ForumsGame WalkthroughsSinjid Guide and Side Quest

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14 posts

My first post and guide here for the game Sinjid, I hope it helps out some folks.

I'll try to upload each classes gameplay of the bosses and give out tips (for now just the warrior).
Will update more after I get some sleep.

Basic Tips:
Wall Jumping:
Press the jump key while sliding against a wall to perform another jump.

Food and Drinks:
Don't forget food and drinks also give you buffs and not just heal you out of combat.

Try and block attacks that you can't avoid to mitigate damage.

Boss Fight Guides:
Click on the boss names to watch a youtube video of said boss fights.

Bandit Hill Boss - Mad Lord Yuji
Avoid him if he glows red as he deals increased damage.

White Forest Boss - Warlord Izumi
Try to jump every now and then as you may dodge his shadow dash move. Also interrupt his heals if you can.

Burial Grounds Boss - Warlord Niroshi
Make sure you deal with the risen ASAP because if you don't deal with them they will eventually mob you to death. It is recommended to disrupt him while he is trying to summon the risen.

Dai'Jin Mines Boss 1 - Lady Akari
Disrupt her fireball casting and dodge her fireballs just as she's about to release them and jump in for the kill.

Dai'Jin Mines Boss 2 - Dai'Jin Lord
He heals/blocks more damage the more you attack him in a short time frame.
The key to this fight is to burst him down with 1 or 2 attacks (Don't use multi hit strikes) run away and wait for his green shield to disappear and repeat til dead.

Venomwoods Boss 1 - Ryota the Sly
Reduce healing debuffs are useful for this fight e.g Doom Blade.
Has high regeneration so lay down the pain and interrupt his poison bolts (don't bother dodging them as they can track you).

Venomwoods Boss 2 - Lord Takeshi
Just like Ryota healing debuffs are useful for this fight.
Try to disrupt his poison cloud and just continue to damage him.

Shogun Palace Boss 1 - Haddaku the Swift
He will occasionally summon a clone of himself although it disappears fairly quick so just focus on bringing down the boss.

Shogun Palace Boss 2 - Warlord Asura
Try to interrupt or avoid his high slashing damage move as it deals HIGH damage. Later on in the fight he will use a blue shield which renders him inactive but will heal him while its active so attack him while he is doing this (healing debuffs are useful here). Try to avoid him while he is glowing red as he deals increased damage.

Side Quests:

Ryomura Village:
Setsuko The Cook - Talk to her for a free riceball.

Sutaku the Grey - Find the Lineage scroll located at the White Forest (the scroll is inside of a chest at a house with a mountain symbol)
Reward: 2 Handed Weapon: Ice - 39 Damage + 11 Strength

Eiji the Alchemist - Get him a sample of the Izumi water from a well at The White Forest.
(Hidden Location found just after the Izumi Elite behind a bamboo patch, press spacebar to enter)
Note: Scout Eri will tell you if you talk to her again at the entrance of The White Forest about the hidden location.
Note: This is a repeatable quest.
Reward: Consumable - Enhanced Water

Aoi the Gourmet - Find a ghost mushroom in the Burial Grounds (random drop from mobs there).
Reward: Hands - Lightning Grips 8 Intellect + 17 Agility + Reflex

Baru The Drunk - Purchase European wine from the Dutch trader Karl Fredrick who resides at the far right end of the Emerald Temple.
Reward: Trinket: Lucky Cat Amulet - 8 Intellect + 8 Vitality + Lucky

Emerald Temple:
Alchemist Keito - Available after completing the Dai'jin Mines.
He will ask you to get a sample of poison in the Venomwoods which is located in a pot where you fight Ryota the Sly.
Note: Make sure you bring an empty bottle along.
Reward: 1 Handed Weapon: Acidic Blade - 30 Damage + 9 Intellect + 14 Agility + Toxicty

Noble Saburo - Available after completing the Venomwoods
He will ask you to get some Fancy Robes located in one of the two chest next to each other in the Shogun Palace where the chests are being guarded.
Note: To reach this room get to the first indoor area of the Shogun Palace and take the furthest right door (There should be a
Shogun Assassin with his back towards you and a Shogun Mage.
Note: In this room there are 2 Shogun Retainers, 1 Shogun Assassin and 1 Shogun Mage (A scene should also take place saying something about
Note: Can be easily bypassed by using a Shadow Potion purchased from the dutch trader Karl Fredrick (make sure you buy 2, 1 to get to the
end of the room and another to get back).
Reward: Amulet of Focus - 20 Intellect + 30 Focus + Trance and 150 gold

  • 97 Replies
14 posts

If time permits I shall perhaps make an Assassin guide in the future.

