ForumsGamesPS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U

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This is the official thread for PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One. Which will be the one console to rule them all? Let's hear your opinion.

  • 400 Replies
242 posts

I play COD, ZombiU, Monster Hunter Ultimate, Batman: Arkham City, and Assassin's Creed by myself. And there are plenty more single player games either out, or coming out. I think the problem with u is, ur a conformist, so you wanna be in the in crowd, but don't wanna say it.

Maybe but all of those games are avaible for other platform including PC (not counting monster hunter - but that game alone is not enough) so this is not really enough to convince people isn't it?

Anyway right now i don't know which console would I chose.
I prefer X1's current game library over PS4's but you need to deal with a lot of garbage with new Xbox. So X1 is definitely not for me.

With PS4 there's not that much garbagge but there is also less games I'm interested in. PS+ for multiplayer also isn't something that I like - I know it has it's benefits but that doesn't mean I want to use them.

Wii U currently doesn't have many games not only released ones but also the unreleased ones. It also lacks power and I'm afraid 3rd party companies will turn away from Nintendo yet again because of that.

I think I'll use PC instead of consoles if there won't be anything about the new consoles that would convince me otherwise.
3,523 posts

I think I'll use PC instead of consoles if there won't be anything about the new consoles that would convince me otherwise.

Be warned, some games that are coming out on consoles are not currently planned for PC release. This includes GTA V, Destiny, and the Division. I would recommend getting a console for games like this and other exclusives.

I think the problem with u is, ur a conformist, so you wanna be in the in crowd, but don't wanna say it.

I think the problem is that the only 3rd party games being made for the Wii U are ports of games from 2011. Nobody wants to make games for Wii U because it is a weak system.
The Witcher 3 was announced at E3 recently. PS4, PC, and X1.
New Trials game, Trials Fusion. PS4, X1, and PC.
The Division which I am greatly anticipating, PS4 and X1.
Theif reboot. PC, PS4, X1.
Saints Row IV. PC, PS3, Xbox 360.
South Park the Stick of Truth. PC, PS3, 360.
Dark Souls II. PC, 360, PS3.
Battlefield 4. PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One.
Destiny. PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One.

All of these are upcoming games,and none of these are on the Wii U.
13 posts

Think back to XBOX 360. The PS3 is a WAY better console in every way EXEPT perhaps game variety (Because the 360 is older). It seems that now with the xbox one is trying to copy everything that was good about the PS3 while failing at everything else. Blu-ray? Who gives a crap? Everyone I know doesn't really care about blu-ray. We have a full HD tv. You can't really tell the difference. And now they make it so that you cannot buy/trade used games? Do you know how many games I have picked up for my old PS2 just by walking into gamestop and seeing what is cheap? Exactly.

As for me, I was introduced to gaming at about age 3, when my dad used to play our PS1. We got a PS2 as a no-brainer. After that, PS3 was the obvious choice. I'll pick up the PS4 no doubt. I never liked Microsoft except for Windows 7. I LOVE Windows 7. Point, PS4=Epic. XB1=No, just no.

478 posts

Nobody wants to make games for Wii U because it is a weak system.
But the WiiU is stronger than PS3 and Xbox360, so I think that developers just don't wanna take any chances because the WiiU hasn't sold enough to release alot of games. For instance:
I doubt the Xbox1 will sell more than the WiiU has, as it's not predicted. But sheeple...I mean people, hear others telling them to buy PS4, so they will. Nothing wrong with PS4, it will be a great system, but people are comparing two soon to be release systems with one that is already out.

