ForumsGame Walkthroughsgemcraft: chasing shadows: guide for low-levels.

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635 posts

This is not a guide for grade-100 gems.

Welcome to chasing shadows, where a LOT of stuff is going on.

In order of difficulty and complexity: "gemcraft"( chapter one), gemcraft chapter 0, gemcraft labyrinth, gemcraft chapter 2: chasing shadows.

It is advised to play at least chapter 1, in order to familiarize yourself with the fundamental concepts of gemcraft.

"so what color do I use?"

The best colors at low levels are red, yellow, and to a lesser extent, black.

Pure orange becomes usefull once beam is unlocked. white may be substituted for black if only white is available.

Poison and cyan are only usefull below wiz level 10, or on very specific maps (like the one where you can only build traps).
Blue and purple are moderately usefull support colors

"what grade do I use, and how many gems should I have?"

rule of thumb: any gem meant to do actual damage should have 2 to 4 times as much MINIMUM damage as the ARMOR level of the reavers. (reaver=normal monster.). Untill you get amps, 3-4 killgems is typical. after amps, you'll usually use 1 killgem-a tower surrounded by 8 amps, with maybe a few anti-swarmling towers attached to the sides.

"but what about rain, snow..."


and now for the most important strategy of all: anger management.

[since "anger management" sounds much cooler than "enraging properly", we shall use the older term "to anger"]

To anger a wave, simply toss a gem-bomb on the wavestone. This means more monsters in that wave, which means more mana from that wave!

...provided you anger with the correct grade.
look at the managain per monster of the target wave. You may multiply the managain out if you wish.
below 15: do not anger. (happens with swarms)
15-45: anger with grade 1's. g1
45-72: g2's
72-120: g3's
120-240: g4's
240+: g5's.

This table is calibrated for normal reavers. it does not apply to giants, swarms*, or altered reavers. (possesed?) For these, either use delta(sumoned) over delta(gem cost), or use some common sense.

*it may be used for swarms if you really want to, as you won't outright lose mana. You won't max your managain either.

Great! now you'll maximize the net managain per anger!

so. "how many times do I anger", you say?

if you are relying on multiple gems to do damage, look at your second-strongest gem. If you have only one killgem, look at it.

look at the gem's minimum damage.

Half that.

Half it again if you're nervous, or multiply by 1.5 to throw caution to the wind.
Anger till the armor excceeds the number.

"but what about hp?"
using this rule of thumb causes the hp to magically fall into line

If you find yourself struggling because, say, you don't have red or yellow on a level, simply drop to a slightly lower angering grade and a slightly smaller number of angers.

by the time you get to levels with a starting hp of 180+, you'll be comfortable enough with the rules of angering to adjust your strategy accordingly.

coming soon: skillpoint management, or "don't spend all your skillpoints!"

  • 29 Replies
504 posts

So I investigated the reason that I speculated and confirmed that it is completely true. Not all reavers are the same. The special reavers (twisted, possessed, etc) can have different reactions to angering in terms of number of creatures. Grade 1 appears the same so far in my investigations, but higher grades can summon different amounts of monsters than posted above (sometimes they summon the same amount, other times they do not).

So the angering tables above do have mathematical errors in that not all reavers react the same way to angering - the special reavers can react differently. This is similar to the fact that reavers do not react the same way as swarmlings/giants and should be expected given the variations observed in the special reavers.

So once again, the table appears to only work for normal reavers, not the rest of the reavers. I hope finally proving this can allow for improved information on how to anger effectively.

Unfortunately, most of the reavers in my levels are not normal reavers, which is probably why I found that the angering forumlae in this table did not work properly much of the time. (and yes I am aware that I probably have more special reavers because I have to farm for xp with high difficulty glaring missions due to the pouch not being available and thus mana farming/endurance not available)

635 posts

well. That's an interesting find...

And a bit more applicable to mid-level strategy than true low level strategy.

635 posts

That also explains why I failed to notice it: past wave 50 I would simply eyeball everything, thus instinctively avoiding the flaw in the plan.

504 posts

That is definitely true that it may be more applicable to mid-level play.

504 posts

Actually, this problem arises by level 50, because you are heavily relying on increased difficulty maps in order to level up. So the table works ok for lower levels like 1-50, but becomes a problem after that.

48 posts

Does the talisman plus % experience work for people who don't have the pouch? I can't tell. I have almost all talisman with plus experience %. I found a few with plus skills I'd like to use, but they don't have the plus experience %.

268 posts

The best way to know is to check your Mana Pool in a stage. When you mouse over it, you should see several things :

Mana Replenish : _____ per minute
Mana pool XP gain multiplier : x____
Talisman XP gain multiplier : x_____
Orblets mana gain multiplier : x_____
Mana pool mana gain multiplier : x_____

Orblets only appears if you are using the trait, so without the pouch, you won't see it. That's not the one you want to pay attention to, anyway. Talisman XP gain multiplier should be the sum of 1.00 plus the decimal value of all of your talisman xp modifiers.

48 posts

I don't see any difference in the mana pool stats with the XP talisman's in I guess I've been saving the wrong talisman.

258 posts

The % level is worth keeping though not worth using below level 200 odd. It adds a flat number so you start the level with some xp (the mana's what you care about), the x % more xp is the one that'll show up somewhere under the mana info (there's a separate line for talisman).

Things on talisman you should actually care about below 200: flat amount of starting mana, freeze or curse increased duration and anything else spell related (% more charge is nice, but don't sweat upgrading those).

As far as the OP, he must have a lot of skill points invested because red or yellow are hard to start with (low damage, slower fire rate). Start with mana when you have beam, back up with a one lower grade triple of the best damage + fastest gems usually blue + pink + green depending on what you have unlocked. When you can buy a grade 6, then go for yellow unless there's black on the map, then or + black forever. Add some slow towers or traps (depending on map layout) as you can too, they help tons. Also recognize that with low skill points, another gem is going to be more useful than a one grade higher gem.

I've done about 2/3 of the hexes below level 50, there really isn't that much to sweat about. There's the occasionally oddly placed tome you need to make things tricky (often the maps people get stuck on), it's just the random shadow or occasional specter that grabs a gem I need that causes me to lose.

48 posts

There are two types of experience gains listed on the talisman. One that reads % of wizard level goes to initial xp and mana. That one to work. There is another one that says % XP gained. It's the % xp gained I'm not sure works for non-pouch players.

258 posts

Weird, there used to be a whole string of numbers after xp in the wave stone info panel.

Have 5% more xp from talisman, critter xp numbers were too low to show that, but did gain about 1% more for the level than was displayed at the end too. Turned on show xp awards, there's some numbers over the orb, usually when a wave starts (not the kill counter xp). Not sure what's doing what.

504 posts

I've always found that both of those xp boosts do work and I don't have access to the pouch. If I remember right, the initial mana adds to various xp values that sequentially increase throughout the field and the flat bonus applies at the end.

1 posts

I disagree. Poison traps are very effective against giants. And it`s the most common so etc when you don`t have either a red, yellow, orange or whatever, only cyan and purple, what to do? You always have poison. If well used, traps can deal huge damage, even to the giants, only with green. Killgems and Managems are useful, but i stay that poison if very useful gem.

2 posts

Hi guys,

I'm level 120 and I play without the Pouch on Chasing Shadows.

I have a problem with my initial mana: with my skills points, xp and talismants and so, I can get a 1,057 initial mana bonus (for example). However, I start sometimes some games with only 400 mana... It looks like I can't get any initial mana bonus.

I wanted to know why and how could I solve my problem.


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