ForumsArt, Music, and WritingStory Contest

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100 posts

Hey everybody! I'm going to start a story competition!

I'll post a category, and you have a week to write stories in that category. At the end of the week I'll read your stories and decide whose is the best. I will also provide feedback on each story. Here are the rules:

1. You cannot use inappropriate content or swear words. If you do, you will have NO chance of winning, no matter how good your story is.
2. No plagiarism! Make up your own characters and settings! Plagiarized stories will not win.
3. No blood and gore. I don't want any graphic stories that have too much description. Saying like 'she was bleeding' or 'blood dripped from the wound' is all right, I suppose, but don't go into the gory areas. And do not have carnage! Bloody and gory stories will not be chosen.
4. Try to have good grammar and spelling. If your story is spelled well and if it has fewer grammatical errors, it slightly increases your chances.
5. Try not to make your story super long.
6. No stories where everybody is killed!
7. Have fun with your story and let your creativity shine!

This week's category is:
Write stories where mages and wizards abound!

  • 44 Replies
9,808 posts

I don't promote black magic at all(unless it's black like black holes, dark matter, get it?)

Dem two things ain't magic doe .-.
8,231 posts

I have a bit of spare time, so I'll go for it. If anything I say offends you, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm not good at screening myself.
*looks back over it before I submit* Well, that was a lot longer than I expected. WOOHOO
They said there was a wizard, a being of great magical power. Nobody really knew, and if any were old enough to remember the location, they never said. So all the kingdom had were those most pervasive of things, rumors. A steady flow of them traveled with the merchant caravans from the north, and it was from the north that their troubles lay. Even now, word was spreading that people had seen a dragon, a great big firedrake "with a neck that reached up to the stars and wings that blocked out the sky."
Fear was constant in the city. Considering the fact they were the northernmost of the colonies, would they not be the first ravaged by dragonfire? Would the other cities not see the smoke of their homes staining the sky and take caution?
The king was a good and serious man, though, and sent out multiple envoys to search to find any grains of truth in these rumors, and to split up and try and find the wizard. That was where their hope lay.
The king woke one morning to total darkness. Startled, he pulled on a robe and ran to the window.
His worst fears were realized; the dragon was here, and the time and expense he'd pushed into his searches were all to waste.
But after a moment, he realized that the dragon wasn't burning, wasn't wreaking destruction. There were no screams of pain as leaping orange flames streaked towards the clouds.
There was just an awed silence.
That, and the shape of a child standing in front of the dragon's elongated head, which was resting on the ground in front. It seemed as if they were...talking? Having a conversation? What was this?
He made for the stairs, but by the time he'd made it outside, it was all over. The dragon was nothing but a winged black shape shrinking with each second.
There was no sign of the child. People had stopped in their tracks and had their heads tipped upwards, watching the dragon disappear into the seemingly endless blue sky.
"What happened?" he asked breathlessly of the nearest person, a liveried servant dressed in red and white. It took her a moment to answer.
"The wizard has taken an apprentice," she said in an awed voice.
She blinked at him. "Yes, for the wizard was the dragon. He said he's getting old, and that he needs someone to carry on his legacy. So the girl volunteered, and he carried her away."
"And the dr- the wizard didn't try to harm anyone? Didn't ask anything?"
The maid shook her head. "He just wanted an apprentice. Now, if you'll excuse me sir, I have to deliver this message." She curtsied and disappeared into the castle's hallways.
The king made to follow - he still had kingly duties and all sorts of reassurances to make with allies and ambassadors of enemies and the like - but before he reentered his castle, he took one last moment to glance up at the shadow of the dragon in the sky.
tl;dr version: There's a wizard that's powerful, and there's also a dragon. People are afraid, so the king sends out people to find the wizard. One day the dragon wakes up, comes to town, and picks an apprentice because he's secretly the wizard.
tl;dr tl;dr version: FIRE LIZARD IS A WIZARD YO

100 posts

pangtongshu, I understand what you mean, but if you've played the Epic Battle Fantasy series, you'll know that Natz has black magic, and white magic, and the black magic is stuff like black holes, etc. Also, naturally occurring black holes and dark matter are definitely not magic, but if a human being caused them to appear, especially in a story, can be counted as magic.

100 posts

And StormWalker, you did fine! The length was not a problem, and you didn't offend me in any way! (I'm not good at screening myself either, so we're like two peas in a pod! At least in that respect.) And the

*looks back over it before I submit* Well, that was a lot longer than I expected. WOOHOO
was really funny. And I liked your tl;dr and tl;dr tl;dr versions. Very funny. You have been entered!
4,170 posts

About the eating stick/lion thing, he was eating the stick.

4,170 posts


Why not ask why not?
100 posts

Hahahahaha! Salvidian has a point there, blk2860.
I think we must defer to his superior wit.

100 posts

And as for the black holes, dark matter thing,
I know that they aren't really magic.

It was just a bad pun.
I like puns.

They're very... punny.

100 posts

Okay everyone, the results are in! I will now provide feedback on everyone's entries. Nobody get their feelings hurt now, you knew it was a contest when you joined and that it would come to this.

Congratulations to all of you, but there can only be one winner.

blk2860: Your idea was a good one and your characters were well-executed. You were creative with the names and evidence, and the cause of death.

Salvidian: You did very well with your ideas and the descriptive adjectives were amazing!

StormWalker: Your idea was flawless, and the subtle suspense and mystery threaded through the story added just the right touch. The plot twist at the end was amazing, and I applaud your writing talent.

Congratulations, StormWalker, YOU ARE THE WINNER!

(confetti rains from ceiling)
(colorful lights flash)
(etc. etc. etc.)

This week's category is:

Make your stories funny!

9,808 posts

For future reference, you are going to need your reasoning to be A LOT more than that

8,231 posts

Congratulations, StormWalker, YOU ARE THE WINNER!

(confetti rains from ceiling)
(colorful lights flash)
(etc. etc. etc.)

Comedy, eh? Well, I can only do ridiculously immature things, so I'll get back to you on this.
100 posts

blk2860, it just means... funny. And I'm sorry, everyone has their own medium. But don't worry, yours will come around.

And StormWalker, you can do ridiculously immature, just try to smooth it out a little and sprinkle some maturity on top.

3,386 posts

For future reference, you are going to need your reasoning to be A LOT more than that

Not everyone is gonna sit down and analyze everything, even though it is more beneficial to the writer to have in depth criticism. He technically does not have to even give feedback on anything. You are entering a submission into his contest, and it is his rules. But hopefully he'll realize that if he actually does give good feedback, there is a better chance of more people entering the competition. (hint hint)
Just my two cents here, yo. I may enter at a later date, but for now I'm going to watch. *retreats to shadows*
9,504 posts

For future reference, you are going to need your reasoning to be A LOT more than that

He doesn't *have* to, but some writers would appreciate more analysis if they wish to bud more.

(typically we require more in-depth analyses if there are prizes involved)
9,808 posts

Ahhh...I forgot that the haiku thread gave merits. Jesus it has been a long time

Showing 16-30 of 44