ForumsForum GamesThe Orkish Menace (Warhammer 40k RPG)

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It's the 41st Millenium, and the entire galaxy is in upheaval. Humankind is xenophobic, militaristic. Though in a galaxy full of warmongering aliens, it helps to have those traits. Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, Tau, they all pose threats to humankind and are all warring the Imperium of man, and each other. Even traveling between planets isn't safe, to travel you have to use the warp, which is filled with unimaginable creatures and 4 gods of chaos. People with mutations or who have psychic abilities are especially effected. but anyone can be turned to chaos and become horribly mutated and insane. In this grim dark future, there is only war.

You play someone who, by choice, birth, or by the Imperiums will, are in the Imperial Guard, the main standing army of the Imperium. Who defend the citizens from Xeno and chaos alike. Sent to the World Ament Prime, a large Agricultural world. Reports are that a very large ork WAAAAGH! (orkish warband) is heading straight for the world. You serve in the 341st Reconstituted regiment, who are made from the survivors of other regiments considered to be wiped out. Heading towards the planet as it serves a vital role for the sector, feeding it. Aboard the Imperial Navy ship "The Strictest Doctrine" You are near the planet, it seems peaceful, and prosperous. Though it won't last long.
Ament Prime:
worldgen.cgi?palette=Atlas&iter=5000&cmd=Create&name=Ament%20Prime&amp<i class=ct_ice=20&height=400&seed=1388890613&rotate=274&amprojection=Square&ampct_water=50&motif=SciFi" alt="" />

Ogryn: Large and very simple minded, and fiercely loyal, believing every order comes from the emperor of mankind himself.
Ratling: Short, quiet, and rather promiscuous. These diminutive people make the best snipers and scouts, and half decent troopers.
Beastmen: People who don't look unlike the mythological Minotaur, despite the Imperium's heavy disapproval of mutants, these lesser mutated people are allowed to serve in the Imperial Guard
Humans: Standard Run of the mill human, comes from any and all backgrounds, from feral worlds that seek out to kill anything living on them, to feudal worlds, that seem like the bygone era of knights and lords during Holy Terra's history. To super advanced Hive Worlds, which contain cities stacked on top of cities, and sometimes stacked on top of more cities.

Trooper: Standard trooper, armed with a lasgun and flak armor

Sharpshooter: Long range killers, usually cold and emotionless as they watch man and xeno alike die from their rifle.

Fire Support: Carrying a large wheel mounted heavy bolter, they may need to set up, but once they are, they can mow down all but the heaviest infantry (can't be Ratling)

Anti-Tank:Carrying a shoulder mounted missile launcher, and a backpack with a variety of missiles, they can take a variety of roles, but are usually anti-vehicle (Can't be Ratling).

Rough Rider: On a fast bike, with a laspistol and an explosive Hunting Lance they can scout, and ride through lines blasting away at the enemy. (Human Only)

Grenadier: Armed similar to a storm trooper, but they operate with a regular regiment, but are none the less equally trained in assaulted fortified enemy positions, and leading attacks.

Tank Commander: The commander of a standard Leman Russ tank, these multi role tanks smash through enemy infantry and armor alike. (can't be Ogryn)

Gender: (Females can be in the Imperial Guard)
Physical Description:

If you have any questions about races, equipment, classes, etc. feel free to ask.

  • 371 Replies
16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.:2 Frag Grenades 1 Krak grenade

You run down the alley and find Stub gun shells everywhere, yet their lasguns are cold, they were ambushed. The three men are dead, riddled with bullet wounds.
Could have been gangers, but this being an agriworld that is doubtful, and local thugs for the governor wouldn't be this bold.

2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.:2 Frag Grenades 1 Krak grenade

Bullets require casings, which would be ejected once the projectile was launched. Let's see if we can't learn anything more from the shell casings on the ground.

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.:2 Frag Grenades 1 Krak grenade

shells are indeed casings, so you investigate them, other then some rust, they are normal in all respects.

You hear the rumble of a Salamander nearing, and it stops in front of the alleyway, a commisar, young and full of energy jumps out of the APC, and shouts, "Trooper, what in the name of the Emperor happened here?!"

2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.:2 Frag Grenades 1 Krak grenade

I snap to attention. "Sir, myself and my comrades here were at a nearby restaurant when we heard shouting and gunfire. We came here to investigate and found these troopers dead. Seems too reckless for local thugs or troublemakers, but I wouldn't want to name any groups in want of more conclusive evidence. Beyond the fact that the troopers were dead and that Stub guns were used in the ambush, we can't tell you much more. You got here only a minute or so after us."

