I'm mostly impressed by the shading, because it transitions well without any discernible "rough spots". I'm not too peachy on Perspective, so I'm not sure how shading would apply to the second wing behind the body, though.
Cenere colors! Cenere colors everywhere! Am I right? The trees and water look like Cenere trees and water. Cenere bullrush? Not sure about that foreground grass and fern. The fern looks really out of place because ferns change color with the seasons too. The deer centaur thing is 100% Zophia because the fur/tail and hooves don't match Cenere's style and Cenere doesn't draw hair well. There's also more balance or uniformity in width or whatever that word is I'm looking for, the opposite of a roundish tapering form. Kinda looks like there might be a foreground/background left/right split.
So I'm only less than half right. No wonder the fern looked so out of place!
lolol Yeah I was lazy with that fern. > >; I'd argue the greenness of it isn't really wrong, though, considering it could be in shadow and a fair amount of the grass is green too.
Code 403. Computer self destruction commences.
Was working for Gantic, is working for me. Try reloading a couple of times. o:
So, do you draw all of this stuff in Paint, or do you use a pen tablet thingamajig?
Err. Are you aware that Paint is a program (usually referring to MS Paint, but occasionally paint.net) and a tablet is a tool? Actually I guess you could have capitalized accidentally and were asking if I paint on canvas/paper, but then drawing it in paint would make little sense... Anyway.
What do you make them with/on?
I usually work in Photoshop Elements with an Aiptek graphics tablet. A while back my pen broke. I made this one in Paint with my mouse while waiting for a replacement. \\o/