ForumsWEPRWestboro baptist church (Sign the petition)

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Not sure if there is a thread on this anywhere but now that it is mandatory to look at a petition in the united states if it has over 25,000 signatures there is a movement to classify the Westboro baptist church as a hate group. This will remove their tax exempt status from the government and overall will help stop the stupid things that they do.

Currently there are over 200,000 signatures but I encourage all of you to sign here.

Now that I've said that, what do you guys even think about this stupid organisation? The things they do I think even normal religious people are against and is just terrible.

  • 74 Replies
5,552 posts

I think Hahiha put it best.

It's not that they don't have a right to their own opinion or shouldn't be allowed to say what they say.

It's how and where they say it.

5,043 posts

Did you censor the word Gay? Or did you say something else?

Nah, I typed F--s. The word the usually use.

I would also like to point out how awkward it is to use the word "usually" and "use" back to back.

I can only think of two times when speech should be limited.
1. When a person either talks about doing harm to another person or their property, or when they tell other people to do harm.
2. "Shouting 'fire' in a theater." (I suck at explaining this one, use google if you never heard the phrase before.)
9,504 posts

2. "Shouting 'fire' in a theater." (I suck at explaining this one, use google if you never heard the phrase before.)

I explain it as "because the effect of such language has the potential to cause mass hysteria and harm", like shouting "earthquake!" in California or "he's got a gun!" anywhere.
5,129 posts

I thought that we had "Freedom of Speech"?

freedom of speech has it's limits

If someone from across the street started cussing you out, would you call the police? Would he be thrown in jail? No, he shouldn't, because we all have freedom of speech. That example is similar, isn't it?

the guy across the street is not always actively seeking for attention of the media to incite people to hate you.

Example: *Freedom of Speech is banned*

shutting up westboro wont make usa the next north-korea.

if they ban Freedom of Speech, our country will be just like Egypt

seriously? egypt?
egypt isn't like that at all. people are pretty free there and always have been compared whit you other examples. it's kinda a insult to place them on that spot. better could have said libya then.

Why just the Westboro Baptist church then?

good point. why shouldn't religious groups pay taxes?
scrap that whole law, right now. xD

The government is supposed to protect the people, even the minority.

and they want to protect the gays from hatefull groups that encourages other people to hate them aswell. all in gods name, so it doesn't make sense anyway.

If so, I rest my case.

you can rest your case...
i would be okey whit that. (not taking in account how serious i would take that hate group.)

It's horrible, but it's their right.

things like this makes me laugh at the holiness of wich the constitution is considered.

Yeah sure, I know a lot of people that have "encouraged" me to do things...

and we know by now that you openly contradict yourself, and still think it's right both ways.

there is no use for this.

If they did this all Christians would be arrested.

close minded view... that sure is not the case.

If you shout "BOMB!" or "BOOM!" In an Airport you'll most likely being arrested.

so much for your beloved freedom of speech.
5,552 posts

good point. why shouldn't religious groups pay taxes?
scrap that whole law, right now. xD

I'd sign the petition for that. Why are religious groups tax exempt anyways? They're occupying land that is otherwise wanted, people who attend the church can all chip in a dollar a week and pay the taxes just fine.

If they did this all Christians would be arrested.

There's a difference in saying you think homosexuality is a sin and going from funeral to funeral accusing the victims of being sinners and saying that they died because of homosexuals.
5,043 posts

shutting up westboro wont make usa the next north-korea.

It doesn't matter. Everyone has rights, even if you don't like them or what they have to say.

and they want to protect the gays from hatefull groups that encourages other people to hate them aswell. all in gods name, so it doesn't make sense anyway.

Protect gays from hateful groups that encourage others to hate them as well? Reality check, WBC is failing to convince others to hate gays - despite freedom of speech. We didn't need the government to step in.

things like this makes me laugh at the holiness of wich the constitution is considered.

Despite freedom of speech, we're fine. There's nothing to fear. We let WBC preach, and nothing bad really happens. It's horrible for the few funerals they do protest, but the reason the group is so small is because almost all people aren't stupid enough to join them.

It is horrible for the few families who have to put up with their protests, but we can't create a law that effects EVERYONE just to silence this handful of people. And we can't give the government the power to silence this group because giving the government that kind of power will also grant them power to silence anyone they deem as wrong.

so much for your beloved freedom of speech.

You're implying that we're satisfied with our speech laws.

We're not.

When you can't even casually mention a word, something is wrong. That's why so many Americans hate the TSA.

