ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of TIme Tips and Tricks

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1. For those of you who do not already know, In order to obtain the fire arrows you must stand on that lone island in Hylia lake and shoot an arrow through the upright posts into the sun. You actually dont need to stand on the island, but your arrow must go through the posts on the island. If done correectly the fire arrows will drop from the sky onto the island with the posts. In order to obtain them you need to have beaten the water temple so that Lake Hylia is filled with water.

2. Many people are confused on how to get a bigger wallet, well its simple. Kill as many of the gold Skulltulas as you can then return to the skulltula people's house in Kakariko. After a certain amount are killed new wallets will be given, and sometimes they also give money.

3. Most people would have figured this out, so if you are experienced dont even bother reading. But when you encounter skeletons and other enemies with the same problem as them (when you kill one, and after a while it gets back up and the other one still is not dead) it can be a hassle to beginners. The trick is to target one, hit it, then switch to the other, and hit it. back and forth until they are both dead. Simple.

4. That heart piece on top of the mini links fire temple
This heart piece was the last one i got, and by far the most frustrating. However,everyone thinks you need some "special item" to get it, in reality, you just need to run at the ledge at the top, then press left last second and link jumps leftand gets it. Takes a lot of tries, but does work. I got it as adult link, not sure if it is possible with young link.

5. The final boss is not as hard as expected. Just go to the fire temple with a few empty bottles, grab some fairies, then give it a try, the problem most people have is flipping out then not noticing the collapsed bricks. Stay calm, stay aware of your surroundings and his first stage will be defeated with ease, he really is not that hard skill wise, just awareness is the key. As for the creature after you run down the tower, more skill is required. Never, and i mean Never let him hit you, its easy to get trapped against a wall with no chance of survival; instead you should keep distance, only go in when necessary, and after hitting him, get right back out. You should find him quite easy this way.

I have no more hints to give out right now, probably just can't think of any, but i am very experienced with all of The Legend of Zelda games. including the original. so when i say all i mean all. That being said, anyone with any questions feel free to ask, 99% chance you get an answer from me, i will help with any aspect of the games.

AS well, if you found this helpful, and would like me to make a page about more hints and tricks for another game, just tell me.

I also have a little inside knowledge on the new game coming in 2014, so anyone wanting to know about it, express that in the forum as well.


  • 4 Replies
4,170 posts

Awesome walkthrough, kirks, but you're supposed to keep walkthroughs AG-related so this might be better suited in the Video Games section.

178 posts

alright, i probably should have looked more into this section before i posted. I was not aware of that. Ill know for next time, so i guess if a mod/admin sees it they can just go ahead and switch it.

5,552 posts

4. That heart piece on top of the mini links fire temple

You can get it easily as adult link if you use the hover shoes.

You're supposed to get it by planting a magic bean though...

Nothing that you talked about here was really hidden or hard to get imo.

If you want to make a walkthrough on less common things, I would suggest doing it on

-The Giants Sword (not knife)
-Locations of secret holes
-Den's Fire/Naru's Love/Faroh's Wind
-How to get that heartpiece inside the stupid volcano
-Ice arrows (considerably harder to get since you actually have to work for em)
-All the bottles
178 posts

true, i know how to do all of the following too. but this forum is not meant for it, so I'll leave that for another post in a different section. Thanks for the pointers though, now that i think of it those would have been better to talk about, i just havent played in a bit and forgot them.

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