I know that Lady Shiori and Kazuro have a chance of dropping some gems.

1 posts

What is the best weapon to use? I'm a priest thats trying to beat Kazuro. (I'm using spear of the mist (178 damage at excellent condition).

14 posts

Depends what kind of priest build you are using. A high intellect weapon for a caster build or a high Agility/Damage weapon for a melee build. You can buy some good weapons at the Fallen Village.

1 posts

i need help with the shiroda priest

1 posts

me too, the shiroda priest is driving me crazy! She has 1 attack you cant dodge that follows you around, and meanwhile sends out 2 guards at you. It's so hard!

6,400 posts

What are these "healing debuffs" are where do I get them?

14 posts

I'm not sure if any other class has healing debuffs besides the warrior skill Doom Blade. As for the Shiroda Priest try to stay close to her and disrupt her high damage skill and dodge the one the drains your stamina. You can also dodge the homing projectile sometimes just before she casts it you jump behind her, this will cause the projectile not to home. I ignore the guards she summons because they don't do much damage and giving her distance gives her the chance to heal up and cast her spells unless you have AOE skills to clear.

154 posts

I need help on the venomwoods boss, can't really beat with a priest.

8,231 posts

I'd tell you, but i'm not a priest. I'm an assasain. All the advice i can offer is that to keep hitting him, disrupt his evil sparkly cloud when you can, and when you can't, run away to the other side of the screen.
Does anyone have tips for Kazuro as an assasain? (I have a 'Brutal Charge' or something, 136 damage.) Driving me bonkers trying to gethim, especially with that clone-of-you thing he makes.

1 posts

HELP Assasin with 2k damage on kazuro but I can't win. Sighs....

1 posts

warrior is completely OP so far (I'm level 18) and am literally unkillable. I stack strength, vitality, and defense (with some agility mixed in, though I do not sacrifice other stats for it). I'm sitting at 96 damage, 40 defense, 200 str, 31 int, 92 agility, 164 vitality. My talent tree is as follows:
tier 1: 2/2 iron discipline, 3/3 brutal advantage, 1/2 concentrated brew
tier 2: 4/5 heavy armor (maxing next level)
tier 3: 3/3 avenger
tier 4: (nothing)
tier 5: 3/3 aggression
tier 6: deadly charge

heavy armor will be 50% passive damage reduction (on top of defense/blocking next level), my critical hits restore 30 focus and 100% of vitality as health, and every 10 seconds I get 1 attack for +100% crit +stun.
30% chance when I take any hit that my next attack does 100% increased damage. I use an 2h Emerald Spear purchased from the vendor in the 2nd town who you use to upgrade items, and upgraded it to transcendent level so it runs +83 damage, +18 defense, and gives me 3% cooldown reduction.
Basically I watch my buffs, and I open a fight with Slam for a slight knockback + stun @ 100% crit, followed by a strike or two. Once I see avenger 100% dmg next attack proc, I hit my ult (charge) combined with the 100% crit damage, and it lands for about 1500-1700 damage. I'm going to do another playthrough with a priest and an assassin as well. I'm not sure if I want to purchase content for the hunter at this point though.

1 posts

Could someone enlighten me with the upgrade system? I've wanted to have the full-scale paragon and the thing with (+2) and (+4) on the bottom, it just says its transcendent but not paragon. And thank you for this awesome game. Mastered the 3 basic classes, and now trying for the hard difficulty.

14 posts

Transcendent quality is the best upgrade tier in the game and I also assume you're talking about the set bonuses for wearing 2 or 4 pieces of an armor set.

1 posts

yeah you can find emeral crystal and so from bosses 2nd time + give higher drop rate of good items
keep that luck amulet u get from side quest + noble armor and luck potion u will great more drops then u can carry pr run. btw hunter can giv 6 % more rare drops

also did any other find lunar shako in icihisan castle adds solidarity and 18 int 30 agi 13 vit

also priest are realy strong when u are running around whit almost 11 k hp and do 1200 dmg every 0.5 sec + instant hits

trance gives 1 focus every sec
bloodbath gives 5 % for open whounds
tank gives 15 % str and vit but slows you down 20 %
solidarity gain 5 % vit as str and agi and int
destroyer adds 3 % damage dealt
toxicity adds 10 % chance of poisen and slows target
presicion adds 5 % crit chance
reflex reduce cooldown on skills by 5 %
madness gives you 50 % of int as str but decrease focus by 50
iron heart decreases chance of crit dmg on u by 15 %
focus strike gives 10 % chance of 5 focus pr hit

4 posts

how do you disrupt lady akari's fireballs?
^^i'm an amateur, help me out.

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