ForumsQuests[REPORT] Bugs & Glitches for Quests only

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Quests are the extra achievement for Armor Games' users to enjoy, the bonus that unlocks when you reach certain in-game goals! But unfortunately... there can be bugs and/or glitches occuring that prevent you from unlocking that awesome shiny extra prize to gloriously show off with on your profile...

This thread is to provide a place to report problems with Quests so the Armor Games Staff can effectively look at them to squash the bugs and fix the glitches.

Some guidelines on how to report Quest problems...

Some Quests unlock instantly upon achieving a certain in-game goal, but sometimes they may need you to finish a specific level or reach a certain save point in the game to submit your progress. Please allow some time to pass and if it still does not unlock for you, report it here.

Make sure you always have an internet connection while playing a game that has Quests. If you play 'offline', some games fail to track in-game progress and this will result in (a) Quest(s) not registering/unlocking.

When given the choice, always choose the online save option for a game that has Quests. It is not a necessity for every game with Quests, but a lot of them track a Quest's progress this way. Want that Quest? > Use the online save...

When you post a report about a Quest problem, please make sure to add:
• The name of the specific game with Quest problems;
• The name of the Quest(s) that fail to unlock;
• Why (you think) the Quest does not unlock for you;
• A screenshot with proof in case you reached the in-game achievement(s) that match the specific Quest's info.

Please add my callout (@MrDayCee) to your report post in order to get the quickest response to your problem.

This thread is for problem reporting on QUESTS only please. All discussions about Quests in general need to be redirected to the Quests Forum and their designated Quest Chat thread. And if you want to give some feedback, or have ideas about Quests, you can do this in the Official Quest Feedback Thread!

Any problems with games, server glitches and bugs in general (all not Quest related) need to be addressed through our SUPPORT please.

Thank you for your help! Have fun and game on... HUZZAH! =)

  • 1,078 Replies
7,024 posts

@Alpha900i and @D373 these quests were very recently fixed. It will just take boppins to fix that database like he did with the rest of the fixes.

You can expect this to be happening a lot since too many of the old quests are bugged. New ones are fine but most old ones now trigger at 50% of the target value.

854 posts

@miklothegamer sorry that i didn't get around to Jacksmith over the weekend. however, I just spent the past hour doing testing on it... and, there is a minor issue: quests do not appear to properly award when completed. BUT. the data is being sent properly. AND. if you refresh, it should show that you've earned it. can you try that and let me know?

@boppins we need some database update love, due to robots initiate and epic combo fixes done over the weekend <3

774 posts

Updated again

348 posts

@Tasselfoot no worries not in a rush. I just tried refreshing and nothing triggered or showed up on my profile yet. I'm still working towards the last quest of that game, I'll see if completing that one does anything.

854 posts

That's weird... sorry to hear. Sounds like one that could get manually awarded for you, should they still not work upon completion of the final quest.

22 posts

I got the achievement Test Pilot in Into Space 2 after completing 5 mission, whereas the achievement requires 10. This might be caused due to having the game played multiple times and starting over again.

The Old Way in Learn to Fly 3 stopped progressing at around 75%, refreshing did not help.

Also, I suppose Fly Like An Eagle is supposed to be given after 200 seconds of constant flying, I think I got it after playing and flying 200 seconds combined from different runs.

22 posts

EDIT: Mistaken with The Old Way, didn't know it has to be done in one run. Should be mentioned in the description, though.

Shouldn't there be a note in the Weapon Masters achievements that the game is down and therefore the achivements no longer obtainable ?

323 posts

Hello @Tasselfoot I want to report a glitched quest on the game Infectonator 2.
I finished the game 100% destroyed all towns, got all achievemetns maxed out on both my zombie upgrades and my summon upgrades and still didnt get the "get all ingame achievements" achievement. I have included a picture with all the achievements (screenshoted) and 3 are apearing as non-complete. the 1st one is "Infector" which is described as destroy all towns and get all achievements and its prgress is 100% so no idea why its incomplete... the second is "Behold the Lord" which as description has destroy all towns. Now I did get the armor games achievement so one the website it works but ingame no idea why not. And the last one is "You have nothing" which is get all ingame achievements. Technically I have them but the destroy towns ingame achievement is bugged and therefore does not trigger the rest. Is it possible someone can manually give me the "Nothing to Do" achievement? If you guys need I can provide more screen shots. Also in the comments there was one guy that was complaining that he beat the whole game and he had to re-beat the game caue of the bugged achievement.
Link to imgur with the screenshots of achievements

854 posts

Have you tried refreshing the game? Or playing an additional level? Sometimes the trigger is slightly past what it should be, requiring you to do an extra step or two. Thanks! If these do not work, then yes, we can get it manually awarded for you. @MalevolentDeath

323 posts

Yep refresed the game a few times, checked my profile to see if I had the achievements (cause in some other games you just get the achievement with no pop up) Played an additional 16 levels (just to see if I needed to trigger something) but still no award.
Ps. Thank you for the quick reply!

1 posts

The 'invite friends' bar is hiding the resources I need to play (troops, lightning, hail). I can't figure out how to make it go's a game ender.

323 posts

@Swimmer4214 if you are talking about the game King of Towers just refresh it. happens every now and then.

323 posts

Hello @Tasselfoot I know you are a busy person but when you have time can you check the response I game you above regarding the Infectonator 2 quest?

Also there is a new game released (at least the quests are new) called "Dangerous adventure 2" (pretty nice game) There are 2 quests that i think are (positively) bugged. The first one is "king of Thieves" which states get all the treasure chests, but is awarded 1 treasure chest before you get them all. And the other one is get 100% of the game "The END!" Which states get 100% ingame. I got it as soon as I lost to the boss of the tower (level 100) but I assume you are supposed to kill the tower guardian first. I even got it before finishing the cooking achievement.

pic for the end achievement:

I dont think anyone would mind if you left them like that so it easier to be achieved.
I also want to ask, as I am unaware who I ask for it, for the bug-killer quest. The game was released 2 days ago and I spoted a few bugs and came in contact with the feveloped (the comments are still in the game forum, just go to the early points)

Pic about the glitches and proof that the devs saw it and (hopefully) helped. The glitches dont work anymore so I like to think maybe I did help

Thank you for always helping with the forum

854 posts

Awarded the quest for Infect2, and I've notified Oleg about the DA2 quests... thanks for the report there; not always the easiest thing for us to test the hardest quests

323 posts

I can imagine, its always hard to test everything, even AAA games are filled with bugs wich have a huge budget + beta testers.

Who Should I refer to for a potential bug squash award?

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