ForumsGamesCTC2PP: Custom Castle Contest

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13,344 posts

This is the official Crush the Castle 2 Players Pack contest. You've come to the right place.

You're probably wondering how this contest works. Basically, we (the three judges) give you a theme at the beginning of each round, and you, the contestant, build a castle that follows the theme in some way. Then, so we can count your castle as an entry, take the link to that castle and post it in this thread. If it isn't posted in this thread by the deadline (and the deadline will always be a specific date and time), we will not be able to count it as an entry for that round.

If you've never built a castle before, or you want to brush up on your building skills, check out this guide made by @Arm_Candy.

This is a weekly contest, so each round will last 5 days, with 2 days being designated for judging. Every week, the theme will change and a new round will begin. Pretty easy to grasp.

Oh, and the winner of each round receives a merit, a spot in the CTC2PP Hall of Fame, and a rare quest that can only be earned through winning (or judging) a level building contest:
Yes, there are rules. What did you expect?

Basic rules for this contest, written originally by @PrivatePapi for his old CTC contest:
1. Do not spam under any circumstance.
2. Only enter 1 castle for each category.
3. Do not ask either of us which category will be next.
4. Do not copy somebody else's castle if you do not have permission from him/her.
5. When entering for the contest, always submit your castle according to the current category.
6. Have fun!

And this section, written by @FishPreferred:
a) All entries must be playable and have at least 1 person in them. It seems obvious, but who knows?
b) Entries that are so overladen with stuff that they cause considerable lag will not be eligible. Considerable lag is herein defined as "a big freakin' pile of lag that renders an entry virtually unplayable without severely overheating my 3 year old computer".
c) Entries should be stable enough to last a full minute without collapsing, and should require at least one shot in order to be won. This applies to every part of the contest that doesn't explicitly state otherwise in its instructions.
d) Any entry which the judges deem to be inappropriate (in a lewd, indecent, or libellious sense) will be disqualified, and most likely deleted by the admin.

And lastly, a few additional notes added by yours truly:
- The only castles you are allowed to post in this thread are contest entries. If you link to more than one castle, only the most recent one will be treated as an official entry, unless otherwise specified.
- All entries must be built specifically for the contest and for the current theme. You can't submit castles that you entered in previous rounds, or anything that was built before the beginning of the current round.

Looks like a lot of rules, but it's all intuitive. You'll have no trouble following these guidelines.
Optional: CODE
Some architects like to take things a step further and modify castle codes to do things that otherwise wouldn't be possible in the regular editor mode. This method will not give you a significant advantage over other contestants, but it may be of interest if you want to play around with the editor a bit. Code modification is not a requirement for this competition.

How to modify castle codes by @SSTG.

If you don't modify castle codes or have any plans to in the future, you can skip over this next part.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CODERS: If you decide to use code-modified elements in an entry, take caution, for, although code-editing can be useful for certain details, excessive use of code-modified elements in an entry could lead to a deduction of points from the entry.
That's the contest in a nutshell. Just remember to check back every week for the results of each round, as well as the theme for the next round. I will post the theme for the first round after this post ends, so as not to confuse first-time submitters in the future.

And if you have any ideas for future themes, contact @CourtJester or myself or post your theme idea in the thread.

That certainly was a lot of words. Over 700 of them. It may seem like a lot to take in, but this contest is all about having fun, despite all these large blocks of text.

So get hyped, get building, and have fun with it!

Did I mention there's a merit prize to the winner of each round?

  • 1,474 Replies
6,158 posts

Dark Wizardry by Pieguyme

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

The idea was to use all the allowed materials, but I guess some are missing.

Fairytale Castle.

1,010 posts

Thanks CJ.

53 posts

The doors are open at the superstore. It's Black Friday!
Half price on all electrical items!

716 posts

Onyx Palace

This old Asian building had some wiring installed many decades ago, but it's incredibly faulty and deadly in every room, especially if the circuit were to be accidentally completed.

552 posts
13,344 posts

Well, Friday afternoon, my computer died at a very inconvenient time. I was not able to post ratings in time, and I could not take it in until Monday. After waiting forever for it, I finally am able to post the long awaited ratings for Round 26, "The Lost Round".

@DracoMaleficus looks as if he has started his own castle contest, and it continues sequentially with the rounds in this contest, so for now, this contest will be placed on hold and Draco's will be the one running. This one can come back at any time, and I will be monitoring the hall of fame to ensure that every winning castle finds its way in there.

I would also like to welcome @Limnxy to the competition.

3rd place, with an average rating of 6.87/10, goes to Onyx Palace, submitted by @Arm_Candy.

2nd place, with an average rating of 6.93/10, goes to Black Friday Shoppers, submitted by @Limnxy.

1st place, and the grand merit prize winner of Round 26, with an average rating of 7.37/10, goes to BLACK SKULL TOWER, submitted by @DracoMaleficus. Congratulations!

See you at Draco's Building Contest!

@DracoMaleficus and his castle have been inducted into the CTC2PP Hall of Fame.

363 posts

What happened to the contest? No topics? No people?

363 posts

Alright,thanks Draco.

6,158 posts

This is simply a resumption in the original CTC2PP Castle Competition. Nothing has changed from the Rules Posted On The First Thread except for the following:

1. I will substitute for @Ernie15 until he pays his internet bill
2. The judges to remain the same except for Ernie15 > @CourtJester, @FishPreferred and another to be named later. Judges scores will be emailed to me at I am sure you can figure that out!!!
3. The Winner of each round will become a judge and as well, name the theme for the next round.

As @DracoMaleficus took his competition to a new thread, this will be Contest #27 and the theme will be: (Ta da, drum roll, naked dancing girls),

Roll Out The Barrel

1. No hidden elements that deter the game.
2. All the Royals must be killed by barrels only - King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Merlin & Jester are the minimum number of characters. Bonus points for more characters and double bonus if the Royals die first.
3. It is a Rube Goldberg type of setting so, Show your talents and get building. Entry deadline, Midnight Tuesday Pacific Time.
4. You can change your entry ONLY once.

For an example, I have made this little ditty just for fun.


Tell your friends and lets have some fun.

6,158 posts

@CourtJester - is it wooden barrels only, or are TNT barrels permitted also?

It says 'Barrels Only"

Negative points for direct kill with exploding barrels unless timed properly where the barrel would have killed the proponent otherwise. If the chain reaction from the explosion and the kill also knocks another barrel (TNT or Wine) to kill someone else, GOOD! The barrel itself must contact the character! An example would be that the barrel kills the character, leaves a tombstone and that tombstone, via the explosion, hit another barrel (red or wood) to kill another character. The barrel must be direct contact.

That is my interpretation.
24 posts

Barrel Slide

like a land slide only with barrels, PLUS 5 bonus kills of non-royals

6,158 posts

due to malfunction

That is acceptable
85 posts

Yes, I worked out an idea but I had to get going to work so I rushed it. Sorry about that. Ill try to put more time into the next one. Sorry again.

85 posts

Ok.. I didn't read it. I enjoy making random castles more. But I will follow these posts in case I decide to make a grand one. Hey, how do I share the levels on here without using the link/.

Showing 436-450 of 1474