I'd like to do it. Except I have four multichapter stories that haven't been updated for a month, with the exception of the collab, and I HAZ NO TIME FO YO NANOWRIMO KTHXBAI
I started the challenge last night, and I think I'm somewhere at the 1000 word mark. For personal uses, I might extend the challenge to Dec. , since that would be 1 month from when I started, but If I can somehow manage to hit the big 50k before that (heck if I meet novella standards, Ill be ecstatic) I'll be one happy guy.
I did this last year and did manage to hit the 50k mark, and I am/will be attempting to finish again this year, but I'm not sure if my schedule will allow at the moment. Time will tell how far I get I guess....
and yeah, a novel doesn't really have a set amount of words it needs to follow, NaNo is mostly just mostly just incentive for the person attempting it to get off their bum and start writing. As a reward, you get an online sticker or something.