ForumsQuests[REPORT] Bugs & Glitches for Quests only

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14,745 posts

Quests are the extra achievement for Armor Games' users to enjoy, the bonus that unlocks when you reach certain in-game goals! But unfortunately... there can be bugs and/or glitches occuring that prevent you from unlocking that awesome shiny extra prize to gloriously show off with on your profile...

This thread is to provide a place to report problems with Quests so the Armor Games Staff can effectively look at them to squash the bugs and fix the glitches.

Some guidelines on how to report Quest problems...

Some Quests unlock instantly upon achieving a certain in-game goal, but sometimes they may need you to finish a specific level or reach a certain save point in the game to submit your progress. Please allow some time to pass and if it still does not unlock for you, report it here.

Make sure you always have an internet connection while playing a game that has Quests. If you play 'offline', some games fail to track in-game progress and this will result in (a) Quest(s) not registering/unlocking.

When given the choice, always choose the online save option for a game that has Quests. It is not a necessity for every game with Quests, but a lot of them track a Quest's progress this way. Want that Quest? > Use the online save...

When you post a report about a Quest problem, please make sure to add:
• The name of the specific game with Quest problems;
• The name of the Quest(s) that fail to unlock;
• Why (you think) the Quest does not unlock for you;
• A screenshot with proof in case you reached the in-game achievement(s) that match the specific Quest's info.

Please add my callout (@MrDayCee) to your report post in order to get the quickest response to your problem.

This thread is for problem reporting on QUESTS only please. All discussions about Quests in general need to be redirected to the Quests Forum and their designated Quest Chat thread. And if you want to give some feedback, or have ideas about Quests, you can do this in the Official Quest Feedback Thread!

Any problems with games, server glitches and bugs in general (all not Quest related) need to be addressed through our SUPPORT please.

Thank you for your help! Have fun and game on... HUZZAH! =)

  • 1,078 Replies
2 posts

getting the achievement recruit 10 units, in House of Wolves is not working for me!

1 posts

Infectonator 2 quest "Nothing To Do" will not complete. I might need to just reset the game and get it over with but as anyone could understand I don't want to do that very much. I got the requirements for it on the new game + mode, after getting all but 1 achievement, "All Out, I Like Your Style," accidentally. I immediately finished that achievement on new game + in case it would count. It didn't, so I tanked the game again to no enjoyable end. If any video would help, I have this.

Would it be better to update in a new post or as an edit to this?

83 posts


I've had an issue with the quest "Perky" for Raze 3 for a while now. It did not unlock on my first playthrough, so I tried again on the local save, but that failed to unlock as well. I've unlocked every other quest for it a while ago.

I read through a previous thread about it and some noted that buying the "none" perk would unlock it, but this did not work for me.

Thank you for your help.

14,745 posts

@flamingfynn Did you check whether or not you were playing with internet connection being 'live'? A lot of games require a working internet connection in order to receive the game data that triggers the Quests. Seeing as how this is an easy Quest, I suggest you try achieving it again and make sure your internet is connected at all times, ok?

@Jorkmaster You should be set and the Quest should show up on your profile.

@Fyrhazrd I checked your data and awarded you the 'Perky' Quest for Raze 3, seeing how you already achieved all other Quests for this game. Apparently the progress got stuck on 67%, being 2/3 of the progress. Congratz on your brand new Quest!

29 posts

Hey, @MrDayCee,
This is copied from my other post under "Games"- "OFFS3T Game" Quest Help".
I'm having issues gettting the last quest on OFFS3T game- the one where you have to complete the last level in 10 seconds or less. I have even had someone time me and it was under 10 and it's still not giving me the quest. Advice?
P.S. It's kinda funny to me that you made this only a day or two after I posted my quest question...

14,745 posts

@Robboberts99 Heyo! Sorry for the late reply... I've been busybusyBUSY the last couple of weeks and this took me some time to reply.

So, I had to re-do the level about 30 times or so in order to finally make it. I think I've beaten the level and unlocked the Quest in around 9 seconds eventually. Some problems that can happen with this particular 'timed' Quest are that when you have a slow computer, or your internet connection has a hickup, the in-game timer is influenced somehow and it is thrown off a bit. This results in you not making it under 10 seconds, when in fact you have - in real time.

My advice in order to get this Quest is to make sure you have nothing running in the background, not even an extra browser window. Make sure your computer is not busy checking for updates or doing a virus check, stuff of the sort. This will ensure you have maximum capacity on your CPU and the chance of your timing being thrown off should be reduced to a minimum, if non existent at all. I hope this works for you. If you keep having problems with unlocking this, send me a callout in this thread with, ok? Quest on!

29 posts

@MrDayCee Ok, I'll try this. Thanks

574 posts
Grand Duke

Not sure why this happened this game worked fine yesterday for me. I am on same comp as i was and nothing changed. I use chrome (can only use chrome as i use a chrome book so cant check other browsers. I have a 2gb ram that should be enough.Any suggestions?

4,755 posts

@MrDayCee I've beaten Give Up 2 while logged out, then when I logged in I didn't get the quest. Here are proofs: screenshot and a video of me opening bonus E.
Evidence on a video.


3 posts

the indempedence day quest is not giving the right amount of flags that you get.

3 posts

it was not right in the independence day ranking as i was stuck at 68 when i had 83 but they never counted to my total so i was second and not first which i should have been all these problems keep happening im thinking it time to quit this game.

1 posts

i looted a legendary item and didn't get the quest completion thing...

4,755 posts

Hello! I have a quest glitch in Road of Fury 2.
I can't acquire these get quests:

1) Space Invader (easy)
2) Back to the future (medium)
3) Garbage collected (medium)

The probable reason is that I've played this game a year ago when I didn't even have this account and I did those "checkpoints". Tried also killing those things and using rockets in survival mode and nada.


10 posts

Hello, so I comleted Infectonator 2, destroyed every city. I got the quest done, but it didn't get completed in the game, so because of that I can't get achievment: get all achievments, so I don't get the last quest done...

4,755 posts

Hello @MrDayCee ! I've just finished the requirements for "Strike Force Hero" insane quest in Strike Force Heroes 2 and I didn't get it... It's very discouraging, because I put A LOT of effort in winning some of the challenges on hard :-/

I'm using an online save on Mozilla Firefox. Sometimes game doesn't recognise that I'm logged in on armor games so that might be the cause of this error. I was logged in when getting the ingame achievment - it showed in the right upper corner, but portal didn't give me the quest. I show on video what do I mean by "game doesn't recognise me as logged in". Although the game is great I so very much don't want to start over and beat all that challenges again...

Here's the link to the evidence video.

And here's also a screenshot I forgot to attach according to the bug in RoF2:

Have a nice day!

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