ForumsGame WalkthroughsStrike Force Heroes 2 Challenge

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5 posts

Has anyone been successful on the challenge mission "Defection"? I have tried everything with every class even at rather high levels with little to no success at all. The best I've managed is 4 points only to be defeated as the enemy gets to 5.
At this point I'm contemplating giving up on it forever

  • 10 Replies
3,174 posts

I beat it on normal, which won't help with getting the quest. How I beat it was with a level 36 (or so) Sniper. I used a high damage sniper rifle (A Flawless Intervention, Lvl 35, 153.1 Damage, 93% Accuracy, 138 ft. range, 1.2rps, 5x2 Ammo Clip) I had the "Wall Hack" Killstreak and the "Overkill" passive skill.

I could one or two shot any enemies, but it was still tough. The way I got the last flag was to kill all the enemies (they were pretty much lined up) very quickly, grab the flag and run back.

I don't know what I'm going to do on the hard difficulty, but it is probably the most challenging challenge. The one's after that are not as difficult. I also should add a high level juggernaut might be able to take a lot of damage from the enemy and may be able to grab the flag and run back. I have yet to try that method with a high enough level juggernaut.

5 posts

Hey thanks Reton8 I finally beat it....just narrowly though
I used the same class(sniper) but at around level 38 with a rare high powered corrosive rifle I won from the slot machine with a high level sword. Instead of using the Wall Hack steak I used true stealth to sneak up to the flag without getting damaged .
Good tips

3,174 posts

Ok cool! After I posted I thought about that, using the stealth killstreak. It's good to know that you beat it. It is a real challenge.

4 posts

I cant beat Pacifism with that damageless sword ._.

1 posts

Frostarc, not sure if you are aware of this but swords can deflect. Just click when an attack is about to hit you, it can take some practice but it is helpful in the longrun.

3,174 posts

Or try what I did, just do nonstop clicking. I also would duck and face my enemy(all well non-stop clicking) to deflect bullets towards the enemy. Sometimes it helps to time the clicks.

72 posts

Nonstop clicking with the sword will block almost anything except elemental weapons...if you spawn an enemy jug with a flamethrower, etc, restart.

5 posts

FrostArc I would echo what Reton8 said when using the reflection beam you're correct it does not do any damage but it can deflect bullets and in fact do so in a way that will reflect the bullets back at the enemy which can kill them.
The best thing to do is exactly as Reton put it, don't stop swinging and make sure to face the enemy otherwise it will not work. Also crouching gives the enemy a smaller target while giving you less spots to defend which helps intercept projectiles.
I would only add that move quickly between the points. Don't worry about dying all that much it doesn't matter. Just try to keep as many as you can so you can get a bit of a lead at the beginning then just hold out til you win.
Don't get bogged down trying to get rid of enemies if you don't need to.

3,087 posts

For Pacifism, a General with full auto will allow very rapid fire (at least that is how someone on sky9 reported it)

For defection, the A.I., because of pathing I would guess, rarely goes up over the top of the map, take advantage of this as you go to capture the flag. (this is how I beat it on normal (with an engineer) and hard (with a sniper), please not on normal I had just finish the campaign and did no quick-matches.

~~~Darth Caedus

2 posts

Meph9: I've managed to beat Defection in two ways:
A) "Heavy": Pump-Shotgun Juggernaut w/ "Immovable Object" passive [it doesn't matter what your killstreak is],
B) "Light": laser-sighted DSR1/L118A Sniper w/ Overkill passive and "True Stealth" kill streak
**N.B.: I've only used option A successfully on normal, option B on Hard**

For either style it is of VITAL importance that your "Loyal Soldier" (LS) be someone of worth that can stand by themselves; this means NO Generals and NO Grenade Launchers/Elementals. If you spawn with one of those as your LS, restart-- the LS is very important later for drawing fire and preventing you from having your flag taken too easily.

For option A: tank it. Use the uppermost path both ways. Good luck.

For option B: go the lower path to get to the flag, getting the 3 kills needed for True Stealth. Activate it later rather than sooner, around the first stairs after the Health pack spawn point.
Under stealth, go next to the flag but DO NOT take it yet. Wait until there is a minimum number of guards around there (preferably only one, but that's difficult, but possible, later), then quickly headshot them for an OHK. Grab the flag and book it away on top of the map, preemptively firing your secondary just in case. If your lucky, no one will be waiting to kill you back home.

Best of luck. Even with perfect play, it will take a few tries--- there's a lot of RNG you can't control.

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