ForumsGamesThe Mathematics of GemCraft CS:

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15 posts

I am curious about some of the mathematics in the game.

For example, if I have a quad gem,
red -white - orange - black
Now it will give me a total damage, in this case lets say 20,000 to 80,000
it will give me multi hit, lets say 75
it will give me mana leech lets say 1000
after that I have poobound x20
and bloodbound x5
also a quad multiplier
now is the multipliers and the blood and pool already calculated into the total, or do they tack that on afterwards,
also that question goes for amplifiers is it included in the damage, or is it added on after. (i think amplifiers are included)
so will the blood and pool multiply what you receive from the amplifier?

also enraging waves
is it the same if I enrage a stone with 12 tier 13 gems, as opposed to 6 tier 14 gems?

basically I want to know what I am dealing with, and what is the best possible way to farm the max amount of xp, I dont really like the fact that I am forced to play with swarms because I dont get much xp from them,
anyhow just by looking at this game there is a lot that goes into math just to make this operate.
really cool if you think about it.

  • 42 Replies
641 posts

1. Pool + blood multipliers are already added, so the mana per hit you see is the final amount(multiplied by chain hits and shots per second, AFAIK with my grade 59 gem experiences, chain length in trap corresponds to how many monsters on top of the trap it can hit at once). Pool + Blood = total multiplier, they are additive not multiplicative. That is why blood races ahead of pool later on.

2. Amps do not get any pool or blood bonus from the amplified gem nor the amp itself. Making amps seriously useless in higher levels.

3. Higher the grade, more XP and monsters per anger. If you want to reach the monster cap(999) with fewest HP and Armor, anger with the highest grade gem that doesn't drain all your mana. going for XP? Anger highest grade w/o losing too much for your mana farm.

Mind- NEVER underestimate the power of red-yellow-white(black to be added in later after it has accumulated billions of hits in a red-black gem to combine in later), my grade 43 gem can kill quintillions of HP in one hit. That is, if anything could move beyond my mana farm thanks to permafreeze and 90% slows.

641 posts

PS- My new endurance run is at wave 15 and I already have grade 50 gem.

5 posts

can you make a video ?

641 posts

I did It'll be uploaded after I edit it and make it all cool. Of course I videoed it hehe, only someone who is 100% brag-free(which is's human nature and perfectly okay xD) wouldn't.

641 posts

Though...I'm level 1895(V1.06 jumps from 141 to 563 to 2333) so it might be hard for you to replicate me, but I think similar stuff can be done on a slightly smaller scale at about level shouldn't be too hard to do all settings but manalock and adaptive carapace at level 150ish on glaring/haunting and get that jump. Might need good talismans to do so though. Remember, MAX POOLBOUND AND ORANGE to get good mana.

5 posts

that's why i do , i am around 1300, can do the most difficulty runs easily and have good talismans, just way too lazy to figure out the most efficent way >.>.. But grade 59 gem within turn 15 that i wanna see

17 posts

chain length in trap corresponds to how many monsters on top of the trap it can hit at once)

You sure about that. Everything I read and have seen is that Chain Length has nothign to do with the number of monster. Red gems at most will only ever hit 2 monsters and the length is only how far it can chain to the 2nd target. Its not like the old chain hit where it can hit multiple monsters.
26 posts

@Dragonmaster0283 I'm at a little over level 2k, and I can confirm that Chain can defintely hit more than 2 monsters at the same time. The easy way to see it is to have a level 20 slow-chain-poolbound gem on a trap, and summon 999 monsters. When the first one htis it, you will see tons of slow icons on the mobs queue.

30 posts

2. Amps do not get any pool or blood bonus from the amplified gem nor the amp itself. Making amps seriously useless in higher levels.

