I have analyzed your wingdings (pp. 3 - 5) and arrived at the following conclusions. These conclusions are not meant to be taken seriously, because I am busy writing a novel. If they are at all accurate, it is because you are a character in my novel.
GhostOfMatrix sees a slice of pizza. The circles are the pepperoni. GhostOfMatrix is tired of being put through the grinder and coming out in pieces. The circles are slices of pepperoni on a slice of pizza. The pepperoni, the cheese, the crust are all processed with no farm-to-plate products. It isn't a piece of pizza but a piece of GoM, but life, like pizza, even when it's bad it's still pretty good, unless it's horrible depressingly not-even-a-semblance-of-what-it-should-to-be bad, but "should" is a dangerous word that couldn't be further from "is" in the English language. It should, but it isn't.
weirdlike sees an offensive play. The circles are the quarterback and running backs. weirdlike is a 49ers fan. How do I know this? He turned his back to his favorite team. And they lost. Thanks a lot weirdlike.
xXxDAPRO89xXx sees a mountain in the sun. The circles are brown spots. xXxDAPRO89xXx and IceClaw247 share many of the same interest and possibly the same mind. Don't believe me? Check it out yourself! Why are there brown spots on the mountain? They're cookie mounts on a cookie planet in a cookie universe that has unidentified flying cookies!
gaboloth sees a spider. The circles are three of the eyes. gaboloth feels caught in a web of creativity. What sort of creature has 3 circles but a spider for eyes? Well, there's, um, gotta be something, maybe, I'm sure.
IceClaw247 sees a un-identified flying cookies that are clearly chocolatey chippy. The circles are the cookies. IceClaw247 was the one who stole the cookie from the cookie jar and his fears of being caught are now manifesting in cookie-related imagery.
Riptizoid101 sees Bear Incognito behind a three-eyed alien monster. The circles are the eyes of the alien. Riptizoid101 is afraid of the dark and the monsters that watch and wait within, so he still sleeps with a teddy bear that will protect him from three-eyed alien monsters with lots of sharp teeth, kind of like [img=http://begemott.deviantart.com/art/sweet-halloween-dreams-42197587]this[/img].
GandalftheGrey666 sees a surprised stickman. The circles are the eyes and mouth. GandalftheGrey66 is a deviant. The stickman is not a stickman, but there is a stick and a man, but I will leave it at the surprised expression on the stickman's face.
Reton8 sees Sam Fisher with night vision goggles on. The circles are the lenses of the night vision goggles. Reton8 has low self-esteem and is extremely self-conscious. He believes everyone is judging him at every single moment. He sees not only eyes, but night vision goggles that pierce the darkness, judging him.
goumas13 sees a Pac game with Pac creature. The circles form the Pac creature and two dots. goumas13 is addicted to gaming. Pacman is the symbol of endless pursuits of gaming and goumas13 must achieve the top spot of the Quest Hero Board. He did, for a moment, but it's too bad I'm back at the top again.
kegaumongo sees grapes. The circles form three of the grapes. kegaumongo is comfortable in her wealthy lifestyle that includes wine grapes. She likely owns a vineyard or lives near one, but definitely rich.
Darkfire45 sees a bowling ball. The circles are the finger holes. Darkfire45 has leisure on the mind and is living the easy life where the hardest thing he has to do is roll a ball down the lane.
I will have round three done today. Round four only has four entries and I'm pretty sure it's a bad scribble because everyone practically drew the same thing.
This round was an upload of an unfinished animation cell. This one was Sunglasses Squirtle's (Ash's Squirtle in The Squirtle Squad) foot. The original line has a pink highlight.
I saw a nose, on one of my usual dumb faces But I noticed that everyone saw the image as a convex shape, so I decided to try the other way too, and I went with a tribute to one of Mental Poop's greatest moments:
I have analyzed your mental poop (pp. 5 - 6) and arrived at the following results. These conclusions are not meant to be taken seriously, because I am from an alternate timeline. If they are at all accurate, it is because you're pretty similar to your alternate timeline counterpart.
Riptizoid101 sees an aesthetically pleasing guy with freckles and a bear behind him. The dots are the freckles. The bear is always there to back provide up no matter what, even behind a facade of confidence. What else is always there for you? A dog. The bear is actually a surrogate for Riptizoid101's dog, who was always there for him.
GandalftheGrey666 sees a constellation of strange space jellyfish. The dots are part of the stars. GandalftheGrey666 wonders about the mysteries of deep space and deep ocean but does not have the resources to answer the questions he needs answered. That or he just can't even get to the jellyfish miniboss in Einhänder.
Salvidian sees some sort of gradient dot geometric abstract. The dots are dots and stuff. Salvidian is jealous that nobody understands his art like they do abstract art. If swooshes and splotches can be overanalyzed, then why is nobody talking about his fractals?
weirdlike sees an outline of a GOD. The dots are stars. weirdlike has ambitions of becoming a power celestial being, an angry vengeful one if the red stars and ark clouds are any indicator.
goumas13 sees a negative first-order autocorrelation. The dots are points. goumas13 is overworked, overextended, and just over exhausted. How do I know this? Well the line goes in the wrong direction between the third and fourth dots and it is vertical between the sixth and seventh dots. Impossible for such a line.
gaboloth sees an anglerfish. The dots are the vertices of some of the teeth. gaboloth sees connections in things. In some way, there is a creature amongst a bunch of somewhat random scribbles.
Darkfire45 sees a connect-the-dots picture. The dots are dots. Darkfire45 is an optimistic person who hopes there is more when he sees some. Give him a bunch of dots? There must be more dots!
Since Imageshack went the Corporate route and implemented a Premium Account in order to upload bits of code, I decided to take my business and traffic to Photobucket. This was my face when I made the decision.