ForumsForum GamesThe Orkish Menace (Warhammer 40k RPG)

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It's the 41st Millenium, and the entire galaxy is in upheaval. Humankind is xenophobic, militaristic. Though in a galaxy full of warmongering aliens, it helps to have those traits. Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, Tau, they all pose threats to humankind and are all warring the Imperium of man, and each other. Even traveling between planets isn't safe, to travel you have to use the warp, which is filled with unimaginable creatures and 4 gods of chaos. People with mutations or who have psychic abilities are especially effected. but anyone can be turned to chaos and become horribly mutated and insane. In this grim dark future, there is only war.

You play someone who, by choice, birth, or by the Imperiums will, are in the Imperial Guard, the main standing army of the Imperium. Who defend the citizens from Xeno and chaos alike. Sent to the World Ament Prime, a large Agricultural world. Reports are that a very large ork WAAAAGH! (orkish warband) is heading straight for the world. You serve in the 341st Reconstituted regiment, who are made from the survivors of other regiments considered to be wiped out. Heading towards the planet as it serves a vital role for the sector, feeding it. Aboard the Imperial Navy ship "The Strictest Doctrine" You are near the planet, it seems peaceful, and prosperous. Though it won't last long.
Ament Prime:
worldgen.cgi?palette=Atlas&iter=5000&cmd=Create&name=Ament%20Prime&amp<i class=ct_ice=20&height=400&seed=1388890613&rotate=274&amprojection=Square&ampct_water=50&motif=SciFi" alt="" />

Ogryn: Large and very simple minded, and fiercely loyal, believing every order comes from the emperor of mankind himself.
Ratling: Short, quiet, and rather promiscuous. These diminutive people make the best snipers and scouts, and half decent troopers.
Beastmen: People who don't look unlike the mythological Minotaur, despite the Imperium's heavy disapproval of mutants, these lesser mutated people are allowed to serve in the Imperial Guard
Humans: Standard Run of the mill human, comes from any and all backgrounds, from feral worlds that seek out to kill anything living on them, to feudal worlds, that seem like the bygone era of knights and lords during Holy Terra's history. To super advanced Hive Worlds, which contain cities stacked on top of cities, and sometimes stacked on top of more cities.

Trooper: Standard trooper, armed with a lasgun and flak armor

Sharpshooter: Long range killers, usually cold and emotionless as they watch man and xeno alike die from their rifle.

Fire Support: Carrying a large wheel mounted heavy bolter, they may need to set up, but once they are, they can mow down all but the heaviest infantry (can't be Ratling)

Anti-Tank:Carrying a shoulder mounted missile launcher, and a backpack with a variety of missiles, they can take a variety of roles, but are usually anti-vehicle (Can't be Ratling).

Rough Rider: On a fast bike, with a laspistol and an explosive Hunting Lance they can scout, and ride through lines blasting away at the enemy. (Human Only)

Grenadier: Armed similar to a storm trooper, but they operate with a regular regiment, but are none the less equally trained in assaulted fortified enemy positions, and leading attacks.

Tank Commander: The commander of a standard Leman Russ tank, these multi role tanks smash through enemy infantry and armor alike. (can't be Ogryn)

Gender: (Females can be in the Imperial Guard)
Physical Description:

If you have any questions about races, equipment, classes, etc. feel free to ask.

  • 371 Replies
2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)

This planet can't catch a break. :P

Well, first, I look for the armory so I can stock up on two frag grenades and that one supposed anti-tank grenade. After that, I look for a unit being dispatched to counter these enemy forces.

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

You re stock and continue on, and find your squad

Sgt speaks up as you meet in the landing area, "We're being moved along with a half of the regiment to help reinforce a badly mauled regiment in a Spaceport near the small southern continent on this planet. Report says that we are going to help keep order, seeing as a penal regiment we say earlier this week was transferred their, and with the threat of being shot if they mutiny at an all time low, they are getting very rebellious. So our job is two fold."

2,188 posts

Name: Aleksa Bodin
Gender: Male
Class:Fire Support
Physical Description: Tall,Black hair,blue eyes,white skin,average build
Bio:Born and raised in hive city being member of poor family it didnt take long for him to be tempted by local gangs,so he join one of many in the city he stated with just pickpocketing but as time passed he started selling drugs breaking in people houses and ending up killing,as time passed he attracted more and more attention his lust for money and easy life made him careless so one day he and his gang was arrested and he was faces with death penalty,but then officer from imperial guard showed up and offer all prisoners to redeem themselves by joining guard and defend humanity so with no other choice he joined.
Weapon:Carriage Mounted Heavy Bolter, laspistol, Chainsword,
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: Metal Storm Frag Rounds

