Thank you Reton8. I saw a lot of users which are currently using these two armatars.Just like me. They should represent my view of medieval castle in a Gothic style.My favorite style is Gothic style.
The one with fireballs took me almost 5 hours. In the dimensions of 400x400 pixels you can see some details which are not visible in this version, caused by compression.
While I was creating the other (purple Night) I had nightmares,because I was trying to reconstruct the first one,and it was really hard. When I think about it,the only thing that comes to my mind is: I will never again reconstruct anything. The best is always to start from the beginning.
While I was creating the other (purple Night) I had nightmares,because I was trying to reconstruct the first one,and it was really hard. When I think about it,the only thing that comes to my mind is: I will never again reconstruct anything. The best is always to start from the beginning.
I know how you feel. You stare at the image you have been working on for a long time. Then, when you close your eyes it's all you see lol. Then to reconstruct it and work on it for hours again. I would have nightmares too lol.
Did you ever post the castle ones at full-size 400 x 400?
Yes you are right. I did not post 400x400 versions, because I have other plans for them. It will be a part of something much larger. When I finish everything maybe I will post it in here.
Thank you for your support Reton8,I really appreciate it.
-The new project-
I started making 3-d model of the castle. I am currently in planning stage,drawing and calculating.
For the first time I am making something like this.
Working history: Quest shield [url]http:/community/thread/11689463/ivanxxxxxxx-arts/page/9[/url]
Ahh a full project! Interesting. :] When you say 3-d model, do you mean a 3-d model that you will make in the computer or a 3-d model that you will make in real life?
If you are making the 3-d model in the computer, what program do you use?
I thought about it. The project should be realized in real 3D-model. That is the basic idea,after all.
I do not have PC programs to do something like that, because these programs are too much expensive for me. But they could make my job much easier.Too bad I'll have to stick up to pen and paper
I drew a lot of initial sketches,I will upload them later. Right now, the biggest problem is The main concept.
Surface base should be 1000 mm x 1000 mm -mm- (millimeters)
I plan to be ground with cliff and river (rampart) So I will need a bridge too. Bridge should be a ramp from the trap door of castle. I imagine that the bridge has its own mechanism.
Currently I have a problem with the concept of the castle! It can be like pentagonal shape,square shape or hexagonal.
If Iam going to use a pentagonal shape,on every corner (5) there would be a tower. 4 towers would be identical, and the last tower would be something like a court. I have ideas for several types of these towers but I'll see which I will use.
When I upload some sketches later,we can discuss, ok
There is a free and powerful 3-d modeling program called Blender. I don't know if the program would be able to help you with your project. The program is also difficult to learn and to learn it would take a large amount of time.
Anyway, it sounds like it will be a lot of work, but will be a really great piece of artwork when finished :]
I will constantly upload from now on sketches. The project is enormous,and requires a lot of planning before the process of making can begin. Thank you in advance for any support. Also, if anyone has some suggestions,I'd be glad to hear them.
I want to point out that I'm not doing this for money or for any personal interest.I'm a big fan of castles, and I'm doing this because I always wanted to do something like this.
Project begins with a planning phase, so lets get started
Now I will mark Phase 1,so we can follow it up easier. There will be a lot of changes in this phase.
In this sketch you can see the base. The view is from bird's eye perspective. The planned dimensions are 1000 x 1000 mm The terrain will be also in 3D, just like the castle.
The base will be made of solid wood. Wood Table 1000mmx1000mm x 15mm (thickness)
Regarding the thickness. I think I need at least 15 mm of table thickness, because it needs to carrie heavy elements.
The base will have its own frame. One side will be reserved for the author, and on the other side I want to print out the special thanks to all users who had contributed in any way.
Planned materials for the terrain: -Various types of wood -plasticine -glue -matches -nails -pins -wire
Wow you are very talented. These are all incredible. And this castle project looks really interesting. Do you have any idea what kind of materials you want to use to make it?