Hello armor gamers, and welcome to the *official* GFX Battle thread!
GFX is short for Graphics, this thread was made so that other members can partake in art contests. Here is how it will work: I) A moderator will choose a theme and a finishing date. II) Members who choose to partake in this event will make make artwork that fits the chosen theme. III) After the contest is over, a moderator/moderators will overlook all submissions and choose a winner. IX) The winner will be granted 25 Armor Points
Everyone can partake in this event no matter what programs they have, or do not have. Some may have nothing but MSpaint. That is ok! Remember that all submissions will be reviewed. Everyone has an even chance for winning.
*GUIDELINES* I) Stick to the theme given II) Posts in this thread must be related to the event. III) The maximum size for a submission is 600x600, i recommend trying to make all submissions at 450x200. IX) All entries must be in before the given date. X) All images used in an images must not be copyrighted! If a submission is indeed copyrighted, it will be rejected, and the submitter will have to face moderation :P
I'd like to add that the creator MUST cite the sources used for EVERY element that was found and used unless it was created by the author. This way we will be able to judge by what the author did/did not do.
Just a reminder, you MUST not just take an image from google and add an effect. Here is an example of what not to do :P
^All i had to do was search Google for "Turtles" to find where Klaushouse's image was used/taken from. If i am not mistaken, that is against the rules correct? Taking an image and just altering it?
Well actually I went on good, found it and went on the site where I found the picture not to be copyrighted hence appropriate for use. Also I didn't just add an effect, I cut out the turtle added effects to the background also along with other things. Superimposed the same background with adjustments to make it look better and another turtle with differentiated levels. THEN some effect! So it's good to go.
Yes Carlie, many times in art and photo shopping, artists take parts of an image that they need, and import it into design they are working on. I feel that this shall be permitted in the armor games GFX battles.
Well, we used to have a rule in my Digital Media class, that we could use pictures, but they had to be changed at least 90%. So you have to be able to change it enough to make it original. Does this sound fair as a rule?
argh, i don't know how do get my art up to the PC :-( oh well, I'll just settle with some creative writing or poetry, by the way. Could you do something like this with that? I would really like to share my work