I go with them

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: unknown (approx late 20's)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sharpshooter
Physical Description: 6ft 2', golden iris, dark brown hair, tanned skin, slim but muscular, white scar running from right eye to pelvis.
Bio: Born to slaves on the homeworld of The Raven Guard, Deliverance, his skill with a needler, a highly powerful weapon, was honed with his father out in the wasteland that surrounded their home. Over time his skill far and away outpaced his fathers. His skill of thievery, trickery, misdirection and stealth kept him and his family fed throughout the years. Eventually he found his way on the mercenary path, in which his skill beat all others. Being a merc was a dangerous life style he chose because he had to. One day after a long slog of an assignment when he returned home all he found was ash, dust and a metal pole sticking into the ground. The pole was slick with red blood that had yet to dry in the hot sun and attached to the pole was his family. His mother, his father, his sister, all dead, murdered. The stories say he walked into the desert and came out a month later claiming the bounties of the three desert kingpins who had killed their way to a place of power in the region. After that he joined the imperial army gaining the title 'Raven' for his actions in and out of combat. He served with the Raven guard for a time where they taught him a skill that saved his life more than once, shadow-walking.
Weapon: Needler sniper rifle, combat knife,
Armor: Flak Armor (has raven guard markings on the right shoulder)
Misc.: snare mines, krak grenades, gas mask, camo cloak.

'It's too early in the morning for this.' I say hefting my rifle onto my back. I run toward the nearest command station. 'What the Hell is that? Someone get me a read on those ships! I want to know who's coming for us.' As i wait a response I try to glean as much information I can from the jumble of maps and data streams around the center.

16,287 posts

Name: Aleksa Bodin
Gender: Male
Class:Fire Support
Physical Description: Tall,Black hair,blue eyes,white skin,average build
Bio:Born and raised in hive city being member of poor family it didnt take long for him to be tempted by local gangs,so he join one of many in the city he stated with just pickpocketing but as time passed he started selling drugs breaking in people houses and ending up killing,as time passed he attracted more and more attention his lust for money and easy life made him careless so one day he and his gang was arrested and he was faces with death penalty,but then officer from imperial guard showed up and offer all prisoners to redeem themselves by joining guard and defend humanity so with no other choice he joined.
Weapon:Carriage Mounted Heavy Bolter, laspistol, Chainsword,
Armor: Flak Armor
Misc.: Metal Storm Frag Rounds

Alright well you all load up in a devourer loaned from the imperial navy with more troopers and the Leman Russ in the as well. The pilot takes off and goes you head off towards the the island. Well into flight you head into what feels like heavy turbulence, A few of the troopers are getting very sick, you look into the ****pit and see the pilot quickly maneuvering around his control panel, and the assistant servitor simply making flight corrections at superhuman speed. You wonder why, when you hear a small explosion outside the ship.

Name: Sean Deane
Age: unknown (approx late 20's)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sharpshooter
Physical Description: 6ft 2', golden iris, dark brown hair, tanned skin, slim but muscular, white scar running from right eye to pelvis.
Bio: Born to slaves on the homeworld of The Raven Guard, Deliverance, his skill with a needler, a highly powerful weapon, was honed with his father out in the wasteland that surrounded their home. Over time his skill far and away outpaced his fathers. His skill of thievery, trickery, misdirection and stealth kept him and his family fed throughout the years. Eventually he found his way on the mercenary path, in which his skill beat all others. Being a merc was a dangerous life style he chose because he had to. One day after a long slog of an assignment when he returned home all he found was ash, dust and a metal pole sticking into the ground. The pole was slick with red blood that had yet to dry in the hot sun and attached to the pole was his family. His mother, his father, his sister, all dead, murdered. The stories say he walked into the desert and came out a month later claiming the bounties of the three desert kingpins who had killed their way to a place of power in the region. After that he joined the imperial army gaining the title 'Raven' for his actions in and out of combat. He served with the Raven guard for a time where they taught him a skill that saved his life more than once, shadow-walking.
Weapon: Needler sniper rifle, combat knife,
Armor: Flak Armor (has raven guard markings on the right shoulder)
Misc.: snare mines, krak grenades, gas mask, camo cloak.

You can't make out much, as it's in a strange language you don't speak. but from the radio transmissions that flood the room, you hear reports of ork planes making attack runs, and orkish drop pods. Also all reporting a huge asteroid coming towards the planet.

"It's the orks, there isn't much more to know." one aide says as he passes by.

2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

"Okay, assist regiment and keep an eye on penal battalions. Yes sir, let's get on that."

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

"Alright, get in the Chimera's and lets go."

You load up into the Chimera with a small procession of them. Flanked by Sentinel support. You head through mile of mile of farmland, broken by the odd village or forest. AS you move out you hear a buzzing drone, the gunner pops his head of the hatch, and screams, "ORK FIGHTAS!" then the classic boorish loud machinegun sound of about 50 of them go off in your ear, you watch as small dents pockmark the Chimera, and the the gunner firing upward. But a shower of blood into the chimera, and the bottom 3/4's of his corpse signals that he was unsuccessful

2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

"Emperor's mercy!" I pull what's left of the corpse out of the seat and jump into the gunner's seat, firing at these Fightas.

