First off this list is all of fake games. What I would imagine to be the worst games I would ever play. I wrote this article in Highschool so I thought I would share it.
Remember these games aren't real to the best of my knowledge
Drunken FreeWay Run System: Super Nintendo (arcade style)
Description: After going to a bar for 5 hours, you are dropped off on the side of the freeway. The other side has more booze. Earn points for safely crossing the road in the frogger-esque game. Crossing the road in the allotted time period will earn you bonus points. The more levels you beat the drunker your character becomes. Watch your character sway back and forth across a busy freeway. The game ends when you drink enough to pass out or you are hit by enough cars.
Wii Heavy Exercise Sports Console: Wii
Soccer: Use the Wii weighted Nunchuck and Remote to run. Kick the Wii heavy bowling ball to score points.
Heavy Basketball Free Throws: Use the heavy bowling ball to simulate shooting baskets. Try not to let go
Wii Track: Attach the wii lead weights to your arms and ankles while you run in place.
Knot Tying DS Use your fingers to tie various boy scout knots in the required time.
Gun Cleaning DS Use the Stylus to clean various guns and gun chambers. Take apart the weapons with your Stylus and rub the stylus around to simulate a cleaning rag. Then try out the gun to see if it has a misfire
These are just comical little games that probably wouldn't succeed in the gaming world
Aquaman would compete with it for worst...but it is saved by two things: 1) Aquaman's beautiful hair in the game 2) Aquaman being the second best superhero ever (first is Squirrel Girl, of course)
Most people that say that are usually one-sided anyway. Anyone that can say WOW is the worst game doesn't like it because 1.) they are too cheap to buy it even though it is free for the first bit of levels 2.) They just don't like MMOs in general 3.) They don't bother to even try the game in the first place 4). They can't run it on their computer or it is hard to get used to on the computer
5) They played it and didn't liked it for its graphics, content ? That was ages ago and I don't know if they fixed it now, the the graphics were very crappy back in time (I can't stand polygonal shape on avatar...)
WoW is probably the best MMO anyone's ever gonna make.
There are a lot of MMOs worth trying, some are better than WOW. The success of a MMO is an advertizement success rather than a content/gameplay success.
5) They played it and didn't liked it for its graphics, content ? That was ages ago and I don't know if they fixed it now, the the graphics were very crappy back in time (I can't stand polygonal shape on avatar...)
Graphics got better with the expansion sets. But of course, I have a word for people who play games for graphics, though it's blocked by the forum's filter.
And how dare you say that WoW has little content. WoW is the big daddy of MMOs. It's got four expansions.
Still, I'm not very keen on MMOs either way. Their very nature demands a level of grinding and routine that I can't find appealing. Addictive, sure, but life's just too short.
I have a word for people who play games for graphics, though it's blocked by the forum's filter.
excuse me for being unwilling to play a MMO with graphics which disgusts ma. But that's all tastes and matters, you don't have the right to judge people on that.
And how dare you say that WoW has little content.
WoW has paying extensions. But yeah they improved that. Though I never said it had no content. Just that other MMOs have more enjoyable content (power creep is bad and didn't benefit WoW).
WoW is the big daddy of MMOs.
That's wrong. There were plenty of MMOs before WoW, and some still alive. To prevent further mistakes, I recommend you to look at [url=] which sums it up really well
I'm not saying it's the first MMO, I'm saying it's a behemoth. If MMOs were a country WoW would be president. And public enemy #1, because it kills other MMOs left and right. Paid or not, it's got content. Tons of it.
excuse me for being unwilling to play a MMO with graphics which disgusts ma. But that's all tastes and matters, you don't have the right to judge people on that.
Actually, I can judge anything I like. We're all entitled to our opinions. And I think playing games for the graphics falls just short of going to movies for the explosions on the retard meter. Go play Papers Please and tell me it's a bad game because it's pixelated. Or Hotline Miami. Or Fez.
Actually, I can judge anything I like. We're all entitled to our opinions. And I think playing games for the graphics falls just short of going to movies for the explosions on the retard meter. Go play Papers Please and tell me it's a bad game because it's pixelated. Or Hotline Miami. Or Fez.
Would you pay for something you won't like ? I don't think so. Neither would I. As simple as that. I don't play games for graphics, I decide not to play them because of graphics (on par with many other stuff but that counts).
If there's other reasons, great, I just think graphic obsession is one of the things that's destroying AAA releases lately. Who cares about looks if it plays well and immerses you in other ways.
READ THE OP, EVERYONE. SERIOUSLY, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO MAKE UP GAMES. I bring you the power of... reading. Astronaut: 1969 (PC) You're Neil Armstrong, and you just landed on the moon! Ponce about for 10 minutes! See a world precisely designed so that it only covers as much of the moon as can possibly be seen in six hundred seconds! Pick up rocks! Make inspiring quotes! Leave! Die unless you head back after five mins! So fun! Anaesthetist Simulator 2014 (PC) The follow-up to the somewhat well-recieved Surgeon Simulator 2013, this lets you assist patients with their breathing while they're under a general! How to play: press space to pump the patient's chest. Keep the rhythm for 30-odd minutes until backup arrives!