3,523 posts

But the WiiU is stronger than PS3 and Xbox360, so I think that developers just don't wanna take any chances because the WiiU hasn't sold enough to release alot of games. For instance:

Except this is not a PS3 vs. 360 vs. Wii U thread. This is for next gen consoles. And the PS4 has 7 times more RAM for gaming than the Wii U.
672 posts

I think the problem with u is, ur a conformist, so you wanna be in the in crowd, but don't wanna say it

I think the problem with you is that you think the Wii U is somehow the best thing in the world even though you have absolutely no Idea. The games you play on the Wii U will look way better on the PC and PS4 and even the X1.
And Dalek listed some good points on why he wants a PS4 and therefore he is not being a mindless conformist

I doubt the Xbox1 will sell more than the WiiU has, as it's not predicted

Thanks great fortune teller. You are a hypocrite you tell everyone not to "conform" because you think it is some majority that likes the PS4 but then again you turn around and say
oh people predict that the X1 is not going to sell more than the Wii U

people are comparing two soon to be release systems with one that is already out.

You know why we can do that. Because we know the Hardware specs and we know enough. We know the fact that the Wii U has hardware that matches a low grade computer. 2gbs of Ram and an "OK" CPU
It is like comparing 2 computers if one computer has an Intel I5 @ 2.5 GHZ With 2 GB of Ram and another has an Intel I7 @ 3.7GHz Turbo with 8GB of Ram then obviously the second computer is going to be better at computing and it can run more games. Its simple really.

This includes GTA V

I believe they changed their mind on that one and now they are going to have it on the PC but released later.

The thing that is great about the PC is once you make it a gaming machine you automatically get Wii games as well because the Wii emulator is probably the Best smoothest dang near perfect emulator compared to the others.

I prefer X1's current game library

What game library most of the games they advertise are for both consoles
3,523 posts

What game library most of the games they advertise are for both consoles

He most likely means exclusives. PS4 didn't bring much to the table, but I don't think it would be crazy to predict a sequel to The Last of Us coming as an exclusive.
3,766 posts

I think the problem with u is, ur a conformist, so you wanna be in the in crowd, but don't wanna say it.

Must not say what I want to say...

I am not a conformist at all. Do you see my just trashing the Wii U and Xbox One for no good reason. I don't think I am. If any unbiased source (so not you or me) thinks I am just trashing a system for no good reason speak up. Anyway, there are positives and negatives for each platform and those affect the buyers in different ways. Partially it is what platform you are most comferable with. The games that come out for the platform also have an affect. There is also the factor of price, quality, graphics, uniqueness... Personally I am a fan of Nintendo. I still have my SP and I have a DS and 3DS. If the Wii U was right for me I would buy it right away, but it isn't. Now I am fine with your love for the Wii U. It suits you and that is cool and all. But please don't go bashing other people and the other systems just because you like the Wii U more. We all have different tastes and want different things from our platforms. You are just hurting it overall.

P.S. Thanks for the part about CoD etc being on the Wii U. That was a good point and I did not know that.
3,766 posts

Sorry for the double post here but this could be helpful:

672 posts

He most likely means exclusives. PS4 didn't bring much to the table, but I don't think it would be crazy to predict a sequel to The Last of Us coming as an exclusive

I know exactly what he meant but he was talking about the Xbox1 which has almost no exclusives. It was sarcasm my bad
1 posts

So far all the tie up until e3 Sony and Microsoft have been bickering with each other. Nintendo, however is announcing games consistently. Sure, Microsoft has Halo and Sony has Killzone. But Nintendo not only has a new Mario coming out, but also a new Zelda, Pokemon, Smash Bros., and more. Plus I actually have a Wii U unlike most people who think it suckaps, and I say its great. Sure I love my Xbox 360 and my friend's PS3, but I like my Wii U and am excited for all the new games coming out for it. I hope I defended my point well enougj

4,170 posts

Side note: This the only AG thread I can get to come up. Da hell?

After hearing about the price of the Xbox1, I'm not buying it. $500 bucks for a system?! Then there's online, kinect, controllers, games.

Live will be as much as PS+ which (from what I've heard) is necessary for any online play. The Kinect is included in the bundle, a controller will be included but (from what I've heard) single-console Multiplayer isn't viable, and the games may or may not be more/less expensive relative to 360 games. Then there's also your Internet bill, Cloud storage, hard drives, etc.

