Yesterday I just discovered Armor Wars and I started thinking to myself how many trading card style flash games are on ArmorGames. So I was hoping we could make this topic a list with all the available trading card style flash games here on ArmorGames. So far I know of: 1) Kingdoms CCG http:/kingdoms-ccg-game/13585 Probably the best on this site Provides both a challenging single and multiplayer experience. The artwork is on par with commercial releases. 2) Card Monsters http:/card-monsters-game/13643 Combines a pretty interesting combat system with a cartoonish cute/funny art style 3) Mytheria http:/play/2738/mytheria A fun post-apocalyptic tcg. While the lack of artwork and multiplayer are big letdowns, I found the singleplayer experience more then enough to spend hours on this game. 4) Armor Wars http:/play/3252/armor-wars The same as Mytheria only that now it has multiplayer and is set in a standardish fantasy setting. For some reasons (lack of any freakin music during combat, lack of factions) I found less enjoyable then Mytheria. 5) Monster Master http:/play/157/monster-master A very old and decent attempt at making a flash trading card game. THe artwork is crappy and there isn't much in the way of complexity, but the game can still be an enjoyable experience for a couple of hours.
It would be great if you guys can add the ones that I've missed and provide a short description, so as to make this a definitive list.