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Greetings all!

We're going to be moving all our game comments, profile comments, MMO comments and editorial comments over to Disqus as early as this Friday. Because of this, I wanted to give you a FAQ to help solve any mysteries on the process...

What about Merits?

Merits will not live on our website in the same way, they can't be tied directly into the Disqus system which means they will no longer be comment-based. A simple Merit system will be created on our launch Friday that will grow more robust with time - allowing moderators/admins to merit people directly. Later e-mail notifications will be added to this as well.

You can also "Feature" a comment in Disqus, so that could also be awarded with your merit.

What about non-AG armatars?

A big concession we had to make with the Disqus system is that a Disqus account trumps our normal user accounts. This means users can name themselves whatever they like, and associate any armatar they like to their profile.

There will be alterations in our rules that discuss impersonation of other users, especially Moderators/Admins that will result in permanent bans. Also utilizing any exclusive armatars will result in a warning and possible further punishment.

Guest Accounts?

Guest accounts will be killed on site, and your real account warned. Guest accounts are not allowed on our Disqus comments.

Colored text for Knights/Admins/Moderators?

Not available right now in Disqus. You'll notice our accounts have "Moderator" next to our names. This text may change, but it means that person has moderator powers over Disqus comments.

What about total comment count?

This should be worked on before launch as well, nobody should lose their comment counts, just add on to their total.

What about old comments?

Still unknown the degree we'll be transferring over old comments. I'd love to hear your opinions though. This obviously is very tedious work, but I think me and @boppins agree that certain games (or comments) should make it over.

If you have any more questions let me know below.

  • 220 Replies
1,318 posts

ok, here's an advantage of using disqus: ag staff doesn't have to check all conversations every few moments, because disqus bots take care of the posts and notify admins when necessary

also, it lets the dev team of this site to focus on important things like site layout or quests instead of comments sections

20 posts

@doqck: sure, that's a nice feature, but surely other platforms offer the same service, without turning out to be absolutely worthless to end users... I mean seriously, there's hardly a day when the thing actually works "normally", it just keep showing One year old comments, even two years old comments (on a game forum that appeared no more than a year and half ago..
Sorry to say that for the past 6(ish) months, Disqus has tuned out to be the crappiest forum platform I've ever seen... I have a hard time understanding how they could still be running with a service that poor.. I mean, occasional glitches & breakdown are totally understandable, but this is close to permanent feature... And they expect people to "sign up", no way am I going to trust those people with one of my emails, not even my junk account!
I definitely do not commend, much less recommend that platform and really wish that AG would turn to something else, I really don't think it could get any worse than what Disqus "offers" (read: &quotuts users through&quot

20 posts

I just did a quick tour of the site, Disqus seems to be working fine everywhere else but on the king of towers page... How could that be? What can we do about it? I mean seriously, I spend almost more time trying to refresh and swapping browsers to find my friends on the page than playing, and the kot community is dying fast, we are now SYSTEMATICALLY thrown back to 8, 9 or 12 months ago, with no possibility to even see our own posts! This is ridiculous...I managed only Twice yesterday to get to a present day, out of ALL DAY!!!! O_+
Can't we do anything about it? Pleaaaaase?

18,319 posts

@balthasarK, I just checked King of Towers and disqus seems to work as normal. Are you sure its not on your end? Make sure the comments are sorted by newest as well.

20 posts

Hi R2D21999, Nope, it wasn't on my end (every single member of the KOT posting communitiy was affected), but it seems a solution was finally found (I'm counting my blessings! ^^): apparently, it was an overload of posts that disqus couldn't handle as all posts were open to answering (from what I can infer from the solution implemented today). All the past posts were closed to answering and everything dumped from the forum page, which started anew, with zero posts... And lo and behold: \o/ Hurray! It worked, we can now log in and get the present page systematically, as far as I can tell problem has been solved and we are all very happy and ecstatic to finally be able to communicate.. On behalf of all the regular and prolific posters of the KOT community, I would like to particularly thank whoever found and implemented this solution (@Ferret, probably?)

12 posts

Please replace disqus... its just another forum, not chat. I'm still waiting on my helpful response to someone to show. 2+ hours just for someone to get an answer to their question?

Garbage garbage garbage. AG has now become a slow blog/forum that hosts games. Not social interaction. I feel like I'm typing emails to people at this sloooow rate. Give us an actual chat room.

8,257 posts

We do have a chat function, with several chat rooms at your disposal or the possibility of having private chats with your friends. You should be able to click on the icon at the very bottom right of the page to open the chat. If you don't see anything, perhaps you have turned it off in your profile settings?

12 posts

Tell that to the people asking questions on disqus. Not all games have a chat room either.

1 posts

Hello I have this account from maybe 1 year and today I decide to coment but the system tells me that I am not authenticate my account, how is this posiblle? I check my email but their was nothing form you. Can you help me, please?

1 posts

I don't want a disqus account. Can I still play on AG?

Showing 211-220 of 220