ForumsArt, Music, and WritingFirearm design and name ideas

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This is a series discusion about firearm ideas.

Let me start with the BDPAR "Big Daddy Portable Artilery Rifle"
It is a .65 Cal sniper rifle unfortunantly the ammunition for it doesn't exist so I would have to use hand load but the size of a round is 9 1/2 inches long.The BDPAR is a pretty standard over sized bolt action rifle but do to a few specifacations of the gun it requires an extremely tight fit and a unique ejection system but all that is is an extra piece that forces out the shell without jamming or damaging the gun.If you want to post any ideas or give some one else advice please do.

  • 9 Replies
1,146 posts

In my forums I address Desert Eagles as Peasant Regals...It doesn't really rhythm but it sound interesting.

6,800 posts

Let me start with the BDPAR "Big Daddy Portable Artilery Rifle"

I'm going to go out on a limb and state that you're either

A) Under the age of 10
B) Never used a firearm
C) Both
1,146 posts

Yeah because so many 10-year-olds use worlds like "artillery" and &quotortable".
If you want to criticize peoples ideas make a forum of your own for doing such.

6,800 posts

Actually, thats rather my point.

Artillery is a fixed emplacement firing large caliber munitions, inteded to be used in an indirect fassion and at some distance from the main combat area. Given that your... Weapon uses a small caliber and is carried by a single individual would classify it as small arms, not artillery.

As for portable, you managed to use that correctly. But thats not something I'd brag about.


-Because I have no clue what you're talking about when you say "handload".

Mauser Bolt Action System (M98)

-M98 bolt action inspired pretty much every bolt action system used today. Good to know stuff, since you seem to think a good bolt action is a rare thing.


Shell is used, to mean the entire unit in large caliber being required by artillery, containing the casing, primer, charge, and warhead. A cartridge, which houses the harve and contains the primer, is the metal cylinder expelled by weapons using shells. A cartridge is a "spent" shell.

If you have a problem with someone posting on a *public* thread and expressing a different opinion than yours, perhaps you shouldn't be making use of the forums here. But don't throw a hissy fit, especially when you ask for other's advice in the OP.

2,739 posts

If you have a problem with someone posting on a *public* thread and expressing a different opinion than yours, perhaps you shouldn't be making use of the forums here. But don't throw a hissy fit, especially when you ask for other's advice in the OP.

What opinion did you post that was contributory towards the thread with your post? Accusing someone of being underage and/or never handling a gun because they do not know the specific terms to a vocabulary that even most firearm users them self do know specifically know? Congratulations on making a biased post.

If you want to criticize peoples ideas make a forum of your own for doing such.

Criticism is a part of basic freedom of speech. While you might not live in a country that follows that law, AG stands by the power to say one's opinion as long as they are following the rules of the site.

Let me start with the BDPAR "Big Daddy Portable Artilery Rifle"
It is a .65 Cal sniper rifle unfortunantly the ammunition for it doesn't exist so I would have to use hand load but the size of a round is 9 1/2 inches long.The BDPAR is a pretty standard over sized bolt action rifle but do to a few specifacations of the gun it requires an extremely tight fit and a unique ejection system but all that is is an extra piece that forces out the shell without jamming or damaging the gun.If you want to post any ideas or give some one else advice please do.

Adding a water cooling system to the end of the barrel would be a great idea. Seeing as how all that energy from a 9 1/2 inch shell is going to create a lot of heat after only a few shots. Also, a adjustable stock with the option of a add on recoil pad would be a nice touch.
6,800 posts

What opinion did you post that was contributory towards the thread with your post? Accusing someone of being underage and/or never handling a gun because they do not know the specific terms to a vocabulary that even most firearm users them self do know specifically know? Congratulations on making a biased post.

Its a simple concept: If you don't know what you're talking about, then keep your mouth shut. And when I have to put up with "herp derp CoD iz real guize" to my right, "guns kill people" to my left, and the angel of death behind, yeah, I tend to get frazzled.

Because shockingly, playing a video game doesn't make you an expert on... Anything.
2,739 posts

And when I have to put up with "herp derp CoD iz real guize" to my right, "guns kill people" to my left, and the angel of death behind, yeah, I tend to get frazzled.

That is completely understandable.

Its a simple concept: If you don't know what you're talking about, then keep your mouth shut.

However, that concept seems to be neglected by many. Besides, his(her?) idea made sense to him( her?) at the time. Maybe from their field of knowledge that seems like a pretty good idea, but then they also said that any advice would be welcomed. Thus they know well enough that their make believe gun is in no way perfect and people with a further in-depth knowledge on the matter can help.
1,146 posts

Because shockingly, playing a video game doesn't make you an expert on... Anything.

Technically speaking playing a video could make you an expert on playing that video game.

Shell and cartridge mean pretty much the same thing, adding the word "Spent" or "Empty" implies that the charge once inside has already been discharged.

What do you mean by "herp derp CoD iz real guize"?
339 posts

i want a BAN gun BAN! BANBAN!! BAN! mwahahaha

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