That is wrong. Firstly, pool/bloodboond in amlified gem multiplies amplifying gems' bonus, secondly, let's calculate how does it work.
Say we have:
a w/o/r gem (*)
True Colors â" +180% for pure stones damage/specials and +200% for combined
Amplifiers (skill) â" +24% range/firing speed spread, +8% damage/specials spread (for total 28% damage, 23% special, 34% range and firing speed spread)
So, let amount of mana leeching by orange component in gem (*) be X. Then (*) gem will leech X * 0.5 * 3 * pool_multiplier * trap_multiplyer. Here 0.5x is combining penalty and 3x is True Colors bonus. Then, let amplify this (*) gem with pure orange gem (**) with the same level. It will cost almost the same (assuming red component in (*) is low level) and it will leech X * 2.8 * 1.38 (1.38 is bonus for grading up, 2.8 is for True Colors), so it will amplify (*) gem leeching for X * 2.8 * 1.38 * 0.23 * pool_multiplier * trap_multiplyer, plus it will increase firing speed by 0.34 firing speed of (**) (but as (*) actually is a bit faster, because orange is slower, than white, let say it will be 0.3 bonus firing speed for (*)). Total bonus from amlifying will be (2.8 * 1.38 * 0.23) / (0.5 * 3) + 0.3 = 0.89 (or 0.59 if we don't count firing speed), so with amplifying we have 1.89x (1.59x) power! Compare with 1.38 * 1.06 * 1.18 = 1.72x (1.38 * 1.06 = 1.46x) for grading (*) up for the same amount of mana (1.18 is firing speed boost for grading, 1.06 is approximate boost for white gem component grading in (*)).
That was rough calculating, let see the example: 13 grade w/o/r stone with low level r component leeches 16089 mana per hit (7.63 firing speed) without amplifying and 52184 mana (14.87 firing speed) amplified by 3 pure oranges of the same grade. So, it has x3.24 bonus for mana leeching per hit (x1.95 bonus firing speed) for x4 amount of mana. If we don't use amplification and just grade gem up 3 times, we spend x8 amount of mana for getting 50412 mana per hit (12.54 firing speed). So we spent double amount of money and got even less bonus.
For attacking gem it will be similar, but bonus will be smaller (but still amplified gem will be more powerful than his graded version), so it's reasonable to use attacking without amplifying.
30 posts

But you can use one amplifier for two or even for 3 towers/traps as well, so you can get even more.

This forum has an awful engine. No editing, poor formatting options and it replaces em dash (&mdash) with 2 questioned diamonds.

72 posts

Red gems at most will only ever hit 2 monsters and the length is only how far it can chain to the 2nd target. Its not like the old chain hit where it can hit multiple monsters.

Start a fairly easy map and make a tier ~6 red-white gem. Enrage the first wave a few times and write down # of monsters. Play on slow and count how many shots it takes for the tower to kill them all. It'll be less than you think.
84 posts

Thunderrider, here's a question for you. What ratios do you use for poolbound/mana on your farm gems, and how does the ideal ratio change with the advancement of the mana pool?

I usually start with one red(1), two white(1), five orange(1) and combine that, then make 3/8 white/orange x3 and combine all of those so i wind up with a gem that is mostly 3/8 white/orange with a tiny touch of red... but i wonder if a better ratio would work better at higher levels.

If I'm doing a serious mana farm then every 2-4 traps will have a blue component as well, but I don't make all my farm gems 4color because the special hit is too much.

But anyway - ratio vs mana pool level, what are your thoughts? The same question applies to yellow/pb too.

641 posts

My mana farm is currently a equal distribution of red white black orange.

Now before you object- With this setup I have grade 50 gem by wave 15 on easiest settings and level 1895.

And I think with a bit more planning I could get 52-53 by the same time after a few revisions.

Also, I use a single gem farm, with slow before and after(well will be once my killgem's bloodbound component gains a respectable 500 million hits or so...

641 posts

**** no edit button. I want to say, look in the pic....blood already has higher multiplier than poolbound. By grade 59(my last quitted run) it had almost 600x multiplier while pool was floundering at 150.

14 posts

We would really like to see your video, including a view of your skillset and the used battle traits

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