Bringing some works I somewhat like over
Porcelain Demons
Porcelain dolls, they sit and they stare
an inching movement, how can one prepare?
Desperation lies upon one held by fear
Heavy words towards one whom shan't hear
The piercing scream, delight of the sadist
One more soul he adds upon his list
His demonic possession, kept secret
Until one more life becomes cheated
If you knew what hid, to own you would not dare
Porcelain dolls, they sit and they stare
(A response poem to "To His Coy Mistress)
To Her Potent Lover
Thy heavy words, which carry to me so true
Have given me a perspective new.
At once, I agree, we should seize the day,
Then tighten our talons, and make it stay.
We shall send the sun into Kong Ming's maze,
Where even one brighter would find that ways
Which seem a true path are no more
Than further entrapment. But alas! Still there will soar
That shining moon, ever so mocking.
Though to get rid of there exists a way, be it so shocking.
The moon, so confused, as one can most clearly see
Has many faces, all wishing to truly be.
Their ever long battle gives chaos to the ocean
As same does time to love's devotion.
For now they take turns to soften their fighting.
So to harden it, send them unaddressed love writing,
Why, my love, dost thou fear that winged chariot?
Merely clip its wings, then pay no attention to it.
Why dost thou shake at time's continuation?
Stand firm, for love will cause it obliteration.
For true love, time is a cruel illusion,
Made to infect lovers' minds and cause confusion
That love is not everlasting and will surely fleet,
But our love will be the cause of Time's defeat.
We shall take that trident from the mighty seafarer
And with our love, against we shall show no terror.
With this mighty tool giving the ocean's command
We shall wash away Time's counting sand.
Thy holder of such true and loving tongue
I promise thee we shall keep this love young.
The vegetable love will most surely grow
To a beautiful garden, never be it low.
At each passing moment to it we shall tend,
And even during separation, its growth shall be a trend.
A love so powerful, it would make any other look false,
Merely just actions acted out impulse.
A love so sweet, it makes Miracle Fruit seem sour.
A love so strong, not even a tyrant has equal power.
Those poems of old, with praising sentiments of their love
Are merely extended ways to say "By Jove".
Our love, which can't be denied truest of them all
Contains so much strength, it could make Zeus fall.
But now, thou has an odd look upon thy face,
I inquire thou to answer: be this true love, or be it base?
(I plan on fixing up some parts possibly..sometime in a near-distant future)
Touch of Truth
Objectifying with bleak desperation,
Their curséd words of piercing temptations
Full of barked claims of perceived divination
That announces my impeding damnation
They shout, with their giant voices booming.
I shrink, fearing the dark light looming.
They hush, with calm tales of unconditional love.
I grow, with curious thoughts to speak of.
Their truth they cling on to, ready to defend,
But to my truth, jabbing questions they do send!
My anger burning, could their persistence bend?
Or must I stay tormented til days end?
Upon a lone moment of seclusion,
I begin to ponder their delusion.
But lo! Sudden insight lets my inner eye see
The judgement I too threw maliciously
I resolve, with immediate resolute
To find agreement within this wicked dispute.
For alas, neither party can truly refute
The truths which would result the others mute
And now taking some from Poetry/Haiku contests
Broken Bond
Brightened smiles meet
Euphoric friendship elates
Death, the cruel jokester..
Longèd hopelessness...
Dare I construct confidence?
For what if I'm wrong?
[b]War of Love and Death
Love succeeds once more
The Lovers, perish'd, unite
Death conquers once more
War of Love and Death
The darkness slowly crept along with swift haste,
It's brighten'd smile shadowing the land
And covering the ground in which I stand,
Whilst unveiling the enemies I face.
On either side, the other side: a smile.
A greeting from such a long farewell,
But there exists an obstacle of a hellish trial
For such conquest I aim to quell.
The thunderous applause crack'd across the sky
As the cloudless night drew an eerie silence.
Their gazes grazing over me; silent.
Tonight shall be the lovers' final goodbye.
I feel their stares, trying to pierce through,
As if it'd be any help for them.
I stand, intrepid, waiting to condemn,
but with a sudden movement the chaos grew.
The lover to my left darted violently,
While the other graced along carefully.
He must have thought she did so beautifully,
But not so much as my blade passed through silently.
Her body hit the ground ever so peacefully,
Ever so gracefully, with never more a breath.
And when I kissed her cheeks, covered with death,
His rage exploded, and he charged forcefully.
Never shall you know the look of true intent,
The look of a man with no more left to lose.
The look of a man whose inner being has been let loose.
The look of a man as, from his body, his head is sent.
His body crumpled to the ground
As I took in the silence of the area.
But again broke out mass hysteria,
As she came down with a most impressive sound.
Love, or so you all call her,
Spoke to me with a voice truly serene.
"You may have taken their lives clean,
But more are out there, and you they abhor."
Then, at once, she was gone as she came.
A tyrannical one, she really is,
Vying to rule all with the ruse of loving bliss.
So, in order to halt her, I became.
I am viewed the villain, until one's final breath.
Such is the price to pay for being Death.
(made an alteration)
Long forgotten youth
He finds, preserved in photos
Nostalgic tears fall
Naughty or Nice
Blood dries on his knife
We curse, despite our hunger
As he hands us bread
Paradise of Ice
So call'd paradise!
A white demon's tyranny
Traps hope down, frozen
The Thanksgiving Spirit
Bowéd heads, silent
A faux pray, he keeps the peace
Thoughts of the tortur'd
The mask'd covering
Only what's needed is known
But for truth, they seek
Don't Fear the Reaper
Existence beloved
Fearful for the absolute
A darkness of peace
Blacken'd hearts watching
Slowly lower'd with hushed sound
Grievance shows no peace