE IS ONLY ONE SLOT FOR GEM +_+
And like i said b4, the gems can change a creature so much, for example, when u put 3 best Health gems for Devourer- u ll give it 1200 more health, so its health is like doubled and it ll definitely survive longer lah XD
But it s up to u to decide which one to use lah XD
and actually Queen Juliet is quite strong even without gems lah XD

4. Ultima, well, i must say that these belongs to the most fav of all player coz when i fought random, i met many, many ppl who use more than 3 Ultima in his team- even some1 use all 5 Ultima lah XD
So I can assume that Ultima is indeed the Ultimate Weapon lah XD

5. But imo only use 1 or 2 Ultima is best, coz when u have all 5 Ultima u ll lose against the teams which have high Push back and High Health and High Regen lah XD

317 posts

I see, the reason I put my E.alien in the front is because he has about two to three hits before getting pinned to his utter doom. I lime the scarface but his damage is too low for me even when I put gems but he is a great tanker. Azreal.. not a big fan of them

343 posts

My team is:
5: Azrael- 10, 15, and 30 attack gems.
4: EntropyAlien-350 HP gem.
3: CorpseKing-500, 200, and 200 HP gems.
2: Ultima-15, and 15 Elasticity gems. One 15 attack gem.
1: Ultima- One 200 HP gem. Two 15 attack gems.

My ID is Skyinator, challenge me, if you dare.

393 posts

@skydragon720: oh what a cool coincidence! XD
once upon a time I also had the team as u, with the exactly same gems XD
but now I thought this team is not gud enough- u only need 1 Ultima- replace it by Scarface or Soul Seeker lah XD
Actually now i dun like to 2 same type of creature in my team, i prefer having 5 different ones lah XD


393 posts

@skydragon720: actually ur ID is "skyinator" not "Skyinator" lah XD
plz notice that diffrence between the words in Uppercase (Skyinator) and the words in lowercase (skyinator) lah XD


317 posts

Seems there are only three people on this thread? xD but I'm getting bored with this game, most of it is luck and luck only, I prefer more skill based.

393 posts

Actually I also getting bored of this game lah +_+

Thus,now i m playing Lord of Vandaria
have u tried this game b4?

and I also made a trick for this game, but read it at ur own risk coz THESE TIP WILL MAKE LORD OF VANDARIA BCOME RIDICULOUS EASY LAH XD


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