i have a problem: i did not talk to Belton after the quest where you can let him join your party. Now iìm level 26 and i can't still beat the Voidstalker Bossbecause i don't actually have a tank. Now if i come back to the place where Belton is, i can't talk to him. Does anyone have a solution?!
Finished, rly good game, i would play it with or without quests, but with them i think i would be faster...^^
@shannye: are you sure you have all the other quests done? you can get 3 additonal partymembers, if you havent a complete party of 4 you miss a tribe... if you dont have a tank, then make one of your partymembers to one, you can change their specilization (on warriors from dps to tank)
nope, i don't think so (i'm pretty sure i didn't do all repeatable quests and got medal). a medal for killing the beast would be nice. Btw. why is there a useless teleport at the river near the jungle (south)
More than one kill is needed for Gardius (cant remember how many times he revives... but after a few kills he is dead). To keep your team & youself alive (quicker kills) get some potions.
Shade Gardius revives about five or six times. You will lose party members when he revives the third(?) and fifth times(?) no matter what as that is one of Shade Gardius's skills. You're probably going to end up running in circles and hitting him whenever possible towards the end.