ForumsGamesAmiran help

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121 posts

You can complete this game without completing all of the quests, so I went back to try to complete all of them. Two questions:
1. Where is the "secret" cave in the mountains with hordes of gold?? Is it the same cave that the Excalibur sword is in?
2. How to set the 3 levers in the Excalibur cave?
3. To get the disguise info from Solvang, you need bags of gems to play the game. I don't see where they are a reward for doing something or killing something. I have no gem bags...other than purchasing them from the game developer (which I won't do) is there a way to get the gem bags??

  • 49 Replies
11,891 posts

1. The secret cave is in the Excalibur cave.
2. I think it was middle middle up. I didn't waste time with the riddle. I just tried combinations until it worked. The one at the top is middle. The bottom right lever is up.
3. Gem bags are random drops from chests and monsters.

121 posts

Thanks Gantic. Although this game does have a few flaws, I sort of liked it. It's too bad that you can "finish" it without completing all the quests (which I accidently did, unknowingly). I'll try your tips now. Just curious, did you get the "disguise" info from Solvang, then go to windmill and disable the other 2 towers?? I'm assuming that's what has to be done.

121 posts

Gantic, the Excalibur switches were a little different for me (maybe it changes?) The positions were Bottom right - middle, middle - up, lower left - middle. I did get Excalibur, but couldn't find the "secret" entrance after killing the dragon. I found something about about a &quotassword" which was VD_E__AT but didn't find any other clues about that. Finally, I have over 5,000 gold, and for as many monsters as I've killed, not one gem bag, so I can't get the disguise. This is one area that needs to be improved, the ability to trade or purchase gem bags.

11,891 posts

I probably misremembered the switches.

The password protected door is the entrance to the secret cave. The clue to the password is actually in the area right outside the cave. It's hard to miss but easy to skip over.

If monsters won't drop gem bags, you can try your luck with silver keys and head to the smuggler part of Whispering Woods and open as many chests as you have keys. I don't exactly remember what Solvang says about the disguise. I think it was invisibility potions. He talks about invisibility potions and that opens up more potion stock for the shop in that town. If you need a disguise for the smugglers, it's in one of the locked rooms in the underground labyrinth of the abandoned town. I think it was the second locked room. It might have been the one you need dynamite to get through. If you already have the disguise, you need to get the code from the smuggler hiding out in Whispering Wood.

121 posts

Hey, thanks for the help. I finally beat the silly thing. I didn't realize that there were rooms in the underground labyrinth...once I entered those, no problems. Got the smuggler's mask etc. I sort of figured that the lone smuggler in the woods would end up doing something (windmill code was J316). Thanks again.

1 posts

Hey, i am stuck just plain stuck i need to get to the daughter and cant get through big stone im guessing u need dynomite and i have no idea where that is.

also i got through labirynth (im bad at spelling) and found the room of slaves (4 slaves) and 2 smugglers and dont understand what to do next i also noticed there are some rooms in the labirynth which need keys or even dynomite...dont have dynomite.

ok i want to get to the secret cave but cant get to the cave cause need to get dynomite to blow up rock...I JUST NEED DYMONITE xD :P

20 posts

Not sure if game got updated but,
BAGS OF GEMS do get dropped, however they have only dropped from the RED TARANTULAS in the DESERT.

Also, the red tarantulas don't drop gems all the time, but so far I have gotten 4 bags of gems from them in the time it took me to keep walking up and down the desert until I killed the 5 Terrors for the Desert Chief quest. Yeah so keep walking around the desert to you kill enough Red Tarantulas until one of them drops a bag.

I also found a bag of gems IN THE HIDDEN TREASURE CHEST in the ENTRANCE TO THE MOUNTAINS. So as soon as you enter the mountains, There is a giant rock/boulder to the right. In its shadows behind in ou will see the PINK TREASURE CHEST.

Hope this helps

20 posts

PS Not sure if it makes a difference for BAG DROPS but I am level 11

2 posts

Hello !

I'm loocking for Castle crag for flower for Penelop, but I don't find... Can you help me please ?

2 posts

Ok, sorry, i find
but Amiran has an end or not ?

2 posts

I'm level 14 and have only two tasks remaining:

1. "Get 2nd proof of Malicus's evildoings." I've got his contract for slave labour.

What's the second proof and where do I find it?

2. "Stop windmill to shut down portal in the woods." I'been through the labyrinth in the Abandoned Willage several times, found the room with two crates as you enter the labyrinth, been inside all the buildings and found the lever in the house with the four slaves and two smuggler guards.

How do I get to pull the lever to stop the windmill? There is talk of a smuggler's mask. I can't find it. Any hints will be greatly appreciated.

11,891 posts

1. I don't remember where the second clue was, but I think you have to talk to one of the smugglers, but you need the smuggler's mask.

2. The smuggler's mask is in one of the underground rooms in the labyrinth. There is a room in the same place in each part of the labyrinth. One of them requires dynamite and the others require keys.

2 posts

Thanks, Gantic. Got it eventually. The Labyrinth is a bit confusing as it looks identical whenever you drop down a new hole in the floor. So it appears you're retuning to the same place every time. Which you don't. Anyway, I visited all the underground rooms and got the mask, pulled the lever and disabled the the windmill. Now I can't find the other thing that is required to open the portal and have given up the game. Too little progress. Too frustrating. But thanks again.

11,891 posts

You have to talk to the other village elder to turn off the power source outside the elf village after you get proof of Malicus's evil. After talking to one of the elves, I'm not sure which one, you find out Malicus installed a power generator of some sort outside the village.

It's not very intuitive and not that great overall. The game doesn't really help you along that much. I spent most of my time wandering around trying to figure out where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing.

1 posts

Path through labyrinth. Up down left right. Smugglers mask is in 3rd section. You will need dynamite.

Proof is in the rooms to the side of malicus (take your pick 2 different ones or get both) you will need keys or pics.

The windmill. get to the end of the labyrinth, hit the switch in the building with the slaves. talk to the slaves and slavers. (make sure you've picked up the smuggler's mask first). you will have access to the wind mill. leave abandoned village, go to whispering woods, talk to smuggler by the elven town. return to windmill and kick it in over drive.

the other elder in the elf village tells you about the power generator but not until after you've proven malicus' guilt. he also shuts it off for you.

you can buy dynamite and gem bags from the dude on top of the cliff in the mountains (just before the area where you get the flowers).

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