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

You get into the cupola turret and open fire with the multilas, the two fightas, who have about 20 machineguns bolted on them a piece come back for another strafing run. You stitch a line in the sky, and watch as one loses and engine, the intense speed ripping it apart, as it tumbles wing over wing until it hits the ground with an explosion.

The other makes a dive, and fires, this time blowing holes in a sentinel, killing the driver instantly, but doesn't pull up in time and hits the ground, grinding along the ground to a stop.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: unknown (approx late 20's)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sharpshooter
Physical Description: 6ft 2', golden iris, dark brown hair, tanned skin, slim but muscular, white scar running from right eye to pelvis.
Bio: Born to slaves on the homeworld of The Raven Guard, Deliverance, his skill with a needler, a highly powerful weapon, was honed with his father out in the wasteland that surrounded their home. Over time his skill far and away outpaced his fathers. His skill of thievery, trickery, misdirection and stealth kept him and his family fed throughout the years. Eventually he found his way on the mercenary path, in which his skill beat all others. Being a merc was a dangerous life style he chose because he had to. One day after a long slog of an assignment when he returned home all he found was ash, dust and a metal pole sticking into the ground. The pole was slick with red blood that had yet to dry in the hot sun and attached to the pole was his family. His mother, his father, his sister, all dead, murdered. The stories say he walked into the desert and came out a month later claiming the bounties of the three desert kingpins who had killed their way to a place of power in the region. After that he joined the imperial army gaining the title 'Raven' for his actions in and out of combat. He served with the Raven guard for a time where they taught him a skill that saved his life more than once, shadow-walking.
Weapon: Needler sniper rifle, combat knife,
Armor: Flak Armor (has raven guard markings on the right shoulder)
Misc.: snare mines, krak grenades, gas mask, camo cloak.

'Show me all the up to date intel on ground troops and enemy movement, where are they running short handed?' I ask the aid. 'Blasted orks, kill one two more arrive.' I grumble.

16,287 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: unknown (approx late 20's)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Sharpshooter
Physical Description: 6ft 2', golden iris, dark brown hair, tanned skin, slim but muscular, white scar running from right eye to pelvis.
Bio: Born to slaves on the homeworld of The Raven Guard, Deliverance, his skill with a needler, a highly powerful weapon, was honed with his father out in the wasteland that surrounded their home. Over time his skill far and away outpaced his fathers. His skill of thievery, trickery, misdirection and stealth kept him and his family fed throughout the years. Eventually he found his way on the mercenary path, in which his skill beat all others. Being a merc was a dangerous life style he chose because he had to. One day after a long slog of an assignment when he returned home all he found was ash, dust and a metal pole sticking into the ground. The pole was slick with red blood that had yet to dry in the hot sun and attached to the pole was his family. His mother, his father, his sister, all dead, murdered. The stories say he walked into the desert and came out a month later claiming the bounties of the three desert kingpins who had killed their way to a place of power in the region. After that he joined the imperial army gaining the title 'Raven' for his actions in and out of combat. He served with the Raven guard for a time where they taught him a skill that saved his life more than once, shadow-walking.
Weapon: Needler sniper rifle, combat knife,
Armor: Flak Armor (has raven guard markings on the right shoulder)
Misc.: snare mines, krak grenades, gas mask, camo cloak.

"I'm sorry general, i didn't notice you, i'll be sure to send you the appropriate info right away." he replies sarcastically.

2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

The controls are simple enough right? ... I guess not. I suppose we dismount and continue on foot, if we can't continue moving the vehicle.

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

Sentinel not chimera

2,316 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

Oh, well, I'll remain in the gunner's seat then.

16,287 posts

Name: Bernhardt Aschen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Trooper
Physical Description: Cropped brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, 5'9, scrawny.
Bio: Being an Imperial Guardsman has always been a wish of Bernhardt's. His parents were true believers in the Imperium of Man. His father especially, considering his relatively high position in the Guard. His father always stood up a little straighter and his smile always widened when Bernhardt talked about signing up to serve the Emperor. It was a good existence, having an officer for a father, even if he didn't see him often... That is, until the Xenos tore his father's body apart. Orks, they said, Orks and their exploding pets. Bernhardt always had a dark, burning hatred in his heart for the Xenos, and a searing rage in his gut. Eventually, the time came for his hand to write his name on the enlistment papers.
Weapon: Lasgun
Armor: Flak Armor (The texture of the armor would suggest a warrior caste-born soldier. He was among many to be born into a militaristic family willing to give up everything for the emperor. Although rough, the texture suggests build by a machine, hinting towards an urban homeworld.)
Misc.: 2 Frag Grenades, 1 Krak Grenade,
Squad: Sgt. Kasey, Trooper Sandall, Trooper Markhov, Trooper Marel, Trooper Kruskov

Well there are no more planes. You continue on. The convoy eventually reaches the outskirts of the city, there is heavy fighting in the distance, with the thunder of artillery being the most dominant. Sgt yells, "Alright! Get out and move into town, set up a perimeter and get ready for fighting!"

Showing 286-300 of 371