Overall I feel that PS4 just punched the Xbox One in the gut. Not just because of its $399 price tag, but also the ability to share/sell used copies of games, their independent game support, and the fact you don't have to be always connected to the internet.

Yes sir!

I realize it's early to judge how things will play out, but PS4 looks like the console for me.

I actually heard some interesting information on this today. If Microsoft wants to make that deadline, the consoles must be in production already. I've been hearing people say, "Microsoft loves their consumers. Surely they'll fix the issues before it comes out." In my opinion, revolutionizing a console with as many problems that the X1 has seems too much work. Is it worth the time? Is it worth the investment? Might they just slip this generation? There's no way they could fix their console and their policies before fall arrives, but I doubt it's feasible before the generation after next comes out.

Gamers are smart though. Especially hardcore gamers. They're not against turning their back on a console this quickly.

From what I've noticed the past few days, the X1 seems to be dying. I was dying to get it until the rumors starting coming out, and E3 only helped make those glaring nightmares more real. I loved my 360, but I will most definitely be skipping the X1 and getting the PS4 (already got my Wii U).

That said, Microsoft showed off some better games. It will be hard to tell what does better this holiday season.

I think this has been exaggerated a bit. Yeah, I get it, exclusives are great if you have the right system, but it seems like most games are multiplatform (or at least will be). To an extent, Nintendo even made somewhat of an attempt to join the hardcore gamer crowd. The exclusives seem more diminished than last generation.

But, of course, the games available for a system won't change the system itself.

With the Wii though, Nintendo went after casual gamers. Big time. Problem is, they're "casual" gamers. They don't follow your brand or the new consoles. Only hardcore gamers do that. So with the Wii U, they're having trouble getting their footing with both the hardcore and casual gamers.

But the Wii U is trying for hardcore gamers. The Wii felt like a slap in the face for those of us who love awesome hardcore-oriented games and loyalty.

I'm hoping Nintendo will reveal more Zelda related things. that's the main reason i bought the wii when it first came out.

I'm hoping so too, but so far Nintendo games seem like they won't be abundant relative to last generation.

It also helps that the wii u has more of the games that used to be on both xbox and ps but not on the wii. Like AC and such. so all in all i'm going for the wii u, i just need to save up a little.

Yes, the Wii U is trying to appeal to the hardcore gamers this generation (finally). If they succeed they could be great 9th gen.

The Wii U is the most unique console I've seen yet. The idea of mixing a portable game console, a regular console, and controller all in one is pure genius. Nintendo I have to say made a much better upgraded version of their console then Microsoft and Sony combined. And some of it's features make daily things easier as well, such as exercise and the internet features help you upgrade on social media and stuff (if you're into that).

Actually the 360 and the PS3 already have many capabilities similar to that of the Wii U. The Wii U is a bit more sophisticated with them, of course, but they're a little late to the party. The Wii was awful when it came to game-unrelated features.

Because I'm tired as hell, I'll reply to the rest of the thread later.
242 posts

I know exactly what he meant but he was talking about the Xbox1 which has almost no exclusives. It was sarcasm my bad

Acording to the chart posted here X1 has 8 exclusives announced meanwhile PS4 has 5 of them. And as I said I like X1's more. Look I know X1 is terrible console but that doesnt't mean that everything about it is terrible as well.

Be warned, some games that are coming out on consoles are not currently planned for PC release. This includes GTA V, Destiny, and the Division. I would recommend getting a console for games like this and other exclusives.

I'm aware of that however I would like to play only fraction of AAA console games and for me its just not worth spending 600 dollars for console + 250 dollars for online for 5 - years (PS4 price in my country - xbox's is 650 for console and 300 for online for 5 years) Not like I have that much money to spare...
478 posts

Thanks great fortune teller. You are a hypocrite you tell everyone not to "conform" because you think it is some majority that likes the PS4 but then again you turn around and say
This is my opinion, as well as something I saw on vgchartz

242 posts

This is my opinion, as well as something I saw on vgchartz

Ehm ehm last time I posted vgchartz link you were talking about how vgchartz are inacurate.
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