Welcome to Project Colorful, the latest not-so-top-secret project from GantiCorp. Project Colorful is a descendent of Project Paint Brush.
So what is it? Well, it's like the first task of Project Paint Brush, except a certain someone can't "cheat".
You, the user, are tasked with conveying the theme with only three colors and three shapes. The theme is announced in the title of this thread and the next theme is announced at the end of the current Project. The first theme is Seasons. This is a challenge thread and a discussion thread. You are free explain your color-shape choices and free to discuss other user's color-shape choices.
DEFiNiTiONS Color. All colors are colors. However, neutral colors (black, browns, grays, white) do not count as colors when used as a background. Neutral colors may be counted as colors if specified by the user. Outlines (black or white) do not count as colors, but whatever lays inside (neutral or not) counts as a color. Shape. Not all shapes are shapes. Only geometric shapes and blobs will be considered shapes. Shapes must also be continuous. Shapes with holes are considered one shape if the holes are filled in with the background color.
RULES 1.) One shape, one color. Shapes cannot be more than one color. Colors may not be blended, except for anti-aliasing. 2.) One color, one shape. Two shapes cannot have the same color. 3.) Different shade, different color. Two different shades of red are two different colors.
Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the Project.
these are 3 outlined blobs in 3 different colors on a neutral yellow background, also you never mentioned what a blob is or any thing about uniformity, only that a shape must be continuous,
Most blobs are circle shaped? Does that mean an elogated branching shape is not a blob, Or a conical blob? Its kinda tough to say something is shapeless unless there is nothing, for example this is a blob but since it has an eye, arms and mouth wer see a face, and living creature, and I would call it bell shaped.
Not necessarily. It's just far less likely. The shape of blobs is probabilistic, shapeless in that it can change its shape, which makes it hard to replicate a second time, but most of the time do slightly resemble something if you map out all the changes and average it, like how orbitals map the 90% probabilistic location of electrons. Blobs are like clouds, splats of liquid, amoebae, clumps of algae, confetti dropped all over the floor, a flock of birds, jelly monsters, etc. Certainly, they are more roughly elliptical due to various physical constraints, but an elongated multi-branched structure is far less likely than forked structure or an elongated structure, or an elongated forked structure.
Think of all those probabilities and such you are forgetting in essence the structure of all life or even that what we perceive is based on the principles of particles, which we tend to represent as globs/blobs of molecules/ energy. The form of everything is based on Globs/blobs so when you say a blob you must think of the infinite structures that have formed from the physics of particles and probabilities which include the structure forms we present which are our blobs of particles retaining the energy of light in which we call memory.
So when something looks like what you have seen its just a collection of blobs so fine in scale that the mind give you the illusion of shape. For all the principles of geometry are based on abstraction of blobs that we experience in nature.
Anyways just one idea of our floating blobs :P, didn't mean to get into a debate of what a blob is its just one of those ideas I have about "What a shape is", I find a shape is nothing more the the illusion of what we see, versus how wish to define an abstraction.