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.:2 Frag Grenades 1 Krak grenade

"If it wasn't gangers, and it wasn't government thugs, who in the warp did it?" He doesn't appear to have an inside voice, quickly, he is followed by a tall gangly fellow, He is a trooper, but doesn't have the crude 341 on his uniform, and also as he nears, you feel put off by him. You can't tell why but he is just someone you don't want to be near.

Speaking of which you can add any descriptive text to your flak vest, to suit what regiment you were originally from, since it was so hastily set up that proper uniforms weren't issued and only have a 341 painted on the troopers former uniform.

2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.:2 Frag Grenades 1 Krak grenade

Searched up an Imperial Guard Regiment generator. It was interesting.

When one is at attention, he does not move out of attention. "Well, 'who uses Stub guns at a massive rate' may be the right question to ask preceding yours."

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.:2 Frag Grenades 1 Krak grenade

He ponders as of he were alone, "hm, anyone from genestealers to chaos cultists and Traitor militia would use something as primitive as a stub pistol.

2,188 posts

Name:Aleksa Bodin
Gender: Male
Class:Fire Support
Physical Description: Tall,Black hair,blue eyes,white skin,average build
Bio:Born and raised in hive city being member of poor family it didnt take long for him to be tempted by local gangs,so he join one of many in the city he stated with just pickpocketing but as time passed he started selling drugs breaking in people houses and ending up killing,as time passed he attracted more and more attention his lust for money and easy life made him careless so one day he and his gang was arrested and he was faces with death penalty,but then officer from imperial guard showed up and offer all prisoners to redeem themselves by joining guard and defend humanity so with no other choice he joined.

Are other factions going to show up later especially chaos?

16,287 posts

Name:Aleksa Bodin
Gender: Male
Class:Fire Support
Physical Description: Tall,Black hair,blue eyes,white skin,average build
Bio:Born and raised in hive city being member of poor family it didnt take long for him to be tempted by local gangs,so he join one of many in the city he stated with just pickpocketing but as time passed he started selling drugs breaking in people houses and ending up killing,as time passed he attracted more and more attention his lust for money and easy life made him careless so one day he and his gang was arrested and he was faces with death penalty,but then officer from imperial guard showed up and offer all prisoners to redeem themselves by joining guard and defend humanity so with no other choice he joined.
Weapon:Carriage mounted Heavy bolter, laspistol
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: Metal Storm Frag Rounds

Why I have no idea >_>

You can add a descriptive part to the flak armor as to the regiment you originally came from, judging from your bio it would probably involve a shaved head and an ID tattoo

You are aboard a Devourer dropship along with your squad and many more troopers. There is even a small military band to accompany for a good show for the people. Below are Salamander APC's as light support in case the reports of the ork position prove to be inaccurate.

After a short ride from the upper atmosphere, you land in the port of the capital city, unimaginatively named Ament. The nose of the dropship opens up and you all disembark. Walking down the ramp, you are greeted by a rather small crowd, compared to the size of the city. considering it's relative anonymity in the army's eye, not many people care much for the army, or trust them. Most of the people in the crowd are curious onlookers rather then supporters, though a few "Welcome Imperium" banners are being held.

You reach the bivouac and see it's little more then a series of dilapidated storage hangars. After working hard to set up camp, I'm the distance you hear the distinctive pops of stub guns, not long after the squad vox caster reports three dead guardsmen in an alley as they were wandering the town.

2,188 posts

Name:Aleksa Bodin
Gender: Male
Class:Fire Support
Physical Description: Tall,Black hair,blue eyes,white skin,average build
Bio:Born and raised in hive city being member of poor family it didnt take long for him to be tempted by local gangs,so he join one of many in the city he stated with just pickpocketing but as time passed he started selling drugs breaking in people houses and ending up killing,as time passed he attracted more and more attention his lust for money and easy life made him careless so one day he and his gang was arrested and he was faces with death penalty,but then officer from imperial guard showed up and offer all prisoners to redeem themselves by joining guard and defend humanity so with no other choice he joined.
Weapon:Carriage mounted Heavy bolter, laspistol
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: Metal Storm Frag Rounds

Go to my superior and ask him for permission to check it out with my squad

16,287 posts

Name:Aleksa Bodin
Gender: Male
Class:Fire Support
Physical Description: Tall,Black hair,blue eyes,white skin,average build
Bio:Born and raised in hive city being member of poor family it didnt take long for him to be tempted by local gangs,so he join one of many in the city he stated with just pickpocketing but as time passed he started selling drugs breaking in people houses and ending up killing,as time passed he attracted more and more attention his lust for money and easy life made him careless so one day he and his gang was arrested and he was faces with death penalty,but then officer from imperial guard showed up and offer all prisoners to redeem themselves by joining guard and defend humanity so with no other choice he joined.
Weapon:Carriage mounted Heavy bolter, laspistol
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: Metal Storm Frag Rounds

You head to the captain, but he refuses. "Our Commisar is on the job, just keep an eye out."