The fact foreigners care little for freedom of speech just shows how others view the world as lambs and shepherds.
5,043 posts

There's a difference in saying you think homosexuality is a sin and going from funeral to funeral accusing the victims of being sinners and saying that they died because of homosexuals.

Sure, they're not the same thing. But both are just words.

Can you not come up with solutions to prevent the funeral protests without taking away all of our rights?
5,552 posts

Can you not come up with solutions to prevent the funeral protests without taking away all of our rights?

I never said that we should sign the petition. I said that the Westboro Baptist Church shouldn't be allowed to do what they do.
5,129 posts

It doesn't matter. Everyone has rights, even if you don't like them or what they have to say.

like was said befor by someone: it's not what they say but the way they do it and at the most inappropriate times. solely to seek attention ofthe media to promote themselve and their ideas.
making the country less safe for a certain group that they dont like.

WBC is failing to convince others to hate gays

it's their cause nontheless.
if they fail or not should not be considered.

It is horrible for the few families who have to put up with their protests, but we can't create a law that effects EVERYONE just to silence this handful of people. And we can't give the government the power to silence this group because giving the government that kind of power will also grant them power to silence anyone they deem as wrong.

i.e. the constitution is not open for exceptions. and it will never, because it's holy.
You're implying that we're satisfied with our speech laws.

We're not.

more freedom, more freedom, always wanting more freedom.
why do you guys have a government anyway?
whitout it, your freedom is endless and we dont have to facepalm that often.

That's why so many Americans hate the TSA.

we hate them aswell. because they are the cause for usa laws that other countries have to follow aswell. or els they are not welcome to land in the usa.
why must we follow usa laws? why can a hacker in the uk being send to jail in the usa while he never been to the usa? it wasn't illegal what he did in the uk... i think i'm drowning off now.
5,043 posts

I never said that we should sign the petition. I said that the Westboro Baptist Church shouldn't be allowed to do what they do.

That's where I disagree. What they do is horrible, but the government shouldn't have the power to stop them.

like was said befor by someone: it's not what they say but the way they do it and at the most inappropriate times. solely to seek attention ofthe media to promote themselve and their ideas.
making the country less safe for a certain group that they dont like.

They aren't putting anyone in danger, except for maybe themselves.

i.e. the constitution is not open for exceptions. and it will never, because it's holy.

Essentially, you're making it a crime to upset people. Again, you would sacrifice every single person's rights to stop a single group of people.

i.e. you would sacrifice every single person's rights to stop a single group of people.

we hate them aswell. because they are the cause for usa laws that other countries have to follow aswell. or els they are not welcome to land in the usa.
why must we follow usa laws? why can a hacker in the uk being send to jail in the usa while he never been to the usa? it wasn't illegal what he did in the uk... i think i'm drowning off now.

You say that like it's something I support. I don't condone many, if not most of, America's actions.
95 posts

iagreewithyou Alright, if we're going to go by definition they aren't a hate group. However, what do you suggest they should be labeled as?

blk2860: A "religion". Ever think of that one?
There's no reason you can't be both.
9,808 posts

Freedom of speech exists to protect unpopular ideas

But it was created mostly in mind to protect ideas such as "i think this president is bad etc"

If they did this all Christians would be arrested.

Because...y'know..all Christians hate gays. And all Christians picket about how they are going to burn in hell and are ruining our world

So your saying If I told someone I wanted to kill the president. Nobody could do anything? I wouldn't be put in jail? They'd just say."Well okay."?

No..because you are threatening to kill the President. That is treason. And has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech

Essentially, you're making it a crime to upset people. Again, you would sacrifice every single person's rights to stop a single group of people.

Why not make it a crime to impose/disrupt a funeral and not allow the family/friends/group freedom to mourn in peace?
5,552 posts

That's where I disagree. What they do is horrible, but the government shouldn't have the power to stop them.

Which I also addressed in my initial post :/

Because...y'know..all Christians hate gays. And all Christians picket about how they are going to burn in hell and are ruining our world

That's still far less than what the WBC does.

Why not make it a crime to impose/disrupt a funeral and not allow the family/friends/group freedom to mourn in peace?

Works for me. I would imagine it should be on the order of repeated noise complaints or harassment.
5,043 posts

Works for me. I would imagine it should be on the order of repeated noise complaints or harassment.

So... ban all protests then?
5,552 posts

So... ban all protests then?

No. Just at funeral sites. There's no reason it has to be so extreme as to ban all forms of protest or anything.
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