Here in the Armor office, we had a long discussion on what makes addicting games, well, addicting? We've made a page on the subject, and picked our own addicting games - but we felt we really should get community opinion on the matter. So we've spawned forum threads here in Flash Games to get your feedback! The most community voted games will get a place of honor on our "Addicting Games" page.
This thread focuses on Massively Multiplayer Online games.
Tell us which one you feel is most addicting, and why?
The Last Stand-Dead Zone, if the earth is going to die in a week in my last hours i only only have one choice, play The Last Stand Dead Zone, [url=http:/the-last-stand-dead-zone-game/13691][b][/i]
The last stand dead zone is the most addicting MMO to me.I see many mixed options here.The dead zone is very fun with constant updates,bug fixes,and more.There is just so much to the dead zone that I cannot stop playing.I wish there were more games like the dead zone,keep up the good work con!
For me, all MMO games are a potential addiction, because once I start, I can easily find myself hooked to try and play them as much as possible. But since I managed to steer clear of them mostly, I can only compare the two I am actually playing right now.
Dawn of the Dragons I started because of the quests, but the game is way to teadious to play. All one does is click untill your finger hurts and the storyline is not that interesting. The artwork however is of excellent quality, but that's about it. Once I have the last Quest, I will disgard this time waster of a game...
The Last Stand: Dead Zone Now this one has managed to grab me and hold my attention even after I earned all of the available Quests! I check in every day, simply because there is the ongoing morale you need to keep up with gathering food supplies and fortifying your compound against raids and infected attacks. Leave it unattended for a while and you'll find it decreased which gives you the feeling you let down your party of survivors you are leading and take care of. Whenever a game gives you such a feeling and you have the urge to check in on it every day to manage it properly, I say you have a good addicting game going on! It could use some new features and angles though... =)
"Dead Zone is the game that I keep opening every day, is that how you define addicting I wonder?"
I would as far as the MMO's go, Ferret. For me that's Legacy of a Thousand Suns. If I can help it then I can't go a single day without playing it at least twice. But from the looks of this thread the winner is going to be Dead Zone.
Dead zone, it has very much different things like, that you have too come back every day, because a quest will fail or something,( players will know ) DEAD ZONE!
Fantasy Online: because every time you go on there's always a daily reward which keeps you coming back for more and it has a reborn mode so you can replay for more fun.