ForumsPopular MediaGood Horror Films To Watch

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I have recently found that I have a taste for watching horror and I would be interested to see what movies you can recommend. I generally watch 1-2 movies per week, usually on the weekends.

Here is a list of films I have seen in the past few months.
Bold = Favorites
Italic = Didn't Like It
Normal = Liked It

Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Saw (2004)
Halloween (1978)

Halloween 2 (1981)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
Hostel (2005)

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Hostel 2 (2007)
Saw 2 (2005)

Wolf Creek (2005)
Black Christmas (1974)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
The Funhouse (1981)
Sleepaway Camp (1983)

Scream (1996)
The Last House on the Left (1972)
American Psycho (2000)
Friday The 13th (1980)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Based on this list what would you recommend for me?

  • 27 Replies
9,323 posts

Cabin in the Woods

3,087 posts

The rest of Romero's living dead series (I don't mean return of the living dead).

Other than that, I can't say much, I don't care for horror.

p.s. have you seen Doom? (it has First Person Shooter segment in it, which helps make up for the rest. (also has the Rock))

~~~Darth Caedus

2,417 posts

You watched Sleepaway Camp? Lord have mercy on your soul. That movie's ending just made me stare in disbelief for an hour.

Your list needs some Sci-fi horror. Try Alien, Event Horizon, and maybe Pandorum.

Another good horror flic is Rec. It's in Spanish, so you might want to try the American remake, Quarantine, instead. Both are worth a watch though.

25 posts

You watched Sleepaway Camp? Lord have mercy on your soul. That movie's ending just made me stare in disbelief for an hour.

Haha yes, it was pretty twisted ;P I didn't really like the movie overall though.

The rest of Romero's living dead series (I don't mean return of the living dead).

Your list needs some Sci-fi horror. Try Alien, Event Horizon, and maybe Pandorum.

Another good horror flic is Rec. It's in Spanish, so you might want to try the American remake, Quarantine, instead. Both are worth a watch though.

I generally don't like zombie horror type films, especially the infected virus ones like Rec but I might give it a shot if I have nothing else to watch.

I've already seen Alien and I don't really consider it horror...kind of a scary action movie really.
1,370 posts

Cabin in the Woods is one of the worst films I have seen in a while surprised anyone has recommended it I thought it was stupid boring and generally a waste of time.

I don't really get scared normally by movies so I don't consider many horror films even if they are classed as one.

I can't really think of any scary ones atm other then Rec because bronze mentioned it and I think that is a pretty good zombie horror probably the most scary zombie film I've seen.

9,808 posts

Saw (2004)

Saw series are more suspense/thriller

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)


Halloween (1978)
Halloween 2 (1981)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Best argument you could make for here is Nightmare, because of the whole "die in your dreams" thing..other than that...thrillers

Scream (1996)




Cabin in the Woods is one of the worst films

I actually really liked it..but in now way would I describe it as a horror movie. More of a comedy/thriller
25 posts

Saw (2004)

Saw series are more suspense/thriller

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)


Halloween (1978)
Halloween 2 (1981)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Best argument you could make for here is Nightmare, because of the whole "die in your dreams" thing..other than that...thrillers

Scream (1996)


Have you actually seen any of these films? Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and A Nightmare on Elm Street are considered some of the best horror classics ever made. The entire ensuing franchises are also all horror films.

Scream is a horror / comdey.

Saw could be both although I think it is more horror / crime.

Silence of the Lambs is a psychological thriller with elements of horror.

Best argument you could make for here is Nightmare, because of the whole "die in your dreams" thing..other than that...thrillers

Please explain what you consider a horror film and give some examples because your post is blasphemous haha.
489 posts

28 Days Later. My favourite zombie movie, even if they technically aren't Zombies...

13,055 posts

Prince of Darkness and Phantasm are good horror movies.

9,808 posts

Have you actually seen any of these films? Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and A Nightmare on Elm Street are considered some of the best horror classics ever made. The entire ensuing franchises are also all horror films.

And they are given wrong considerations. I'm specific with my genres...these movies are thrillers.
-uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements
-The aim for thrillers is to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats
-The protagonist(s) faces death, either their own or somebody else's.
-The force(s) of antagonism must initially be cleverer and/or stronger than the protagonist's.
-The main storyline for the protagonist is either a quest or a character who cannot be put down.
-The main plotline focuses on a mystery that must be solved.
-The film's narrative construction is dominated by the protagonist's point of view.
-The two major themes that underpin the thriller genre are the desire for justice and the morality of individuals
-The protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) may battle, themselves and each other, not just on a physical level, but on a mental one as well.
-Either by accident or their own curiousness, characters are dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are not prepared to resolve.

If we want to be even more specific..they are slasher flicks

Silence of the Lambs is a psychological thriller with elements of horror.

No horror involved in this movie

Please explain what you consider a horror film and give some examples because your post is blasphemous haha.

Wikipedia puts it best:
Horror is a film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer, the macabre and the supernatural are frequent themes.

Horror films often deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Plots within the horror genre often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into the everyday world. Prevalent elements include ghosts, aliens, vampires, werewolves, curses, satanism, demons, gore, torture, vicious animals, monsters, zombies, cannibals, and serial killers

Although I disagree with the serial killers part

A horror film should be able to give you a scare after you are done watching the movie. I should be able to look back on the movie and think "oh man, scary!" (failed horror movies won't due the trick...but if they tried I can't deny them of the title)...a man walking around killing a group of teens at a lake won't do that...but the idea of my house being a gateway to hell will
25 posts

