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So, there was a thread on here a while back dedicated to riddles. Thaboss hasn't seen any new thread recently, so he's decided to start his own. Feel free to post and respond to any riddles.

Here's a classic one.

Bob hates his job. One day, while Bob is working on the 34th floor of an office building, he decides he's fed up with it. He rips open a window, and jumps through it. Although Bob is on the 34th floor, and there was nothing to stop, slow down, or cushion his fall, when he landed, he was perfectly fine. How?

  • 368 Replies
2,765 posts

Would you be able to check each one individually within 30 minutes? Let's assume the pieces are fairly small. He would have to put all his men on the job.

259 posts

it's easy they threw water on the floor and plastic floats on water and diamond sinks not easy.

7,024 posts

2: You are in front of a gate of a closed city. You can enter, only if you know the password.

In front of the gates is a child. The guard says 5. The child thinks and says 4. The guard opens the gates and the child enters.

In front of the gates is a woman. The guard says 8.The woman thinks and says 5. The guard opens the gates and the woman enters.

In front of the gates is a man. The guard says 6. The man thinks and says 3. The guard opens the gates and the man enters.

Now it's your turn. The guard says 7. What is your answer? And why.

Your answer is 5. Seven (7) Has only five (5) letters as a word.

I don't know about Leo's riddle but maybe we should stop and solve those already posted.
7,024 posts

Sorry Mattem, didn't see your answer to Xerox's Riddles.

2,765 posts

Correct Vungi (and Matt's explanation)

It's not too hard when you think about it.

715 posts

Ok whaterver, i am giving again, too hard riddles for you.

1 : Water ( No, he does not need matches, he has a stove...)
2: It is a riddle! Answer is 2
3:Maid. I didnt want to say sunday so i made it with other words, but no one here thinks at all.

1,649 posts

People, people, PEOPLE!!!


@matt: For your answer to thaboss's riddle, he doesn't even understand the answer himself. It's somewhere in this pdf.

1,649 posts

Wait, thaboss misread matt's post. Yes. Your assumptions are correct.

2,765 posts

Alright, alright let's stop.

First of all on the sunday thing. You are completely wrong Xerox. You have to say it is sunday. It's the whole point of the riddle. There's a difference between making it harder and removing vital clues.

*Just a note, I always pick up the mail on sunday because I forget. I really hope there isn't a murder at my house on sunday. :/

On the water thing. Xerox is right. I didn't try to solve it because I was short on time but it was solvable. However there is a separate answer so I wouldn't call it an amazing riddle but still solvable.

On the number riddle thing I didn't even bother. Logic is interesting but I prefer riddles with a story. I won't say it isn't a riddle but I refuse to try.

7,024 posts

"Three gods A, B, and C are called, in some order, 'True',
'False', and 'Random'. True always speaks truly, False always speaks
falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random
matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking
three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The
gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for 'yes' and 'no' are 'da' and 'ja', in some order.
You do not know which word means which."

Ok, I googled it up so I am not going to say anything about the solution. What troubled me, is that the Wikipedia article about this Riddle is titled:

"The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever".

If you can resist the temptation to open the file, you can google it up as well. It's the first result of google search.

Now the inventor, George Boolos has given three clarifications about it.
Would you like me to post them?
7,024 posts

Apparently, thaboss was not bluffing when he said that about his riddle. But I don't expect anyone to solve it unless he has tried it for a week or so.

1,147 posts

Can someone please post all of the riddles that are currently unsolved? That would be nice.

715 posts

"Three gods A, B, and C are called, in some order, 'True',
'False', and 'Random'. True always speaks truly, False always speaks
falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random
matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking
three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The
gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for 'yes' and 'no' are 'da' and 'ja', in some order.
You do not know which word means which."

I think i have a something...

The first question i will ask is :

If the god of Truth, point at the God of Lie, will he point you?

The one who says the truth will say : No
The one who says the lie will say : No
The random god will say yes/no

So there is 75% of them saying no.

This will show if ja or da is yes/no

Then i will ask : If i ask something the god of Random will he say yes for sure?

There is 66% chance that after the first question, the god of Random has remained. The truth/lie will say nothing because the cant say for sure yes/no. The god of Random will say because he alsays says yes/no.

So if they answer, the other one is the god of Random. If the god do answer, then again, we will find the god of Random.

This leaves the last question. If the god of Random is not last, we say yes,no question, that we know the answer. If the god of random is last we ask .. Well i dont know what to ask...

Or i would simply ask the gods : If you say yes, will you tell me who the other gods are in english without a lie?

Then at least one of them will say yes
1,649 posts

thaboss, you have a habit of posting logic puzzles instead of riddles, but I let it go because they are written in riddle form. I think you need to draw a line here, though. Riddles are, as a general rule, solved in one or only a few sentences. From here on out, lets stick with normal riddles or shorter logic puzzles (but only if they're in story format).

I let it go

Since when have you been the curator who decides what gets in or not? It's evident people are interested in these logic puzzles, don't tell thaboss he can't post them. It's his freaking thread, if anything he should make the rules. The idea of the logic puzzles is that they have one clear answer, unlike the vague bull**** that's being posted in here recently (no offense xerox). Does the fact that this is dubbed "The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever" not give you any sense of challenge, of curiosity? Thaboss probably wouldn't have even posted it if it didn't have that name associated with it! Just because the name of the thread is "riddles" doesn't mean it has to be exactly specific to whatever your definition of a "riddle" is. If it makes you feel any better, thaboss agrees that there will be no more logic puzzles (from him, at least, he won't force other people not to post them if they so wish), like he said, he only posted this one because the thread was getting out of hand and because of the name associated with this certain logic puzzle. So just solve it. Or not. Thaboss doesn't really care. Just everyone please try to get specific riddles and don't post multiple at the same time!

/rant; don't take it personally

@Doombreed: Thaboss will just post the three things himself, it's simpler that way.
1. It could be that some god gets asked more than one question (and hence that some god is not asked any question at all).
2. What the second question is, and to which god it is put, may depend on the answer to the first question. (And of course similarly for the third question.)
3. Whether Random speaks truly or not should be thought of as depending on the flip of a coin hidden in his brain: if the coin comes down heads, he speaks truly; if tails, falsely.
1,649 posts

The riddle can be dropped because the answer is a bit complicated, and like Doombreed said, it'll probably take a while to solve. But don't tell thaboss what he's "allowed" to post.

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