ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWhen We Were Young

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11,891 posts

When we were young, the laws did not apply to us. When we were young, we made the rules. When we were young, the world was exciting. When we were young, we ruled the world. When we were young, the world was perfect. When we were young, we were the world.

When We Were Young is a ten-part series looking into how eighters are so much better than everyone else, better than niners, tenners, eleveners, twelvers, and every teener to come who think their time on Armor Games was the most important. (Hint: You're wrong.) The story unfolds in an extremely biased but undeniably true albeit poorly researched narrative filtered through rosy lenses across the span of the golden year and the unnotable years that followed. By referencing specific moments from Armor Games Forum history without referring to specific usernames, it filters out the eighters from the haters, because if you don't know, you're just not cool enough to know and if you do and you're not an eighter, you're just a poser.

Face the truth on some random day at some random hour, starting some day after today.

  • 45 Replies
3,937 posts

Even if I am no eigher, I agree with the above said. AG's golden time was 2008. I wonder how many forgotten facts this thread will bring out into the open.

4,170 posts

Go ahead Gantic, put us whippersnappers in our place.

(Though those of us born in the recession are truly the *cough* greatest *cough*.)

9,808 posts

Go elitists, go! =D

11,891 posts

A preview of sorts, but more like an abbreviated history. The date ranges are really rough and I probably won't cover everything.

Part I. Jan08 - Jun08: From Zero to Gantic in 30 Weekends
Part I covers the lawlessly awesome time from before Gantic had an account. A time of active moderators that numbered more than 2. A time when Armor Points were Armor Points. When referrals were a thing!

Part II. Jun08 - Dec08: Everything a 10 year old loves
Point spammers! Point spammers everywhere! And it was awesome because there were point spammers before this too. Still getting a new mod every couple months rather than a couple mods every year or even one mod a year. And everyone wanted to be a mod! Everyone! Also Obama got elected and people were still cool with him for some reason, except the ones who really hated him for some other reason.

Part III. Jan09 - Jun09: The Zombies of Sonny 2
Sonny 2 influx new users. Not a really interesting time. It's basically Everything a 10 year old loves Part II. Seriously. It's not that different. Except that this was when the original regulars have left or were leaving and every 10 year old earned 5000 AP in one day. Community got bigger. And less awesome.

Part IV. Jun09 - Dec09: The End of an Era
Armor Games was never the same after this because the older generation was essentially gone. The inklings of the first Dark Age started to show. Basically, also the start of the Awesome Adventures of Gantic who was later joined by Cenere as the only active moderators. You really don't here much from the older mods starting from this point on, but they were still around.

Part V. Jan10 - Jun10: The First Dark Age
Nobody likes this time period. Practically lawless with drama everywhere! And everyone was complaining about everything they weren't complaining as much about before. It really just flows in from Part IV. This place was so annoying. Seriously.

Part VI. Jun10 - Dec10: Advent of a New Age
The advent of AG3. It's apparent to eighters and niners that things were never going to be the same ever again with AG3. Also, you could get away with more things back then when the community was smaller and a lot of the older regs weren't around much at all or left completely during this time. cormyn became the admin on the forums.

Part VII. Jan11 - Jun11 Prankenstein's Monster
Fire a mod? Fire Devoidless! Everybody party time! Most epic mod prank ever. Basically a the continuation of the New Age. Otherwise, it was pretty meh and where a lot of the current regulars got a start, so yeah, it was definitely really meh.

Part VIII. Jun11 - Dec11 The Second Dark Age
It's back to lawlessness with a handful of active moderators and not much else! Can you guess who? Forums quiet down and get rather... boring? less interesting? The only good thing was that there was less drama.

Part IX. Jan12 - Jun12 Robots in the Springtime
Spam! Spam everywhere! The second wave of spam bots comes and takes over the forums, but Gantic braves the tsunami and kills wave after wave, but ultimately losing on two fronts because he's only one man. AG3 doesn't look like it'll come out in the next five years.

Part X. Jun12 - Dec12 Ferretopolis
Stuff changes. The forums change. The community shifts towards a really whiny bunch of people who need a community manager and more active forums. Ferret is the only good thing to come from the whining and I'm not sure there's actually a correlation.

Bonus sections:

Part E. Jan13 - Jun13 It's really really lame.
Title says it all. It's just people complaining about the same stuff all over again. The only good thing is people don't complain to mods anymore about how they lost points when they weren't spamming (when they totally were). They just complain about the loss of all the Armor Points they spammed to earn. And Quests. Lots of complaining about Quests.

Part Z. Jun13 - Dec13 The Third Dark age?
Pay features! Pay to post! Pay to earn quests! Pay to play! All pay games! Nothing but grindfest MMOs! Log only allows Facebook! People complaining about how no one is talking about them or even paying attention to them because they're the most important thing on this site because they're mommy told them they were special.

9,808 posts

The community shifts towards a really whiny bunch of people

Well now

Ferret is the only good thing to come from the whining and I'm not sure there's actually a correlation.

Excuse me, the twins entered the fray as well

Part E. Jan13 - Jun13 It's really really lame.

Part Z. Jun13 - Dec13 The Third Dark age?

This better be satire >_>
3,766 posts

A summery for those of you that don't want to read (might not be 100% accurate):
Things are great.
More people.
Eh, getting worse.
****, this Daleks kid is here.
Man, we should have banned Daleks, ever since he came this place blows.
Ugh, why will Daleks not leave. I bet it would get better.

O, and only Gantic and Cen are active. And Cen is no more.

11,891 posts

To be fair, a lot of my humor is lost on a lot of people on hilarious levels of irony, because I'm on a level beyond. 8r 4 lyf.

A summery for those of you that don't want to read (might not be 100% accurate):
Things are great.
More people.
Eh, getting worse.
****, this Daleks kid is here.
Man, we should have banned Daleks, ever since he came this place blows.
Ugh, why will Daleks not leave. I bet it would get better.

This thread's not about you, poser.
2,301 posts

This thread's not about you, poser.
Uhg, I hate it when they act like we're their equals or something.

The funny thing is that everything Gantic said is 100% true. But you noobs will never get that. Carry on.
9,808 posts

To be fair, a lot of my humor is lost on a lot of people on hilarious levels of irony, because I'm on a level beyond.

No no..Sal and I at least get what is going on. Keep it coming
11,891 posts

People understand my humor like they understand the Tao.

1,416 posts

People understand my humor like they understand the Tao

I think you misspelled "taco".

...I'll just go back to lurking now...
2,301 posts

No no..Sal and I at least get what is going on. Keep it coming
Oh man. The irony here is... is just... oh man what a riot. See what I mean about treating us like equals?
9,504 posts

Now we just need someone like Nemo or KingRyan to pop in and say "that's cute."

Edit: KingRyan registered at exactly 1/1/08. D***.

11,891 posts

Oh man. The irony here is... is just... oh man what a riot. See what I mean about treating us like equals?

Xzeno understands the Tao.

Now we just need someone like Nemo or KingRyan to pop in and say "that's cute."

Unless my information is wrong, the forums didn't exist until '08, so they're all eighters.* Get back to your cage, niner!

(*Comments notwithstanding since it's basically all the same system.)
9,504 posts

Get back to your cage, niner!

I demand my semi-veteran privilege!
Showing 1-15 of 45