ForumsArt, Music, and WritingReton8's Post Celebrations: Round 2

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I'm bringing back the post celebrations thread to celebrate my 1500th post.

Here you go, a movie poster that a made to celebrate:

It doesn't make the most sense, but each post created one single zombie. Here is list of resources used:

Warning: I did not rate the content of these links, some of them may not be suitable for those that are younger.

- "Face your Fears" by David Kerkhoff (Used for: "1500 Hundred Zombie Madness" text.)
Font Link
Creator's Profile
Creator's Photography Website

- Impact Condensed Standard GIMP Font (Used for: "July |27| 2013" and "1500 Posts. 1500 Zombies." texts.)

- Moon from author Luc Viator under GNU Free Documentation License
Image Source
Author's Website

- Background City (New York) from author Paulo Barcellos Jr. Under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Image Source
Author's Website

- Foreground Hand from (possible) author George Germanos
Image Source

- Red Backgound I made with a standard GIMP brush Acrylic 05 and random dynamics on

- White and Black stripe behind "1500 Posts. 1500 Zombies" text I mdae using some wind distrotion, G'Mics Tetris Distortion, and finally a Cubism filter. It's two Layers.

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3,174 posts

For the hands I changed the colors and removed and the two fingers on the main hand as well.

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