If we want to be even more specific..they are slasher flicks

A slasher is a sub-genre of horror. If a movie is a slasher it must be a horror. There goes all your attempted logic.

Anyway, half the descriptions in your list of thriller film characteristics don't apply to any of the films I mentioned.

Let me give you a plot breakdown of these films...

Halloween - group of teens are stalked and murdered in brutal ways by a masked psychopath.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - A family of cannibalistic psychopaths murder a group of friends and eat them.

A Nightmare on Elm Street - A child murderer in the character's dreams murder them one by one whenever they fall asleep.

These are straight out horror films without the hair of another genre in them, meant to scare, disgust, or disturb you.

Some examples of thrillers are Se7en, Inception, The Sixth Sense, No Country for Old Men, and the Usual Suspects.

No horror involved in this movie

A cannibal and victims being skinned alive along with blood, gore, and an actual scene of cannibalism. Those are pretty significant elements of horror "seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers" as the lovely wikipedia puts it. Although I do agree that the films is mainly a thriller, you cannot deny elements of horror in it.

Horror is a film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer, the macabre and the supernatural are frequent themes.

Horror films often deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Plots within the horror genre often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into the everyday world. Prevalent elements include ghosts, aliens, vampires, werewolves, curses, satanism, demons, gore, torture, vicious animals, monsters, zombies, cannibals, and serial killers

An excellent description of every single film in my list...not sure what you are trying to prove here.

...but the idea of my house being a gateway to hell will

Clearly you have not seen Last House on the Left as it is absolutely nothing to do with hell, a house, or anything supernatural.
25 posts

And you have still not answered my question as to whether you have seen any of these films or not. it is pointless to argue with you if you haven't because you have no idea what you are talking about.

9,808 posts

A slasher is a sub-genre of horror. If a movie is a slasher it must be a horror. There goes all your attempted logic.

Technically, I can't argue with you on definitions. But I love true horror...and slashers don't do that for me at all. They are short scares all based on the thrill of the moment...a true horror goes for your psyche

Anyway, half the descriptions in your list of thriller film characteristics don't apply to any of the films I mentioned.

Really now? I will re-list them, and give them each a number. Then, I will list the movie and which characteristics it has

-uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements
1) The aim for thrillers is to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats
2) The protagonist(s) faces death, either their own or somebody else's.
3) The force(s) of antagonism must initially be cleverer and/or stronger than the protagonist's.
4) The main storyline for the protagonist is either a quest or a character who cannot be put down.
5) The main plotline focuses on a mystery that must be solved.
6) The film's narrative construction is dominated by the protagonist's point of view.
7) The two major themes that underpin the thriller genre are the desire for justice and the morality of individuals
8) The protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) may battle, themselves and each other, not just on a physical level, but on a mental one as well.
9) Either by accident or their own curiousness, characters are dragged into a dangerous conflict or situation that they are not prepared to resolve.

All three of them
1 - he could strike at any time...oh! Don't go there!
2 - Need I explain?
3 - Need I explain?
4 - ..the bad guy cannot be put down..easily
5 - Arguable. But, basically, why is he killing them? And them solving it doesn't dismiss that it is/was there
6 - Who do we want to survive? Protagonist. Who do we have eyes on for the most part? Protagonist
7 - We want the bad guy to be defeated ( least we should feel so). Then, of course, characters being "immoral" (usually sex) gets greeted with death
8 - Need I explain?
9 - Need I explain?

Although I do agree that the films is mainly a thriller, you cannot deny elements of horror in it.

Just because something scares you, doesn't mean it is horror. When I was a young kid, that spongebob episode with the butterfly scared me (grotesque image suddenly appearing), doesn't mean it was horror

Those scenes were not to be horror scenes, but to show the monstrosity of the antagonist. To give us a reason to dislike him...idea of morality

Clearly you have not seen Last House on the Left as it is absolutely nothing to do with hell, a house, or anything supernatural.

I never once stated Last House on the Left...I was thinking more Amityville Horror with that description

And you have still not answered my question as to whether you have seen any of these films or not. it is pointless to argue with you if you haven't because you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yes, I have. And the best they could offer me was a measly startled jump

I will try my best to end this argument and keep both parties...content

Our views on horror are, obviously, very different. You are more straightforward with your viewpoint...I am more strict. Fair?
25 posts

Really now? I will re-list them, and give them each a number. Then, I will list the movie and which characteristics it has

All of these could differ for a given movie, they are not set in stone for all thrillers or horror, however, for the 3 movies we were mainly discussing, here is my opinion.

1) - Yes for all three
2) - Yes for all three
3) - Yes for all three
4) - To me this sounds more like an adventure movie, you are on a quest or trying to conquer evil, that's definitely not what horror films are about.
5) - To be honest usually there is no reason for the killings, most horror is there to scare not to work your brain through a mystery / drama.
6) - This is true for almost all movies regardless of the genre, you can't use this to prove one genre over the other.
7) - Desire for justice? Morality? Sounds like Spiderman or Batman to me.
8) - This sounds more like Harry Potter, usually in horror there is no battle it's the protagonist trying to run for their life.
9) - Yes for all three

I never once stated Last House on the Left...I was thinking more Amityville Horror with that description

Ha, I assumed you meant Last because it's on my list and the movie poster mentions the house being over the very center of hell.

Our views on horror are, obviously, very different. You are more straightforward with your viewpoint...I am more strict. Fair?

Yes, obviously this is much opinion so there's really no point to discuss it further, although your views were interesting to read =)
100 posts

insidious is a good movie
phantasm 1 and 2
Scary Movie series (yes i know theyre arent really scary)

Showing 1-15 of 27