ForumsSupport Forum[Moved] All Levels and Exp Lost :(

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3 posts

When I was playing the game (strike force heroes 2) it suddenly froze so I had to reload the page. After I reloaded I re-logged into my account and all my levels where deleted. The fact that I had a level 24 sniper is now no longer true. I also lost all of my special abilities, armor, and weapons. This is very disappointing and I would like to ask if there is any way I could get back my stuff. My username is wawa97007 plz help.

  • 7 Replies
574 posts
Grand Duke

There is an online save and a local save. There save slots on the right are local (Saved to computer). Did you clear cache? I checked my game which i haven't played in months and my save is still there.

Did you not use the left online save (saved on the website)?

3 posts

Iv'e never done anything specific to save my game because it always saved automatically. It even says in the tips that the game auto saves. I also do not know what cache means or is but I never changed any options.

574 posts
Grand Duke

When you first play there is a save slot you need to pick. It does auto-save after but you must first select where it goes.

Cache is data which is stored by computers that allows the information to be stored on your computer (your save data). Cache can be cleared in browsers by using tool bar. If you switch the browser the save might not appear because the cache information is on the other browser. Seeing as how you save directly to computer it is unlikely cache got removed as that option to save locally puts the information in a secure space. It can be found somewhere in the "my computer" Drive C, Program files, then under the file of the browser you use. You can just search for name of file which should have the name of game in it.

Is there a chance you could of hit the X to delete to save when you were selecting the save to play?

3,174 posts

I moved this to the support for it's better suited there.

As for your problem, some games save locally on to your computer, some games save online to a server, and some games have the option for both. Strike Force Heroes 2 is a game that has the option for both.

when a game saves locally to your computer the save data is connect to the web browser you are using and the browsers temporary folders. If the browser's history, cookies, or data is cleared you most likely will delete the folder that contained your save data.

My guess is that your game was saved locally and when your game froze, something cleared your browser data and that also deleted your save data.

I might be able to help you. Are you using Windows? If you are using windows what version (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8)? Also, what browser were you playing the game in (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome)?

3 posts

i usually play on my home computer, windows 7, and use Google Chrome.
when I lost all my staff - at that day I was using library computer, not sure what version they use;

3,174 posts

Library computer. So you were using online save feature? Ferret, the administrator might be able to help you. But I can't guarantee it. :[

2 posts

guys I have the same problem I feel ya

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