ForumsQuests[REPORT] Bugs & Glitches for Quests only

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14,745 posts

Quests are the extra achievement for Armor Games' users to enjoy, the bonus that unlocks when you reach certain in-game goals! But unfortunately... there can be bugs and/or glitches occuring that prevent you from unlocking that awesome shiny extra prize to gloriously show off with on your profile...

This thread is to provide a place to report problems with Quests so the Armor Games Staff can effectively look at them to squash the bugs and fix the glitches.

Some guidelines on how to report Quest problems...

Some Quests unlock instantly upon achieving a certain in-game goal, but sometimes they may need you to finish a specific level or reach a certain save point in the game to submit your progress. Please allow some time to pass and if it still does not unlock for you, report it here.

Make sure you always have an internet connection while playing a game that has Quests. If you play 'offline', some games fail to track in-game progress and this will result in (a) Quest(s) not registering/unlocking.

When given the choice, always choose the online save option for a game that has Quests. It is not a necessity for every game with Quests, but a lot of them track a Quest's progress this way. Want that Quest? > Use the online save...

When you post a report about a Quest problem, please make sure to add:
• The name of the specific game with Quest problems;
• The name of the Quest(s) that fail to unlock;
• Why (you think) the Quest does not unlock for you;
• A screenshot with proof in case you reached the in-game achievement(s) that match the specific Quest's info.

Please add my callout (@MrDayCee) to your report post in order to get the quickest response to your problem.

This thread is for problem reporting on QUESTS only please. All discussions about Quests in general need to be redirected to the Quests Forum and their designated Quest Chat thread. And if you want to give some feedback, or have ideas about Quests, you can do this in the Official Quest Feedback Thread!

Any problems with games, server glitches and bugs in general (all not Quest related) need to be addressed through our SUPPORT please.

Thank you for your help! Have fun and game on... HUZZAH! =)

  • 1,078 Replies
480 posts

Also,some quests have some problems.I can't earn them.

2 posts

Day 2 now having problems getting into my games, get blank page, refreshing the site doesn't do anything...This site seems to have to many glitches don't know if anybody working on the problems but it would be nice.

66 posts

I have a problem with Gun Game 2 and the quest Encountered which is: defeat the p30 master, or something. This won't work. I have done all the quest and defeated the p30 master like fifteen times since a week back. Why can't I get the quest?

14,745 posts

There seems to be a glitch with the 3rd Quest for Chrystal Story II, "Have 40 Monsters in your Bestiary"... I already have 48 and it doesn't unlock... weird. =/

42 posts

Is it a glitch or not? I'm not entirely sure.

What I am sure of is that I have completed most of the Strike Force Heroes 2 quests. I kept a very close eye on some of them, and there is absolutely no chance that I don't have at least one of them completed. However, my profile has an opposing opinion. Even though I completed these quests days ago, my profile refuses to recognize any of them, and I find this very peculiar, since nobody else appears to be complaining about such an error.

There is the possibility that this is nothing more than a browser or operating system error, as I have not seen anyone else complain about none of their quests showing up at all, but if my browser or operating system really is at fault, what am I to do about it?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Is it a glitch or not? I'm not entirely sure.

SFH used to be buggy with Quests last year (first few pages here), I dk if it has been tackled yet. I've just gotten a couple of them about a month ago though.

If it's not a glitch, you might have to disable some of your anti-virus software and Firewalls that block Google Ads or Youtube. Update browsers and Java. Switch browsers. The usual layman fixes for most Internet glitches. :L
42 posts

These 'usual layman fixes' are all new to me, especially since I had no idea I had any of these things enabled. It looks like quite a bit of effort for a few game quests. I suppose it isn't the end of the world if I have no quests on my page. I know that I completed them, even if I have nothing to show for it. Still, I will download a different browser tomorrow and see how that goes. There's no harm in trying.

42 posts

Aha! I have made a new discovery, although I am not sure what it means in the way of making my quests show up on my page. When I go to the quest page and I check the box that says 'not completed', two of the Building Rush quests disappear, meaning that I have completed them, and the site acknowledges it! The same happens with all but 5 of the Strike Force Heroes 2 quests. This means that both the site and my browser are recognizing that I have completed these quests, which tells me that the error must be with my profile, as I can now confirm it is the only place where my quests are not acknowledged as rightfully completed. I'm also inclined to believe that, if this is an error with a page on the site, this error is now out of my jurisdiction, though I could of course be mistaken.

Is there anything that can be done from here?

42 posts

Disregard everything I said previously. The issue turned out to be an error with Internet Explorer. The site had nothing to do with it, unless perhaps it is an error with Explorer-Armor Games compatibility. I downloaded Google Chrome, and after I completed a few Diggy quests, everything showed up just fine.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Cool, I didn't know that they're all cross-browser, since they have different file locations. Cheers mate!

42 posts

I do have one more minor issue with a specific quest in Strike Force Heroes 2, but I'm not sure if it's a bug with the game or I'm just not completing it entirely correctly. I mentioned it in the thread for Strike Force Heroes 2 quests, because I think it may have more to do with the game itself than the quest registering properly.

413 posts

Game: Catapult Madness
Quest: Sky is the limit
Bug: quest not activates

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

@twilight2: sometimes there is a lil delay before you get the quest. But now, according to your profile, you have the quest solved.

413 posts

Oh yes.

But here is a more serious and not so easy:
Certain games, eg. Demons vs Fairyland simply not fit in the window of Armorgames, thus are not playable. This means no quests, no play, no nothing (as parts of the map, certain parts of the interface are not avaiable).

Any suggestion?

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

*tested* I take a look at it... but it looks normal for me, screen fits, i dont see any issues.

- Maybe your zoom is changed?
- Have you tried a different browser?
- Flash/browser up to date?
- Do you use chrome? I saw a thread about it, on page 1 they also mentioned zoom, last posts of page 2 holds another tip.

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