You continue on your duties to the next day. By then, the ork WAAAGH! is said to be only 2 days out. More guard units are streaming in. You watch as even a penal legion is brought in, You see them walk in an unorganized mess, wearing their prison uniforms, completely shaved bald and with tattoos on their foreheads. They have lascarbines and explosive collars fitted on them. Most are heckled as they go by the regulars, one of the penal legion members pulls out his knife and charges one of the guardsmen, before he is shot down by a commisar he stabs the poor guardsmen multiple times.

1,179 posts

(Really sorry, I was unable to reply, had a powercut)
Name: Grey Shank
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: He is 5'11, he has a broken nose that he never got fixed, he has brown hair cut into a buzz cut, he has some stubble of a beard, he is an average build and he has a serious expression.
Bio: Being from the jungle province of the imperials influence, he often went out climbing and swimming. He wasn't anything special, he could fully strip a lasgun by the age of 10 like any other kid. He of course as soon as he came of age was thrown into the imperial guard.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krakk Grenade, Combat Knife

Grey follows his squad wherever they go, keeping his gun to the ready at all times. This was one of the things he had waited for his whole life, and here it was. He looked at the people, to atleast aknowledge them.

16,287 posts

Apologies for the copious copy pasting happening, trying to keep everyone on the same page until the real stuff starts.

Name: Grey Shank
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: He is 5'11, he has a broken nose that he never got fixed, he has brown hair cut into a buzz cut, he has some stubble of a beard, he is an average build and he has a serious expression.
Bio: Being from the jungle province of the imperials influence, he often went out climbing and swimming. He wasn't anything special, he could fully strip a lasgun by the age of 10 like any other kid. He of course as soon as he came of age was thrown into the imperial guard.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krakk Grenade, Combat Knife

No prob man, you can't control that stuff

Anywho you follow them, and set up camp in a dilapidated hangar storage. Such terrible lodgings for the people to defend the planet. As you work into the night, in the distance you hear the telltale pops of stub guns in the distance, and not long after the vox caster in the squad reports of three dead guardsmen by unknown assailants. Even though many guardsmen are eager to go and hunt down the perpetrators, the officers keep them in line and keep them working. Though next day, more imperial regiments stream into the planet. You watch as even a penal legion is brought in, You see them walk in an unorganized mess, wearing their prison uniforms, completely shaved bald and with tattoos on their foreheads. They have lascarbines and explosive collars fitted on them. Most are heckled as they go by the regulars, one of the penal legion members pulls out his knife and charges one of the guardsmen, before he is shot down by a commisar he stabs the poor guardsmen multiple times.

1,179 posts

Name: Grey Shank
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: He is 5'11, he has a broken nose that he never got fixed, he has brown hair cut into a buzz cut, he has some stubble of a beard, he is an average build and he has a serious expression.
Bio: Being from the jungle province of the imperials influence, he often went out climbing and swimming. He wasn't anything special, he could fully strip a lasgun by the age of 10 like any other kid. He of course as soon as he came of age was thrown into the imperial guard.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krakk Grenade, Combat Knife

I keep my position but look at the guy for a moment, he is probably dead, I look away and continue what I was doing.

16,287 posts

Name: Grey Shank
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: He is 5'11, he has a broken nose that he never got fixed, he has brown hair cut into a buzz cut, he has some stubble of a beard, he is an average build and he has a serious expression.
Bio: Being from the jungle province of the imperials influence, he often went out climbing and swimming. He wasn't anything special, he could fully strip a lasgun by the age of 10 like any other kid. He of course as soon as he came of age was thrown into the imperial guard.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krakk Grenade, Combat Knife

A few troopers rush to his aid and the heckling intensifies, a war nearly starts right there, but the commissars get order going again. You continue on your duty late into the day, but as the sun goes down on the second day, you see what seem to be shooting stars in the sky. a lot of them. One is hurtling straight towards the base!

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