I don't think this is a huge deal, and it didn't really bother me much, but I was wondering if this happened to anybody else. When I opened armorgames for some reason where it says you your logged in as it said MaximK. I thought this was weird and when I loaded another page it was gone, and when I pressed the back button it still wasn't there anymore. This confused me so I went to my page, and in the address where it says who's profile it is, I put MaximK, and it took me Here. It was his page, but he has no posts or anything, just 3 games submitted, I was wondering if anyone has any idea about this?
Well this happened me and it was when I got hacked I submitted a post ad it logged me on as him and when I tried to get back on the password was changed!
I guess I should switch off the password remembering browser then, if it can relate my account to being hacked. I guess it wouldn't matter as much to me as to the higher point ranks and accounts.